Principal's Update
Bethlehem Elementary School Week of 10/7/24
School Pledge
Vision of a Learner
In support of our mission, we want the students in our Region 14 communities to be future ready. To ensure that all of our learners are prepared for the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century, we have developed a common understanding of the skills and qualities that will help them to thrive in life.
Our History
Region 14 BOE/District Goals
- Academic Performance - The district will strive to improve academic performance for all students on multiple assessment indicators and the staff will be committed to continuous improvement.
- Communication - Region 14 will develop partnerships with all stakeholders in the school community to highlight the exemplary programs the district offers.
- Safety - Region 14 will provide safe and secure facilities equipped with technology, enabling a 21st century learning environment that supports the values of the district.
- Budget - Region 14 will prepare a budget that meets the needs of every student and communicates the needs and priorities of Region 14 in a clear and concise manner.
Important Information
Greetings BES families!
We are so excited about our new GaGa Pit. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Romano, who started this intiative. Our PTO was able to make it happen, and we also thank Mr. Molzon for arranging installation through the district. The children are truly enjoying this!
The Nonnewaug High School AP Spanish students will visit tomorrow, 10/8 to talk about Hispanic Heritage Month.
This Friday, October 11th, the Bethlehem Fire Dept. will visit to instruct students on fire prevention and safety!
Our second grades are conducting a food drive this week as they learn about community and good citizenship. Canned goods may be donated through Oct. 11th.
Mrs. Williams, our school nurse is currently conducting vision and hearing screenings in October for grades K,1, 3, 4, and 5. If further evaluation is recommended, a written referral will be sent home. Please contact Mrs. Williams if you have any questions at (203) 266-7506.
Important Upcoming Dates:
* Curriculum Night this Tues. 10/8 at 6 PM in the BES Cafe. Hear about our continued curricular advances.
See attached document entitled "Mark Your Calendars" for a more complete listing of events.
** During October we will practice an evacuation drill to an off campus location.
As always, if you have any concerns or comments please feel free to contact me directly at wyatsenick@ctreg14.org