The Paradise Press
September 2024 Information
September Calendar Info
Click the button below to view the calendar for September. Information for the Daily Specials Schedule for Grades 1 through 4 is listed further down the page.
- 09/02/2024 - NO SCHOOL/HOLIDAY - School Closed
- 09/06/2024 - Fall Picture Day
- 09/12/2024 - PTO meeting; 6 pm - Library
- 09/13/2024 - EARLY DISMISSAL (12 noon); pm In-service for teachers
- 09/18/2024 - FIRST GRADE FAMILIES - Popsicles on the Playground - 4-6 pm
- 09/20/2024 - PTO online spirit wear fundraiser ends
- 09/26/2024 - Online Project TEAM fundraiser ends (11:59 pm)
- 09/27/2024 - PTO Touch-A-Truck Event - 6-8 pm
September Menus
Click the buttons below to view the breakfast and lunch menu for September.
Picture Day
Friday, September 6, 2024
Order forms were sent home with students. There are several options for placing an order:
- online orders - no need to return the order from on picture day. Simply click the online order button below to place your order. FYI--picture day ID: EVTXKBXNR
- paper orders - complete this form and return on picture day to give to the photographer.
Back-to-School Forms - Reminder
Back-to-School forms are available in Sapphire for parents/guardians to complete. When you log in to your Sapphire account, the required forms will be on the home page for each child.
Required Forms Awaiting Completion – Please complete by September 13th:
- Appendix A – Handbook Acknowledgment
- Appendix F – COPPA/FERPA Acknowledgment
- Permission to Administer Tylenol/Antacid (Grades 5 – 12 only)
- iPad Protection Plan Choice (Grades 3 – 12 only)
- Student Data Card
Optional Forms
Optional forms are NOT required to be submitted and are available in Sapphire's Student Data Forms section if you elect to submit them.
Log in to Sapphire today to get started!
A friendly reminder that absences must be submitted via the Sapphire Community Web Portal. Visit the Attendance web page on the District website for all of the details.
Rules of "3"- Absence excuses and medical notes (if applicable) must be submitted within three (3) school days of the absence to the Sapphire Portal. Once the absence excuse/medical note is in the Sapphire Portal, the school building does not need a physical copy of the note.
- A Doctor’s excuse is required if a student is out of school due to illness for 3 or more consecutive days. The doctor’s note must be submitted with the absence excuse form in the Sapphire Community Portal upon the student’s return to school for the absence to be excused.
Full Day Absent vs Half Day Absent vs Tardy
· The school day begins at 8:45am. The school day ends at 3:15pm.
· Tardy time is defined as arriving at school within 90 minutes of the start of the school day or leaving 90 minutes prior to dismissal.
· Half Day is defined as arriving at school after 10:16am or leaving school after 12:05pm.
· Full Day absence is defined as not being present in school all day or leaving before/arriving after 12:05pm
Why Does Attendance Matter?
iPad Protection Plan
Avoid costly repair fees by purchasing the iPad Protection Plan. The plan covers repairs due to accidental damage throughout the school year.
- The iPad Protection Plan is an optional, non-refundable protection plan for students in grades 3 - 12 since they must take their school-issued iPad home daily.
- Students in grades K - 2 will keep their iPads at school unless their teacher asks them to be taken home for a special circumstance. Since they are not required to take their iPad home, they will not be liable for damage unless it is deliberately damaged.
For students in grades 3 – 12, the protection plan can only be purchased up to October 1 of the current school year. The parent/guardian will not be charged if an iPad gets damaged before then. No payments will be accepted after October 1, and the repair cost will be invoiced to the parent/guardian.
Students enrolling in the school district during the year will have 30 days after their enrollment date to purchase the protection plan.
Fitness Corner
Please click the button below to view Mrs. Bortner's September newsletter.
News from the Nurse
Please click the button to review information from the school nurse.
Please consider sending an extra change of clothes for your child's backpack in the event your child needs an extra change of clothes during the school day.
Report Card Update
Please watch the video below from Mrs. Rittle regarding how report cards will be graded this year. The button below also has important information on grading for report cards.
Tech Help
PTO Interest Survey
Parents, please take a moment to answer this 3 question survey from the PTO about areas where you could volunteer your time and talent. There are small opportunities, such as dropping off needed food/non food items; volunteer opportunities, such as helping at the book fair; organizing and planning opportunities, such as attending the monthly meetings and helping with teacher/staff appreciation. By completing the survey, you will receive emails with sign up links related only to the areas you select. Please click the link below now and take 1 minute to see how you can be a part of the team. THANK YOU!
Specials Schedule
Day 1 - Fitness or Art/String Lessons
Day 2 - Art or Fitness
Day 3 - Fitness or Library
Day 4 - Library or Fitness/Instrumental Lessons
Day 5 - Wellness or Music
Day 6 - Music or Wellness
Please note that students in grades 1 through 4 will have two days of Fitness this year. It is important that they wear sneakers on the days they have Fitness. The September calendar above has the dates for the specials schedule.