GES Grey Wolf Gazette
May 27, 2022
Happy Friday!
Dear Greenfield Families and Friends,
In light of the recent events in Texas, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you. To all our parents, thank you for trusting us to educate and care for your most precious children. To all our teachers, para-professionals, and support staff, thank you for taking the time each and every day to connect with all of our students and for helping them grow and learn in such a positive and caring environment. To Chief Giammarino, Officer Shea and Officer Eneguess, thank you for providing a sense of calm and order for families at arrival and dismissal on Wednesday. We know you are always watching out for us. I am beyond blessed to be the Principal at Greenfield Elementary School. I realize that it may have been difficult to send your children to school on Wednesday, and I thank you for the trust you place in us each and every day, but especially after such a devastating event as this. We will continue to do our very best to provide a nurturing and positive environment each and every day for everyone at GES.
If you are looking for resources to support your child at home, you may find these links helpful:
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, you can reach out to me directly, or contact your child's teacher or our School Counselor, Mrs. Lofstedt.
FIELD DAY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! GES Field Day will be held on Friday, June 3rd. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Mrs. Paul and let her know. Activities will run from 10:15-12:15 and 12:45-2:30. We'd love to have you join the fun!
4th Grade Families~please mark your calendars for Thursday, June 16th at 6:00pm! The annual 4th grade play will start at 6:00pm sharp, followed by a celebration ceremony. We can't wait to wow you with a fantastic performance of Fairy Tale Misfits!
Students in grades 3 and 4 are wrapping up their work on the NH-SAS assessments in reading, writing and math. These are end of year summative assessments based on NH state standards. All K-4 students are participating in the end of year NWEA Measures of Academic Progress assessments in reading and math between May 23-June 10. The NWEA assessments provide teachers and families with a snapshot of student learning and growth over time. Student results will be sent home with report cards at the end of the year.
We will begin an "alphabet countdown" on Monday, May 16th with themed days and activities based on A-Z, until our last day of school on June 17th with X-Y-Z Day! We have lots of fun activities planned and are looking forward to lots of fun while we learn heading into to summer!
Please be sure to scroll down to the list of upcoming events and mark your calendars accordingly! You don't want to miss all the fun!
The ConVal School Board has confirmed the last day of school for students and staff as Friday, June 17th. It will be a half day for students, with dismissal at noon.
5/23-6/10/22: NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments. All K-4 students will participate in benchmark assessments in reading and math.
5/30/22: No School-Memorial Day
5/31-6/3: Special: PE/Health with Mrs. Parker-don't forget your sneakers!
5/31/22: Girls on The Run Practice 3:30-5:00! Don't forget sneakers & a water bottle!
6/2/22: Grade 4 Fly Up Day and visit to SMS. 9:15-11:00.
6/2/22: Girls on The Run Practice 3:30-5:00! Don't forget sneakers & a water bottle!
6/3/22: Neon Ninja Day-also known as GES Field Day! Parent Volunteers welcome! Keep an eye out for an email with details!
6/6-6/17/22: Special: Music with Mrs. Petrick
6/6/22: Girls on The Run Practice 3:30-5:00! Don't forget sneakers & a water bottle!
6/8/22: Girls on The Run Practice 3:30-5:00! Don't forget sneakers & a water bottle!
6/10/22: Retirement Celebration for Mrs. Aborn. 4:00-6:00pm at the Greenfield Meeting House. Refreshments will be served. Come wish our wonderful 2nd grade teacher well as she heads into retirement.
6/10/22: CVHS Graduation 6:00pm (rain date 6/11/22)
6/11/22: Girls on The Run 5K Celebration in Concord NH! Details coming soon!
6/15/22: 4th Grade Field Trip!
6/16/22: Water Day! We will enjoy a wet and wild day of water games including water balloons, sprinklers and kiddie pools! Parent Volunteers welcome! Keep an eye out for and email with details!
6/16/22: 4th Grade Play and Farewell Celebration Evening! Join us at 6:00pm for a smashing performance of Fairy Tale Misfits followed by our Farewell Celebration.
6/17/22: Last Day of School! Dismissal at noon!
GES has a facebook page! You can find the link here:
The ConVal School District has news blog to serve as a hub for the latest updates, information and news about the district’s schools, students, faculty, events and accomplishments.
The blog, is integrated into the schools and District’s Facebook and Twitter accounts and will automatically broadcast news blog content onto these platforms, connecting directly with the district community.
With a clean, user-friendly and mobile responsive layout, the news blog allows for easy navigation throughout. It can be accessed on computers, cell phones and tablets. Community members can subscribe and be notified by email when new posts are published.
Parents/guardians, students, staff, and community members should still utilize the district’s main website,, to access the District-wide calendar of events, contact information, school committee meeting notices and minutes, important documents and notices and to view general information about the district and its schools.
Spring Weather, Tick Season, and Outdoor Play:
With warmer days upon us, we will be spending more and more time outside. We highly recommend putting sunscreen and bug spray on your child before they come to school for an added layer of protection. Sending a sweatshirt or light jacket is also a good idea-we all know the weather can change on a dime here in NH!
Pick-Up Patrol:
It is important that you check and update your children's after school pick up plans in Pick Up Patrol each day, especially if they have plans that may change on a daily basis. We will follow the plans that are entered in Pick Up Patrol. It's your responsibility to make sure the plans are correct. Thank you for your help!
In case you missed the news, morning snack/breakfast and lunch are free for all ConVal students this year, however if your child gets only milk at either meal there is a charge of $0.50. Please be sure to add money to your child's lunch account to cover the cost of milk if needed.
You can find the latest elementary menus here:
The Grey Wolf Gazette is now available on our website under the "What's Happening" button. You will be able to find previous editions by clicking on the View All News button. No more scrolling through your email to find the newsletter.
Have a wonderful weekend!
G is for GAME DAY!
H is for Hawaiian Day
First Friends on a Birdwatch!
Souhegan Valley Boys & Girls Club! It's not to early to find out more about Before & After School Care at GES for next year!
News from the Souhegan Valley Boys and Girls Club!
Looking for Before or After School care for your children? Check out the Boys & Girls Club! They have different options to meet the needs of all our families-come one day a week or all 5! They also have a punch card for occasional use! The Club is up and running and accepting registrations for before and after school care at GES. The program will once again serve Greenfield, Francestown and Hancock students. Before school care is available from 6:00am-8:20am and After School care is available from 3:20pm until 6:00pm. Registration information can be found on the Club’s website If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Alyssa Nykanen at or Catherine Kendall at
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Location: 860 Forest Road, Greenfield, NH 03047, USA
Phone: 603-547-3334
Twitter: @ges_royc