

The Buzz

Message from the Head of School
Thank you to all the Year 1 and Year 2 parents that attended the welcome meetings this week. It was a great opportunity to share the expectations for the year and how you can support your child with their learning at home. The slides were emailed to parents so please have a look if you were unable to attend. Please remember to check which days your child needs to come into school in PE kit.
Please can I urge all parents to have a look weekly at the ‘Calendar of Events’ tab under Useful Links at the end of The Buzz. As a school we pride ourselves on our organisation and most things are put on there with plenty of notice. The welcome meetings were put on there and our website before we broke up for the summer however, we had a number of parents say they knew nothing about the welcome meetings for Y1 and Y2.
Communication is a struggle in any organisation, we want to do our best to get this right and we appreciate your feedback.
It has been wonderful to welcome our Reception children into school this week. We welcomed 10 new pupils into each class Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to ensure their start to school was as successful as possible. It was a joy to walk into each Reception class and see the children settling in so well. The children are getting to grips with the routines, getting to know their teachers and making new friends.
I want to welcome all of our new families who have joined us and I look forward to getting to know you this term.
At HISN we are always thankful to parents / family members who are able to make a regular commitment to come into school and help. This might be hearing children read, working with a small group or supporting on visits. All volunteers must attend a short, annual volunteer briefing. The dates of these meetings are as follows:
🐝Hampton Junior School - Friday 20th September at 2.30pm
🐝Hampton Infant School and Nursery - Wednesday 25th September at 9am
🐝Hampton Junior School - Friday 27th September at 9.15am
The presentations from myself and Mr James are the same, so you can attend either school.
Have a lovely weekend.
Claire Cook
Head of School
After school club
There are spaces available in the drama afterschool club. If you would like to register your child please follow the link on the club timetable (at the end of this newsletter).
Makaton Sign of the Week
Certificate of Excellence
Certificates have been handed for following the HPP principle of:-
AM Nursery Charlie S
PM Nursery Zayne
1B Tristan
1C Arthur
1D Devadatta
1GC Rudy
2B Kanaya
2D Kylian
2M Sybella
2P Morgan
🟨 Nursery
"Hello everyone!
What a wonderful first week we have had in Nursery. We have all been very busy getting to know our new friends and having lots of fun playing.
During learning time, we learnt about our whole body and found where our looking eyes and listening ears are. We also introduced ourselves to our class, saying our names and sharing what our favourite food is. We have loved splashing around with the water play too - enjoying making the water wheels turn around!
A favourite activity in our Nursery has quickly become squishing and squashing the playdough to make very yummy playdough cakes.
Our class Giraffes, Gemma and Giles, have loved reading us lots of stories too - we laughed lots when Lanky Len fell into the pond!
We have had a brilliant week settling into our new classroom and we can't wait to find out what we will learn next week.
Time to Talk
We all know how important talking at home is for exposing children to a wide range of vocabulary and ideas. This all helps them with not only their language skills, giving them the tools for communication and the vocabulary to express themselves, talking also supports their reading and inspires them to become future writers. Each week we will share an idea with you for 'talk homework' with your child.
This week, we have been thinking about being kind. Discuss what kindness means and the ways we can show kindness too. How does it make people feel when you show kindness? How does it make you feel? Here is a quick kindness video to get the conversation started, can you spot the different acts of kindness? If you like, try creating a kindness jar, filling the jar up with all the kind words and actions you notice your child doing.
Happy chatting!
🟥 Reception
It has been wonderful to welcome all of Reception into their new classes this week. The children have spent time getting to know their new classrooms, teachers and friends and getting used to the routines and structure of school. Eating packed lunch in the hall today was an exciting highlight for many, and we were very impressed by how calmly the children ate their lunches.
We played the 'Name Game' every day where the children had the opportunity to introduce themselves to their classmates if they wanted to. The children also enjoyed continuous provision activities including playdough, painting, junk modelling, using a sensory tray and more.
