OLHMS Update 5/21/24
Tuesday's Top of the Mind Topics:
Did you know that parent/ family pick up and drop off takes place in the back of our building on Oak Center Drive?
We will be piloting a revised safety plan for morning drop off and afternoon dismissal. Our main parking lot will be closed for parents/ families between 8:15am-8:45am and 3:15pm until the buses exit the parking lot. Only buses and staff will be allowed to enter the parking lot during these times. Once the buses have left the main parking lot, it will be reopened. We have had multiple close encounters with staff and students almost hit by cars.
ALL parent/ family drop off should be taking place on Oak Center Drive. We will have staff present at Doors 4 and 5 until 8:45 am to pass out tardy passes to students entering after 8:30 am.
Do not drop off or pick up students in the main parking lot or on 99th St. during arrival and dismissal. It is imperative that we maintain a safe environment for our students at all times. Recently, a driver was arrested for reckless driving as they endangered students and staff during dismissal. As the weather continues to improve, please set up meeting spots for pick up and/ or drop off. Typically, we are clear of buses and traffic within 10 minutes of arrival and dismissal.
Student Entry and Dismissal Update
Mustang Families,
We finished last week with an evening celebrating our leaders as we hosted our National Junior Honor Society Inductions Ceremony. This was a prefect presentation prior to our wonderful 2nd Annual Career Fair. Thank you to all of our staff involved in great demonstrations of leadership, citizenship and future aspirations! We are so grateful for the more that 70 career professional on hand to display/ showcase their successes- many of them community members and parents!
Thank you to our PTSA and all of the volunteers supporting this weeks awards breakfasts for 6th and 7th grade! We have an incredibly talented and hard working PTSA and they are always looking for additional help if you are available! The end of the year events are busy and the PTSA has a huge hand in creating those dreams into reality!
Congratulations to our entire Band and Music Department!! Our musicians and talented artist continue to wow our crowds and win accolades because of their persistent practice! We know our school community appreciates and enjoys each of the Spring performances! Thank you to our musicians, talented artist and teachers for proving so much pride for our school, district and community with all of your dedicated efforts. We hosted the final Spring Chorus Concert last week and will have our final Jazz Night on Friday!
SWIC Art Showcase: The artwork of eight talented students has been chosen to represent OLHMS at the SWIC Invitational Art Exhibition, which will be held last night at Simmons Middle School Fine Arts Center in Oak Lawn. This juried exhibit will featured the best works of art from participating schools in the Southwest Interscholastic Conference (SWIC). The art on display will showcase a variety of media and be reflective of the type of work done at each school. Congratulations to Congrats to Tenley Whelan, Delilah Romero, Marilyn Medina, Leilani Mojica, Bethzabe Barrios, Liliana Davis, Giselle Anaya and Valeria Serrano
Kindergarten EL screener: Register for Kindergarten screening with the linked document. Screening will take place between August 12-15 at different D123 elementary schools.
Stress: How parents can spot and help reduce it in children: We all know this time of year can be very stressful! Our Counselors asked that I share a nice resource.
Our Community: Please be respectful of our neighbors around our school during arrival and dismissal. It is also important to remind our scholars about staying off community members property while waiting for a bus or walking home.
e-Sports: Thank you to Brother Rice High School for inviting and hosting our e-Sports team! Our team enjoyed a great experience with the high schoolers!
D123 4WARD: We have begun a new effort to engage our alumni!! From the classroom to the stage, the athletic field to the culinary club, and everywhere in between, we want to know what our graduates have been up to in "tomorrow's world."
Whether these alumni excelled in high school, found opportunities in college, or started a successful career, the stories, adventures, and triumphs shared will inspire us, current students, and future leaders. This program is an opportunity to celebrate these achievements together and keep the D123 community spirit alive long after middle school graduation.
Families of alumni and D123 graduates themselves are invited to fill out this form to submit for possible inclusion in our alumni spotlight E-Newsletter, "D123 4-WARD." The newsletter will be produced and sent semiannually in December and May. Participants will be notified if their story will be included in the publication.
D123 4Ward May Addition: Check out the special edition newsletter focus on our D123 Alumni!
D123 Summer Programming is now available!! Check out the full brochure for options!
D123 Outdoor Safety Letter Reminder: As the weather shifts and we enjoy our time outdoors, continue following our Mustang Musts!
Incoming 6th Grade Information: If you have a current 5th grade student, please check out this special newsletter with lots of information as our transitions to OLHMS are now complete!
Check our this Special Newsletter to explore our OLHMS Service Day 2024!
