Cougar News!
June 9, 2024
Thanks you!
A huge thank you to Ms. Krage for organizing our field day and to PTG and all of our parent volunteers, we would not have been able to do it without you!
Medications at School
Please remember, if your student had medication at school, that it must be picked up by an adult by Monday 6/17 at 12pm. Any medications not picked up by this time may be discarded.
If your child will be attending summer school, their medication may remain in the office and our district nurses will ensure that it reaches the appropriate site.
Thank you!
5th Grade Promotion
Come celebrate our 5th graders at 5th grade promotion on June 13 from 10-11 in the Clarkes Gym! Watch your email for communication from PTG and 5th grade teachers as they work to pull this incredible event off.
Spring Musical
Our Spring Musical will happen at two different times to accommodate various family needs. Both will be on June 11 in our gym. The day performance will be from 11-12 and the evening performance will be from 6-7. Please come join us for an amazing spring performance!
A note from PTG
Clarkes students and families raised $2,307 in the Read-A-Thon!! Thank you for all your reading and effort you put into this fundraiser for Clarkes!
Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered for Field Day! It was such a fun and exciting event for the whole school and it couldn't have been done without volunteers! Also a special thanks to Ms. Krage for organizing all the fun activities!
Just a reminder that there is no PTG meeting in June. Thank you to everyone who has joined us this year! We appreciate you and all the time and energy you have put into helping the PTG and Clarkes!
Have a great summer!
-Clarkes PTG
Kindergarten Registration
Please visit the attached site to learn more about kindergarten enrollment for the 24-25 school year.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Dates
Thursday, June 6: 4th Grade Field trip
Friday, June 7: Friday Late Start (School starts at 10 am)
Friday, June 7: Field Day
Friday, June 7: Teacher S'more sent out
Tuesday, June 11: Spring Day Performance 11-12
Tuesday, June 11: Spring Evening Performance 6-7
Friday, June 12: Student of the Month Assembly at 12:40 pm
Thursday, June 13: Last day of school- SCHOOL ENDS at 12 PM
Thursday, June 13: 5th Grade promotion at 10 am
Friday, June 14: Grade day, grades posted by 4 pm in ParentVUE
We Are Cougars
Our mission at Clarkes Elementary is to provide each student with a safe learning environment where they are engaged, encouraged, inspired, and empowered. Our community of dedicated teachers, volunteers, and support staff makes that impact possible. Together we all succeed.
Secretary's email:
Principal's email:
Location:19100 S Windy City Rd, Mulino, OR 97042
Phone: (503) 632-3290