RTMS Review
February 2023
Important Dates
- February 6 - RTMBA Meeting (7:00)
- February 8 - PTC Dine & Share (Subway)
- February 11 - Solo/Ensemble Competition at RTMS
- February 15 - PTC Meeting (7:00)
- February 21 - Board of Education Meeting
- February 24 - Pack the Place (6:00-8:00)
- March 23 & 24 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
End of Year Dates to Add to Your Calendar:
- May 23 - 8th Grade Dance
- May 26 - 8th Grade Graduation (JHHS)
Please click on this link to see the 2022-22 District Calendar.
Dear RTMS Families,
The 2nd trimester ends on February 24th, so as always, please check in with your child on their progress. Our Spring Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for the evening of March 23rd, and during the school day on March 24th. This is also when we are planning to have our photographers on site for the 8th grade graduation pictures. More to come on both of these items soon! Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher(s), or to the front office with any questions or concerns.
In partnership,
Mary Krall-Meske
Yearbooks - Deadline 2/13/23
The deadline for ordering yearbooks is
Monday, February 13th.
1) Go to inter-state.com and enter the code 72523B.
2) Return the completed order envelope (students received this in October) with $25.00 cash or a check payable to River Trails Middle School. We have additional order forms in the office, if needed.
Erin's Law
January 2023
Dear Parents/Guardians,
On January 24, 2013, Governor Pat Quinn signed a new law extending sexual abuse education inIllinois schools. The Illinois law went into effect immediately and schools are required to implement Erin’s Law. Erin’s Law requires all schools to provide child sexual abuse prevention educationannually for all students, PK-12. The law also requires educators to take part in trainings that coversexual abuse and how to recognize warning signs.
District social workers will present information regarding Personal Body Safety to all students in grades sixth through eighth grade beginning in February.
If you do NOT want your child to participate, please go to the River Trails School District website (www.rtsd26.org). On the District website, under the Parent section, you will find the link to Erin’s Law opt out form. You can complete this form online, at home or at your child’s school office.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either the building principals, social workers or Dr. Carie Cohen (Assistant Superintendent for Special Services) at (224 )612-7304 or ccohen@rtsd26.org.
Dr. Carie Cohen
Assistant Superintendent for Special Services
Enero 2023
Estimados padres y guardianes:
El 24 de enero de 2013, el gobernador Pat Quinn firmó una nueva ley extendiendo la educación en abuso sexual a las escuelas de Illinois. La ley fue efectiva, inmediatamente, y es requisito que las escuelas implementen la Ley Erin. Esta ley requiere que todas las escuelas provean, anualmente, educación preventiva en abuso sexual, para todos los estudiantes; desde pre kinder hasta el grado12. A su vez, esta ley requiere que los educadores (maestros) tomen parte activa en adiestramientos que cubren el abuso sexual y cómo reconocer las señales de alerta.
Las trabajadoras sociales del distrito presentarán información referente a la “protección del cuerpo." Todos los estudiantes, desde 6to hasta 8vo grado, recibirán esta información a partir de febrero.
Si usted no desea que su hijo (a) participe, favor de acceder a la página del distrito
(www.rtsd26.org). En la página de la escuela del distrito River Trails, bajo la sección de padres, encontrará un enlace a Erin’s Law opt out form. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, siéntase en la libertad de comunicarse con los trabajadores sociales o el principal de su escuela. También, puede comunicarse con la asistente del superintendente para servicios especiales, la Dra. Carie Cohen, (224 )612-7304 or ccohen@rtsd26.org.
Dra. Carie Cohen
Asistente del Superintendente para Servicios Especiales
5Essentials Survey
We need your input! If you have not done so already, please participate in the Illinois 5Essentials Parent and Guardian Survey. Your responses will remain confidential and will not be connected to the identity of you or your child.
Survey results will help us to better understand the conditions at your child’s school and to guide improvement. For the survey to be validated, we need at least 20% of our parents to take the survey.
Visit https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/ to participate. Thank you for your support!
Our students will be filling out the student survey during their Science class on either February 9th or 10. If you DO NOT want your child to participate, please fill out the information in this form to let us know by February 3rd. You can find a sample student questionnaire in this link, as well.
December/January Students of the Month
Congratulations to:
6th Grade
Academic (Core) - Kate G.
Academic (Encore) - Filip P.
Character - Ali O.
School Pride/Spirit - Nathan F.
