1st Quarter 2nd Grade Newsletter
August - October, 2024
Welcome Back!
Quarter 1 Curriculum
Math- Students will ask questions, collect, analyze, and represent data using bar and picture graphs. They will also develop basic fact fluency in addition and subtraction using multiple strategies.
Reading/ELA- Students will focus on story elements in fictional text to write narratives and opinion pieces. Daily choral reading & partner reading allows for fluency practice. Students will demonstrate comprehension by responding to text.
Word Study- Students will review short and long vowel spelling patterns and "r" controlled vowel sounds and spellings.
Science- Students will understand how science is a part of daily life and study different life cycles of animals, insects, and plants.
Social Studies - Students will develop map skills.
Beginning of Year Assessments
The beginning of the year is a crucial time to collect important data. This set of data will be what guides our future instruction, what drives our interventions, and will be what we compare our mid-year and end of year data to. We ask that you ensure your students have an adequate amount of sleep each night, and are arriving to school on time. All your help and support of our students' success is appreciated.
Happy Birthday!!
8th - Emma W. - Ms. Whitaker's Class
9th - Sebastian C. - Ms. Whitaker's Class
19th - Morrissey M. - Mr. Frye's Class
1st - Zahra - Mrs. Rieger's Class
10th - Emma - Mrs. Rieger's Class
7th - Michaela B. - Ms. Holley's Class
12th - Dylan B. - Ms. Holley's Class
23rd - Clarke S. - Ms. Millward's Class
10th - Avery T. - Ms. Millward's Class
15th - Charlin V. - Ms. Millward's Class
31st - Henry C. - Ms. Henry's Class
11th -Tyriq W. - Ms. Whitaker's Class
22nd - Santiago J. - Ms. Whitaker's Class
15th - Greyson H. - Mr. Frye's Class
20th - Sam M. - Mr. Frye's Class
5th - Sunny - Mrs. Rieger's Class
10th - Luis - Mrs. Rieger's Class
10th - Rarity - Mrs. Rieger's Class
13th - Adonis F. - Ms. Holley's Class
23rd - Yeremy O. - Ms. Holley's Class
28th - Andrea S. - Ms. Holley's Class
27th - Ruth H. - Ms. Henry's Class
16th - Anmol M. - Ms. Henry's Class
4th - Penelope N. - Mr. Frye's Class
22nd- Christopher M. - Mr. Frye's Class
25th - Tristan K. - Mr. Frye's Class
Upcoming Field Trips
Save the Date! 2nd Grade has a field trip scheduled for October 11th, 2024. We will be visiting Vostrikov Ballet Academy to see Puss in Boots!
Further details to come. Keep checking your child's yellow folder! 😁
First Week of School Highlights
Recess Safety
On the first day of school, 2nd grade students gathered on the black top to discuss rules and expectations for the playground. Safety is extremely important when playing on the playground. Please ask your student to tell you what some of our playground rules and expectations are.
Some responses may be:
-going down the slide, not up
-not climbing on top of the monkey bars or climbing wall
-using equipment safely and appropriately
-taking turns
-keeping swings where they are and not raising them higher
-asking friends to play if they look lonely