Bay View Middle School News
September 2, 2024
Main Line........920-662-8196
Fax Line ......... 920-662-7979
September 3rd - First Day 7th Grade Only
September 4th - Both Grades in Attendance
September 10th - Picture Day
Welcome Back! Important Information for the First Day of School
Dear Bay View Families,
I hope this message finds you well and that you've had a restful and enjoyable summer. As we prepare to welcome students back to school tomorrow, I wanted to share some important information to help ensure a smooth start to the school year.
As a reminder, September 3, 2024 is 7th grade only and Wednesday, September 4, 2024 is all students.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Drop-Off: Please follow the street signs and directions of staff to ensure a safe and efficient process. We will all need to be patient due to the construction on Lineville Road and the volume of vehicles. You can temporarily stop to drop your child(ren) on:
The West side of Cardinal Lane
The South side of Woodale Avenue
Either side of Jaymar Street
Please avoid using the parking lot to drop off your child unless there are medical reasons to do so.
Students being dropped off can enter Door 1 or Door 4 at 7:22 AM. Bike riders should use the bike racks near Door 4 and enter Door 4. Students can enter at 7:10 AM if eating breakfast.
Pick-Up: Dismissal will begin at 2:40 PM. Again, please follow the directions of staff and be mindful of our students' safety. The same street parking as drop off can be utilized for pick up. If you need to enter the building, please park in one of our visitor parking spots near the main entrance (Door 1).
Bus riders: You will enter and exit Door 8. These are the set of doors on the West side of the building facing the football field. You will be allowed in when your bus driver releases you. You can wait in the Fine Arts Entrance or the Galley, if eating breakfast, until the bell rings at 7:22 AM.
Dress Code Reminder
As a reminder, please ensure that your child is dressed in clothing appropriate for a school setting. Clothing should be comfortable yet modest, suitable for various activities throughout the day.
Stay Comfortable – Dress in Layers
We are pleased to share that our entire building is air-conditioned. Given the variability of temperatures throughout the day, we recommend that students dress in layers or bring a sweatshirt to ensure they are comfortable in our climate-controlled environment.
We are excited to see our students return and are looking forward to a fantastic school year ahead. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to the school office.
Thank you for your attention to these details and for your ongoing support.
Heath Garland
Principal - Bay View Middle School
Happening at Bay View
Fall Sports - Soccer, Volleyball & Cross Country
Fall sports start September 5th. You can sign up prior to school using our website or calling the office at 920-662-7973.
Attending a High School Athletic Event? Read On!
As the sports season begins, a few reminders regarding attending high school game are below.
Carry-ins are not allowed.
In the Student Section this includes food, drinks, noise makers, silly-string, baby powder, signs, backpacks, purses, etc.
Security cameras will continue to be used at the stadium to enhance spectator safety.
Students engaged in unsafe behavior, like pushing other students or throwing objects, will be asked to leave the game.
Unsafe behavior may result in students not attending future football games.
Athletics events are school-sponsored events, therefore appropriate dress is expected.
During home football games all other athletics facilities and fields are closed.
Ticket and Pass Costs:
Student and family athletics passes and tickets are available online at GoFan. This pass is good for all home regular season athletic events excluding Invites.
Cost for passes:
High school student passes = $30 + Processing Fee
Family passes = $65 + Processing Fee
Includes 2 adults and children 8th grade and under in the same household.
One single adult pass = $40 + Processing Fee
Cost for individual tickets:
Adults = $5
Students K-12 = $3
The Giving Tree
The Giving Tree is excited for a new school year! August 14 was our Back-to-School Event and food pantry! Students received school supplies, backpacks, socks and underwear and much more. Students were also given oral health care bags, had the opportunity to sign up for in-district dental care, and signed up for free or reduced meal benefits through our School Nutrition department. If you think you may qualify for support from The Giving Tree, please reach out to Kourtney Feldhausen at kourfeld@hssdschools.org or call 920-662-7989. We’d love to connect with you before the school year starts!
Find out more information about The Giving Tree on our website.
PTO News
Meeting Dates & Times
November 4, 2024: 6pm at Bay View
January 13, 2025: 6pm at Lineville
March 3, 2025: 6pm at Bay View
May 5, 2025: 6pm at Lineville
School Social Workers Corner
Please click on the link below to see what valuable resources are available for families in the HSSD.
If you are picking a student up during the school day, you must come into the main office and sign the student out with your Driver's License. If someone other than you or your emergency contacts is picking up your student, please contact the office to let them know who is picking your student up. Students are not allowed to leave during school hours via bike or walking without prior approval from the main office and Principal.
If your student is not feeling well, they need to follow protocol and come to the health room to report their illness prior to contacting home. Students should not be using their iPad to email a parent or texting a parent to pick them up. This will eliminate the spread of illnesses to other students and will make the office aware of students being picked up prior to parent arrival.
ATTENDANCE LINE (920) 662-8184
When reporting an absence, please call our school’s attendance line at 920-662-8184 prior to the start of each school day.