School Start Information

August 22, 2024
Principal's Corner
Hello Eisenhower Families,
We are really excited to welcome our students back for the 2024-2025 school year. Teacher assignments are nearly finalized and they will be viewable in ParentVue tomorrow, Friday, August 23 by 9:00 am. If you are already registered for ParentVue click HERE for directions on how to look up your child's classroom teacher.
Unfortunately, we do not have the access needed to support families with ParentVue at the building level. If you need help or have questions about this, please call or email our help desk at 763-506-HELP or 506help@ahschools.us.
Open house for all students will be held on Wednesday, August 28 from 4:30-6:00 pm. This will be an opportunity to meet classroom teachers, drop off supplies, pick up important forms to complete and take a tour of the school. If you have important and/or confidential information to share about your child(ren), please refrain from doing so at open house. Instead, call or email the classroom teacher to do so in order to ensure you have their undivided attention.
For a supply list click HERE.
Enjoy the last days of summer!
In great appreciation and partnership,
Lillian DeRung
Outdoor Popcorn Party
Aug 28th 4:00pm
We'll be serving popcorn on the front lawn prior to the start of open house. Our title 1 leads will be sharing information regarding federal funding for our school wide title program. Have a treat and take time to meet our supplemental team.
Online back to school information
Back to school verification is now available online. It's important that each family completes the verification process. Anoka-Hennepin Schools needs confirmed contact information for each student to ensure schools have access to emergency contact information and information releases for the safety of students.
Login to A-HConnect to complete back to school forms for the upcoming school year.
- Please go to ahschools.us and in the top right hand corner, click on Login
- Click on My Student Information
- Click on Online Registration at the top
- Choose from the drop down under Please select the online packet you would like to begin, choose 2024-2025 Back to school Verification
- Begin Registration
- If nothing has changed, please just continue through to the end and click submit
If you need help finding your login/password, call 763-506-HELP for assistance.
Upcoming events
Class teacher information available online - Aug 23
Outdoor Popcorn party - Aug 28 4:00
Open house for everyone - Aug 28 4:30-6:00
First day of school 1st-5th grade - Sept 3
Kindergarten meet & greets - Sept 3-4
Kindergarten first day of school - Sept 5th or 6th
This e-newsletter is published by Eisenhower Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.