On the playground, the children enjoyed discovering different areas of the space, like the mud kitchen and the stage, and were excited about the performances they might do in future! It has been lovely to see the children begin to settle into their new learning environment and make new friends.
Thank you all for your support in getting the children in on time, it is hugely appreciated.
Time to talk Reception
We all know how important talking at home is for exposing children to a wide range of vocabulary and ideas. This all helps them with their reading and to become future writers. Each week we will share an idea with you for 'talk homework' with your child.
As the children will be having packed lunches tomorrow and next week, you could discuss together what they might like in their packed lunch, what their favourite foods are and what foods other children might have. Maybe you could think of a packed lunch that a favourite teddy might like, and how this might differ from their own.
🟦 Year 1
The children have made a fantastic start to the new school year, settling beautifully into the new environment and quickly picking up the routines of year 1. We are very impressed by the wonderful start they have made so far.
We have had great fun getting to know each other through our ‘Marvellous Me’ topic, writing facts about ourselves, our likes and dislikes and using our questioning skills to find out information about our peers.
We have been using lots of practical resources to sort, count and represent numbers in maths lessons, and we have been learning about internal and external body parts in science, using our amazing knowledge to label these.
We have also been focusing on our feelings and emotions, particularly during this transitional time, discussing why we might feel a certain way and how we can manage these appropriately. We have been using the Zones of Regulation to communicate our feelings and creating toolkits to support us and our peers in dealing with these.
In history, we have been studying toys, discussing how and why they might change as we get older. We looked at various toys and sorted them into groups according to age.
In art, we have been exploring the theme of ‘portraits’, looking at famous pieces by artists such as Vincent Van Gough and Leonardo Di Vinci. We discussed the different features of each portrait and looked carefully at their detail before trying our hand at our very own self-portraits.
We have also been discussing what technology is in computing, looking at various forms of technology and how it helps us in our everyday lives. We then used our knowledge to sort different objects into two categories, technology and not technology.
We have had a fun week full of exciting new learning and are eager to discover more about just how amazing we all are through our topic!
🟩 Year 2
Welcome to Year 2! What a fantastic first week we have had getting to know each other. We have been so impressed with how well the children have returned after the summer break and it has been wonderful to welcome back all the smiling faces every morning.
The children have shown fantastic independence as they find their way to their new classrooms and remember where to put their belongings. We spent the first few days of the term learning our new routines and reminding each other about the expectations in school. We spent some time in PSHE thinking about the ‘Zones of regulation’ and wowed the teachers with our knowledge of how to use the toolbox to get back into the green zone ready to learn.
This week we have enjoyed reading the new focus text ‘The secret sky garden’. It is a wonderful story written by Linda Sarah and illustrated by Fiona Lumbers. We have immersed ourselves in the story and thought carefully about the characters and the adventures they go on together. We have been busy designing our own secret sky garden and have thought carefully about the amazing vocabulary we can use to describe them.
In Maths we have been thinking about two digit numbers and the place value they hold. We have been using representations of base 10 to support partitioning numbers into tens and ones. Our teachers have been amazed at our incredible maths knowledge and reasoning skills. We will continue to use our base tens and represent numbers in part-whole models through next week.
Our most exciting learning this week has been all about ‘The Great Fire of London’ in History. We all shared at the start of term that we were most excited about this topic in Year 2. We will be exploring how and why the fire started and using primary and secondary sources to provide us with information like true historians!
We will be building a collage in Art to represent a new secondary source of what the ‘great fire’ might have looked like. We have already been learning collage techniques such as scrunching, twisting, creasing and layering to help prepare for our final collage.
In Science we have been thinking about materials, we have been describing the properties and then sorting them depending on their properties. We then thought carefully about what materials would be best for different items. For example what material would be the most appropriate for a window?
So much incredible learning is already happening in Year 2 and we are so excited for the rest of the year!
The well being and safety of our children is everyone's responsibility. If you have concerns about a child please contact SPA on 547 5008 or out of hours on 0208 744 2442.
Useful Links
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815