Smore - Our New Newsletter Tool

STAR Party - January 27th!!
On Monday, January 27, Fairmount hosted an incredible Star Party that brought students and families together for an evening of learning and fun. Students participated in engaging STEM activities, explored the night sky using telescopes provided by the University of Maine, and enjoyed a Read-Aloud Theater in the gym. To top it off, everyone was treated to pizza and hot chocolate, making the evening a perfect blend of education and community connection.
Check out some photos from the event below!
Visit From Versant!!
Last week, Versant Power visited our 4th-grade classes to teach students about electrical safety! The interactive and engaging presentation helped students learn how electricity works, ways to stay safe around it, and why responsible usage is so important. A big thank-you to Versant Power for providing such a valuable learning experience for our students! Check out the pictures and helpful fact sheet below!!
Safety Reminder
For safety reasons, please do not drop off students in the staff parking lot during arrival times. With our 21st Century Club allowing students to enter the school starting at 8:00 AM, staff members are still arriving, making the parking lot very busy. To ensure a smooth and safe drop-off, please use the front of the building.
Coming Down to the Principal's Office!!
At Fairmount, visiting the principal’s office isn’t just about solving problems—it’s often a chance to celebrate, connect, or share something special together! I’ve had the pleasure of meeting so many incredible Fairmount friends and will continue to add pictures of these wonderful visits to our newsletter.
Keep an eye out—you might just spot a familiar face sharing a story, showing off their hard work, or celebrating an achievement! Let’s continue making Fairmount a place where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and celebrated.
Fun Making Self-Care Kits with Mrs. Tlili
Emma Eaton from Mrs. Heath’s class and Silas Largay had the opportunity to make self-care kits with Mrs. Tlili! Each winner was able to bring a friend with Emma bringing Paige Savage and Silas bringing Hazel Libbey!! Not only did they get creative, but they were also able to bring along a friend to join in the fun. Look at the fantastic self-care items they designed and created—what a wonderful way to focus on well-being and creativity!
SOAR Prize Winners from January 24th
Congratulations to Cyrus Morgan and Mason Nesler for winning to do something cool with Mrs. White!!
School Counselor Week February 3rd - 7th
Check out what’s planned next week with Fairmount’s counselor, Mrs. Tlili! We’ll be celebrating the incredible work she does to support our students’ academic, social, and emotional growth. Check out the spirt week planned below!!
Thank you, Mrs. Tlili, for making a difference every day!
“Helping Students Thrive”
THRIVE- to grow strong, to flourish, to prosper, to make steady progress
To thrive, we must adapt and change. Be sure to stop by and tell Ms. Tlili how you are thriving this school year. If you need help with the action steps, she is there to help!
Monday- THRIVE in a World of Kindness- Wear Choose Kind shirts
*Do a kind act for someone at school. Write a kind message to someone, pick up trash, and say kind words.
Tuesday- THRIVE in a World of Acceptance- Wear your favorite color
*Talk to someone about their differences. Talk to a classmate that you don’t know much about.
Wednesday- THRIVE in a World of Inclusion- Wear mismatched clothes
*Invite a new person to sit with you at lunch or play with you at recess. Include someone new.
Thursday- THRIVE in a World of Possibilities- Wear College or sports gear
*Talk to your adult at home, call a relative who does not live nearby, and or talk to your teacher about what dreams they had when they were your age. Ask them how their dreams became realities and how sometimes their lives might have taken a turn that led them to something greater.
Friday- THRIVE in a World of Collaboration- Wear Fairmount colors- blue and yellow
*Focus on the best way for your class to all work together. What can you do to help make that happen? How can you keep that going for the rest of the year?
ACTION STEPS- are the answer.
Upcoming Events At Fairmount
Sign-up sheets for the following events went home yesterday. If interested, please bring them in ASAP. Space is limited!!
PTO Meeting on February 13th
Our next Parent Teacher Organization meeting is February 13th. We will be starting to plan for our Spring Fair which is Fairmount's largest event. If you are interested in helping, please plan on coming to that meeting. :)