Wildcat Weekly
September 2-6
Would you like to be a BOG Volunteer Proctor on 9/12?
Thank you for a great first week of school! Our students have been learning the rules and procedures in their classes and getting to know their classmates. The car rider lines have been running smoothly and students have been ready to exit the car when you arrive in the mornings, keep doing a great job!
Important Reminders:
1. Monday is a holiday for staff and students.
2. Please label your child's outerwear, lunch boxes and water bottles. In case items get lost, they'll be easy to return to their owner.
3. Free and reduced lunch applications are available. If you received free or reduced lunch last year, you will need to fill out a new form for this year; these are completed annually. Breakfast is $2 and lunch is $3.50. To fill out a meal application or create an account to put money on your student's account, please visit LINQConnect.com
4. A technology fee of $15 is due this week for all students. Make sure you have signed permission for your child to have their 1:1 device.
5. Attendance notes need to be sent in within 2 days of any absences. Per county policy after that we are not allowed to make corrections and the absence will remain unexcused.
*Change for this year: Please send all attendance notes on a separate sheet of paper, include your child's legal name and their homeroom teachers name on the note. Notes written in the agenda would have to be copied and we can not guarantee that they would be copied and turned in on time to our data manager to excuse.
6. Students new to NC public schools and Kindergarteners are required to have a NC Health Assessment completed in the last 12 months. If one is not on file by September 25, the student will not be able to attend school.
We're an A+ School!
Car Rider Information
AM Procedures
1. As you approach the school, please get in the turning lane near the main entrance and follow the directions given by the law enforcement officer. When you enter the campus, you will need to quickly choose a lane and you must stay in your selected lane.
2. If you are going to drop your child off – either lane is fine. (If you need to park, you must choose lane 1 as this will allow you to follow the arrows and then turn left to find a parking space. NEVER cross lanes of traffic once on campus!)
*Please note- for safety reasons, students and staff are the only people permitted to enter the building prior to 8:00am. (Kindergarten parents will receive specific guidance from their teacher on arrival procedures and Independence Day). Parents and guests may only enter the building prior to 8:00am with a confirmed appointment. In this event, the staff member will meet the parent/guest in the check-in area. Parents and guests must always present a picture id to the staff member on duty.
3. Children may be dropped off in the morning beginning at 7:25am in the designated area in the front of the school only. (Dropping students off in the bus lot or in any of the parking lots is not acceptable at any time.) Staff members and the student safety patrol are on duty to help direct campus traffic and unload children.
PM Procedures
1. Parents will inform the classroom teacher at the beginning of the school year how their child will primarily get home each day.
2. At dismissal, students are escorted to the appropriate dismissal area. Parents who are in the pick-up line are always expected to remain in their vehicle. While on campus, we request that you observe the 5-mph speed limit. The use of cell phones or any other electronic device while in the pick-up / drop-offline is strictly prohibited. We are a tobacco free campus, and the use of tobacco products is prohibited.
3. Parents who choose to pick up their child from school, must display the PICK-UP CARD in the window on the driver’s side with the student’s name, grade, and teacher’s name for easy visibility. (Parents enter the campus using the bus entrance.) If the pick-up card is not displayed for any reason, the parent must park, come into the school, and present a picture ID for your child to be released. Your child will be released when it is convenient to do so as the dismissal procedure cannot be compromised. Staff members on duty are charged with the safety and well-being of each child.
August and September Important Dates
September 2 Holiday (no school for staff and students)
September 3 Kindergarten Color Day Red Day, First Day of Pre K
September 4th Kindergarten Color Day Blue (Independence Day)
September 5th Kindergarten Color Day Yellow
September 6 Kindergarten Color Day Green
September 9 Kindergarten Color Day Orange
September 10 Kindergarten Color Day Brown
September 11 Kindergarten Color Day Pink/ Purple
September 12 Kindergarten Color Day Black/ White/ Gray, 3rd grade BOG
September 13 Kindergarten Color Day Rainbow
September 16 International Dot Day
September 18-27 Booster-Thon
September 18 Booster-thon Kick Off
September 19 Volunteer Training @ 9:30, @ 5:00
September 23 Progress Reports
September 25 Early Release/Pre-K Work Day
September 25 PAC Meeting @ 9
September 26 Fun Run
September 30 Courtyard Opens