The Mountain Staff WAG
Nov. 25-26-Dec. 6, 2024
Megan's Message
This time of year is always so hectic. I hope you all can take some time during the break to recharge, relax and make happy memories with your family and friends. Upon return we have the excitement and bustle of the winter holiday. Such a fun time of year. I am grateful for so many things but especially that I get to work with you to continue to make Mountain a memorable and magical place.
Week Ahead Nov. 18-22, 2024
M- Nov. 25. Pledge Smith
T Nov. 26. Pledge Wolf
Nov. 27-29 Thanksgiving Break, Happy Thanksgiving!
M Dec. 2. Happy birthday Anna Williams!🍰
T Dec. 3. Certified Staff Meeting. 2:40-3:50 p.m.
W Dec. 4th Leadership Meeting
5-6:30 PreK Family Bingo Night
Th Dec. 5th
Friday Dec. 6th
Shout Outs
- Jen S. for covering while I was gone.
- Beth for picking up some extra duties.
- Zoe for her flexibility and help in the office.
- Deborah, John and Rex for a wonderful Thanksgiving meal.
- Taylor, Signe, Scott, Jen and Angelic for their help with CARE team.
- Alyssa, Lita and Anna for being on it with their SAT 2s.
- Branden for providing homebound instruction for one of our students.
- Erin Cook for coming the rescue. You will be missed!!! Glad you are still subbing.
Mountain in the News
Staff, we were commended at the Ad min meeting for being number one elementary school in NM as ranked by US News and World Report. Thank you for your work every day for the students. We will celebrate soon!
Fundraiser after school Nov. 25, and 26th
Come support the Student Council after school on M and T in front of the school and buy See's Holiday lollipops. $1.25 each or five for a dollar. Proceeds will go to a charity.
Science Fair a Success
A huge thanks to all those that helped with the Science Fair. Thanks MaryAlice for your coordination. Huge success! Here is a link to photos. Results coming soon.
NM VIsta
Here is the latest data on Mountain and the district. When you have a chance check it out. We will talk about it at our next staff meeting.
Living Calendar
Please be sure to look at the Living Calendar to share events and keep up to date.
SAT 2 paperwork
Mrs. Parga's Disguised Turkeys
Mrs. Garcia's Disguised Turkeys
Reminders for Before School Duty
Just a reminder before school duty begins at 7:50 a.m. and goes until 8:05(crosswalk a bit later). If you are running late we understand, just call the office so we know. We all want to keep students safe. Thanks!
Proposed Music K-2 rehearsal schedule
Specials teachers, when you need to teach different grade levels, you are welcome to leave the rehearsal.
Tuesday, 12/03:
8:20 am-2nd grades
12:15- 1st grades
Wednesday, 12/04:
12:15- 1st grades
Thursday, 12/05:
8:20 am-2nd grades
Friday, 12/06:
8:20-2nd grades
12:15-1st grades
Certified Staff Stipends/Flex Time due to Ahalam Dec. 6th
Hi all, Here is the flex time spread sheet due to Ahalam Dec. 6th. Please remember permission should be received before using it. Thanks so much and thanks for helping out. We appreciate it.
Last Call for Lost and Found- Nov. 26 items will be donated
Last call for Lost and Found. We will be packing up and bringing to Casa Mesita at end of week so please come by the 100 hallway. Thank you!
November is Native American Heritage Month
We are privileged to have Native American families part of our Mountain Family. Representation comes from from Nambe, Pojoaque, Ohkay Owingeh, San Idelfonso, Jicarillo Apache and Santa Clara pueblos. Meanwhile here is information about Native American Heritage Month.
Welcome Kristi Schultz
We are thrilled to have hired Kristi Schulz as our new ELA teacher in sixth grade. She comes with much experience with ELA and MS. She taught in CO and Iowa and has three boys here in Los Alamos. She will be formally starting tomorrow.
We are so grateful to Erin Cook for filling in and wish her all the best! We will miss her.
Upcoming Dates- December
Dec. 4th PREK night rescheduled
10. Winter Concert
(Grades K-2 Performing)
8:30 am - 9:30 am (whole school)
1:45 pm - 2:35 pm (parents)
10. iMSSA testing 3 - 6
11 Mountain Winter Collaborative
(Band, Orchestra, Choir)
8:30 am - 9:30 am
11 Mountain Choir Holiday Caroling
2:45 pm - 5:00 pm
@Los Alamos Downtown Venues
13 Staff Party
6-10 p.m.