Cyber Tuesday
CHE - Welcome Back Dragons!
Welcome Back!
Wow! 2022-23 school year is here and we cannot wait to see you!
Below are key items about starting school. Please read through the announcements and always contact us if you have any questions.
Sprinkles with Dr. Hinkle
Monday, August 1st
10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Stop by Lake Avalon.
Class Assignment
Please note that Skyward can freeze if overloaded by too many site visits at the same time. Click to access Skyward. https://www.lisd.net/skyward
Drop Off and Dismissal
Note: For the first 3 days of schools, only Kindergarten parents are allowed to escort students to the cafeteria before school. For security reasons, please adhere to this procedure. First grade parents may walk to the front of school porch at the front doors to drop off and say goodbye to their student. Staff will escort them to the cafeteria.
Kindergarten/First Grade -First day of school start time
Kindergarten will report to school at 7:50 a.m.
First Grade will report to school at 7:45 a.m.
New Student Passwords- Please Access
All LISD elementary student passwords are reset to complex passwords. Parents and guardians may see what their student’s password will be reset to within their Skyward Family Access account under the Portfolio section (see image below). These passwords will be available to view in Skyward and will remain throughout the school year.
Complete the Back-to-School Forms
Please help us prepare for the first day by taking action on the items below, including reviewing and updating back-to-school forms, before Aug. 10.
Click below for instructions:
Grade Level Orientations
1:X iPad/Learning Device
To provide students with choice, 1:X combines the following elements in conjunction with LISD’s “Bring Your Own Technology” (BYOT) policy.
Please click here for more information.