St Bernadette's Primary School
NEWSLETTER | TERM 3 | WEEK 4 I 9 August 2024
Afternoon everyone,
I hope you have all had a fantastic week. Congratulations to our Year 2 students who entertained and enlightened us on how to be a great friend! We saw some great singing and acting by the gang and it was a lot of fun!
Next week is Wellbeing Week and our goal is to put a focus on the wellbeing of our students, staff and wider community. We will have a week of uninterrupted learning time, without adding extra meetings or distraction, no homework, some lunchtime wellness activities provided by our Wellbeing Team of staff and students and ending in a Friday Disco put on by the P&F. I hope all our families can take the opportunity to relax, spend quality time together and recharge for the second half of the term.
We will also invite our families to enjoy a relaxed and casual afternoon tea to open our new playground on Thursday afternoon. This will be organised by the P&F on the back oval and give our parents the opportunity to have a play on the new playground too! Hope to see you there. For those parents who often stay for a quick play in the Jnr Primary area after school, a reminder that it is really important to keep an eye out for your children and to supervise them closely. There are no teachers on duty and the office is not open for medical issues – they need that time to complete their administration roles! Finally, can I please ask parents not to go back into Kindy or PP to use the toilets after school as teachers regularly conduct meetings with parents or in cluster groups after school.
Our parish and P&F are hosting the termly Community Mass on Saturday night and everyone is invited and encouraged to come to mass and a sausage sizzle afterwards. Next Thursday is also a holy day of obligation with the Feast of the Assumption of Mary – as always we encourage our families to come to mass with us at 9am.
Heavenly mother, filled with God's grace, pray for us today and all days, that we may strive to trusting, patient and faithful, as you were, so that we may one day join you and all saints in heaven. In Jesus's name we pray. Amen.
Before I go, just a reminder that we are running a very simple reading competition between now and Bookweek. Can I please encourage everyone to use this as a way of highlighting the importance of reading with your child. The more books they read the better – by themselves, with you or being read to… it all counts!
Have a great weekend, stay dry…
As some of you are aware, Miss Leahy's brother Connor is a professional road and track cyclist and part of Team Pursuit Cycling who won GOLD on Wednesday night in Paris!
A massive congratulations to Connor and the Leahy family,
what an outstanding achievement!
Please welcome Isabel V in PPB to our school, she started with us this week. Please say hi to
her and her family!
Nude lunches
Thankyou to everyone who is mindful about reducing waste
and not putting single use plastics in lunch boxes. This week's
winners are James H in 1B and Emilia A in 3B, who was
unfortunately not at school when the picture was taken.
Every little bit counts!
Well Being Week
Next week is WELL BEING week and we have plenty of exciting activities planned for our students and staff throughout the week.
We have our lovely Coffee Van coming on Friday morning so please join us for a "Find me at the Coffee Van" morning at school drop off. We'd love to see those parents who can make it, for a cuppa and a catch up!
Performing at the Year 6 Confirmation Mass
The choir are performing at the the Year 6 Confirmation Mass on Saturday 24 August at 6:00pm and we'd love for all our members to be there! If your child is able to perform, please complete the link below:
St Bernadette’s Fathers Day breakfast will be held on the school oval on Friday 30th August, 7:30 – 8:30am. A breakfast of bacon and egg rolls and fruit will be provided. Hot and cold drinks will be available. Dad and child games will be held on the oval. All Dads and significant men in our student’s lives are encouraged to attend to gather and spend time together. We are also asking for digital photos of Dads to be sent to the office to be displayed on a PowerPoint loop. For catering purposes, please RSVP your attendance on the attached form by 20th August.
Please purchase tickets by Friday 23 August at 3.00pm. Gifts $7.00 each. No cash sales on the day.
Runners Club - Monday 12 August - 3:10 - 4:00pm
Reconciliation before the Sacrament of Confirmation - Tuesday 13 August
Whole School Mass - Wednesday 14 August - 9:00am
P&F Afternoon Tea - Thursday 15 August - 3:00pm
School Disco - Friday 16 August 5:00 - 6:15pm and 7:00 - 8:30pm
School Canteen: Kingston's Kitchen
Our school canteen is only open on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Orders can be placed online via the Spriggy App.
before 9.00am or in person at the canteen.
Term Dates 2024
Term 3: Tuesday 16 July - Friday 20 September 2024
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October - Friday 6 December 2024
Please note that as this is a live calendar, dates and times may change occasionally.
Coming soon!
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School
Email: admin@stbernadettes.wa.edu.au
Website: https://stbernadettes.wa.edu.au
Location: 252 Grand Ocean Boulevard, Port Kennedy WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9593 4066
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stbernadettescps/