7th Grade
Academic (Core) - Min Jong R.
Academic (Encore) - Connor F.
Character - Abel A.
School Pride/Spirit - Gianna W.
8th Grade
Academic (Core) - Calliope E-P.
Academic (Encore) - Clara J.
Character - Abel A.
School Pride/Spirit - Tiya S.
Filip, Ali, Nathan, & Kate
Connor, Abel, Min Jong, & Gianna
Calliope, Abel, Clara, & Tiya
What is this?: A River Trails Middle School PTC event open to ALL D26 students and family
members that includes food, fun, and activities! Come out and cheer on the middle school
students and D26 staff members in a fun basketball game, and as they challenge each other in volleyball!
Students in 5th – 8th grades can enter the soccer shoot-out challenge, knock-out
challenge, and participate in the dodgeball game throughout the night! Middle student will be given the chance to sign up to participate in the staff vs. students games in the coming weeks (a lottery system will be used if necessary).
Where/When is it?: RTMS, Friday, February 24, 2023, from 6-8PM
Concessions for Sale: Snacks & Drinks
Admission: Pay at the door $2 per person, or $5 per family. ALL students must be
accompanied by an adult. Proceeds from this event will benefit the RTMS PTC.
Wristband to Play: $1 to play each activity. Soccer shoot-out, knock-out and dodgeball
game. Perfect for 5th grade students at Indian Grove and Euclid to join our middle
schoolers in a fun night of activities.
Internet Safety Presentation
January 30, 2023
Dear River Trails Families,
This is a reminder that on Wednesday (February 1) we will be hosting an Internet Safety Presentation at Prairie Trails School (805 N. Burning Bush). This free event will begin at 6:30 p.m. It is for parents and guardians only and does not require an RSVP.
The presentation will feature guest speaker Devorah Heitner, author of “Screenwise: Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World.” The conversation will inform parents and guardians how kids, tweens and teens use screens and how to mentor kids as they encounter new digital experiences.
We hope to see you there! If you have any questions, please email Matt Tombs, our director of technology, at mtombs@rtsd26.org.
River Trails School District 26
Estimadas Familias de River Trails,
Les queremos recordar que el Miércoles (1ero de Febrero) vamos a ofrecer una Presentación sobre Seguridad en el Internet en la Escuela Prairie Trails School (805 N. Burning Bush). Este evento gratuito empezará a las 6:30 p.m. Todos los padres y guardianes están invitados y no se requiere confirmar asistencia con anticipación.
Tendremos como invitada especial a Devorah Heitner, autora de “Uso Inteligente de la Pantalla: Cómo Ayudar a los Niños a Prosperar (y Sobrevivir) en el Mundo Digital.” Esta presentación le informará a los padres y guardianes cómo usan las pantallas los niños de todas las edades y cómo se puede guiar a los niños a medida que encuentran y dominan nuevas experiencias digitales.
Esperamos que puedan acompañarnos! Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor comuníquese con nuestro director de tecnología Matt Tombs, enviando un correo electrónico a mtombs@rtsd26.org.
Distrito Escolar 26 River Trails
PTC Dine & Share
A Message from Food Services
Did you know…?
All students are required to take a minimum of 1 fruit or vegetable with their breakfast and lunch.
We don’t have deep fryers. We use our ovens for baking.
The Food Service department is required to maintain a non-profit status with a separate revenue and expense ledger than the district general fund.
Do You Have an Incoming Kindergartener?
NHS Service Project - The Buddy Foundation
- - Reminders - -
6th Grade Dental Forms
Attendance Line: 847-298-1750, option 1
Bus Issues: Grand Prairie 847-640-2142
Daily announcements
How to Contact Us
Our main office number is 847-298-1750.
Main office
Elia Esparza-Viveros: eesparzaviveros@rtsd26.org
Jessica Escutia: jescutia@rtsd26.org
Lindsay Veller (nurse): lveller@rtsd26.org
Principal, Mary Krall-Meske:
mkrall@rtsd26.org or 224-612-7600
Assistant Principal, Kyle Henkel:
khenkel@rtsd26.org or 224-612-7601
River Trails Middle School
Email: rtmsinfo@rtsd26.org
Website: http://rtms.rtsd26.org/
Location: 1000 North Wolf Road, Mount Prospect, IL, USA
Phone: 847-298-1750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverTrailsMiddleSchool
Twitter: @RiverTrailsMS