Service Day at OLHMS is an incredible opportunity for each of our scholars to participate in projects geared to highlighting and living our mission here in D123! This is an annual event allowing each grade level to progress in their service experiences.
D123 Returning Student Registration Now Open in Skyward! Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 is committed to always ensuring a successful launch to our upcoming school year for every student who learns here.
As a district, we are setting an ambitious and crucial goal: to complete 100% of our returning student registrations by Friday, May 17, 2024.
Class of 2024
Graduation Expectations
Congratulations to the SELECT 123 group for the Class of 2024! We had 55 amazing young leaders apply for the opportunity to be 1 of 23 and the group pictured above will represent this year's class! Congratulations to all 55 leaders who made the selections process extremely challenging.
Our 8th grade scholars and parents have been given the information in this updated Parent Letter. These expectations have been discussed with scholars and families throughout the beginning of the year and sent home on multiple occasions. The end of year events for the Class of 2024 are detailed in this letter and listed below. Updated participation lists will be communicated with families once grades are finalized. Class of 2024 families make sure to send back the permission forms! Graduation this year is scheduled for June 4th at 7:00pm.
Graduation were due payments on April 5th! If you have questions or need to make this payment please contact the main office.
Dates to keep in mind
5/30/24: 8th Grade Trip
5/31/24: Graduation Walk and 8th Grade Dance
6/3/24: SELECT 123 Breakfast and 8th Grade Awards
6/4/24: Graduation
8th Grade Graduation Lawn Signs are in the main office if you didn't pick your sign up!
Please support our school with Box Tops. If you receive a paper receipt, a quick scan with the Box Tops app will identify participating products and automatically credit the school's earning online. Download the app and make every shopping trip count including purchases made online. Digital receipts are accepted as well. Use this referral code NXVB5P83 when you sign up and you’ll get 25 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through 05/31/2024, while supplies last. Use this link to download the Box Tops app: https://btfe.smart.link/c2jjdifkw?referral_code=NXVB5P83
Thank you for your time and support!
Contact us at: olhmsd123ptsa@gmail.com
Follow us on FB at OLHMS PTSA
Looking Ahead
5/21/24: 6th Gr. Awards Breakfast
5/22/24: 7th Gr. Awards Breakfast, 6th Gr. Trip, 7th Gr. Trip (1/2)
5/23/24: 7th Gr. Trip (1/2)
5/24/24: Jazz Night
5/27/24: No School
5/29/24: OLHMS Band Breakfast
5/30/24: Beginning Band Breakfast/Chorus Breakfast, 8th Gr. Trip
5/31/24: Grad Walk, 8th Gr. Dance
6/3/24: SELECT 123 Breakfast, 8th Gr. Awards
6/4/24: Graduation
6/5/24: Last Day of School (1/2 Day)
2023-24 School District Calendar
D123 Returning Student Registration Now Open in Skyward!
High School Happenings
Oak Lawn Community High School
Freshman Summer Reading: English, Spanish, and Arabic
Summer basketball camps here at OLCHS the week of June 24 – June 27
The registration link: https://oaklawncommunityhs.8to18.com/dashboard/catalog
A detailed flyer (also attached here) describing our camps and featuring a couple of former Mustangs in Jack Dempsey and Dontè Montgomery can be found online here: https://tinyurl.com/olbbsummer24
We want to congratulate you on your junior high/middle school graduation and welcome you to Richards High School. We are sure that you’ll enjoy your time at Bulldog Nation!
We have an event just for YOU! The Back to School Bash! This event will be hosted on the Eve of Freshman Day – Friday, August 9th from 6:00-9:00 pm. Come meet the Richards Staff and other members of the Class of 2028. There will be an open gym, inflatables, music, building tours and more! All students will receive a meal ticket for a beef hot dog meal or a cheese pizza meal. The Bulldog Boosters will also be on hand to sell Richards swag.
We ask that you please RSVP to this event and select your meal choice at: https://forms.gle/wrvfV3LuTMeW1yKJ7 .
This is a student event only. We ask that students are dropped off at the entrance of the Performing Arts Center at Door S15.
Students, hope to see you at the Back to School Bash! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Swanson at Debbie.Swanson@chsd218.org.
Chicago Christian has several summer camp opportunities still available. Click the link to see the schedule and to register.
2023 Viewbook: Learn what IMSA is all about! Our Application for the Academy is open!
IMSA Profile: Information about matriculation, courses, and colleges that our students attend
Shadow Days, Fridays at Marist! Registration Required.
More information & registration can be found here.
Providence Catholic High School