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PTO News and Upcoming Events
A message from our 2024-2025 Mountain View PTO Committee
Hi Bengals! πΎ
Thank you for all that came to our Pojo's night! It was so fun to have everyone together. Please bring candy donations this week to the office to help support with Candy Grams next week!
PTO Meeting next week and we have 3 open board positions.
Upcoming Events:
- 2/11-13 (Tues-Wed) Candy Grams signup here
- 2/13 (Thurs) February Meeting - Library 3:30-4:30
- 2/26 (Wed) Cafe Zuppa Dine-in night 4-9pm
- 3/7 (Fri) Aloha to Spring Dance 5:30-7pm signup here
- 3/13 (Thurs) March Meeting - Library 3:30-4:30
Stay up to date with all that PTO has going: PTO Link tree link
To help with fundraising and bringing school spirit, please view our Spirit Wear: Spirit Wear link
President - Chelsea Sulser
Vice President - Shannon Allen
Secretary - Holly Warren
Treasurer - Amy Curtis-Schaeffer
We still need your help! π
Library News
πBoys 5th and 6th Grade Basketball
This is what you will need to bring:
- Your Kindergartener
- 5 years old on or before September 1st, 2020
- Live Birth Certificate
- Immunizations
Important Dates for Semester Two
February 11-12 -Dental Clinic (sealants)
February 11 - 13 - Candy Grams
February 14 - Philharmonic
February 17 -Presidents' Day - No School Pre K-12
March 6 -Kindergarten Registration 3:45 - 5:30 PM
March 14 -End of Third Quarter - Early Release K-6
March 17-21 Spring Break - No School Pre K-12
March 25 - Quad Choir Showcase @ Capital High 9:00 - 1:40
April 18 - No School Pre K-12
May 8 - KG Field Trip, Foothills Learning Center/Camelβs Back Park
May 16 -Early Release K-6
May 22 -Last Day of School - Early Release K-12
Annual Notification Regarding Public Release of Student Directory Information
The Boise School District complies with federal law (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) as it relates to the release of student directory information to the public. To learn more, log on to www.boiseschools.org and navigate to Parents & Patrons > Parent Information > FERPA Form. Or, please call the Clerk of the Board at 208-854-4123 to obtain a copy of the FERPA form.
The Counselors' Corner
Mountain View Sunshine Club
We know that this month is short but important. We wanted to do something special to raise awareness for attendance this month. We will do a contest that the classrooms closest to 100% attendance will get a reward in January! The class with the highest percentage will be the winner!
*Also, if you are looking for insurance, please click link, K-12 Student Accident Insurance
for more information.
Click the TITLE BARS below to get access to information
Tina Akpan
Behavior Support Specialist
Bryce Baker
Excel Behavior Support Specialist
Melissa Ball
1st Grade Teacher
Breanne Balukoff
Amy Bostrom
Kelly Brown
6th Grade Teacher
Lisa Cutler
4th/5th Grade Teacher
Jane Delamarter
Kindergarten Teacher
Denise Dillion-Johnson
Madison Delion
Excel Behavior Support Specialist
Ciarra Elguezabal
Office Assistant
Elizabeth Fathke
Excel Behavior Support Specialist
Jane Godfrey-Wold
Tina Gould
Administrative Assistant
Kristi Handley
P.E. Teacher
Cristy Johnson
Health Teach
Rose Keely
Food Services Manager
Tim Harker
Occupational Physical Therapist
Joncee McFarland
2nd Grade Teacher
Wendy McFarland
3rd Grade Teacher
Morgan Holmes
1st Grade Teacher
Toni Islas
Special Education Assistant
Jeni Jacobs
Resource Room Special Education Teacher
Arde Keshavarz-Rahbar
Food Services
Amy Kinney
Kindergarten Teacher
Eva Meyerhoeffer
Tia Newell
5th Grade Teacher
Chris Purdy
2nd Grade Teacher
Angela Schlautman
School Psychologist
Todd Sprague
Band Teacher
Gina Strickler
2nd Grade Teacher
Brandon Swinford
Head Custodian
Jessica Thornton
4th Grade Teacher
Vasiliy Tsupa
Lynnette Weller
GATE Teacher
Brenee Williams
Speech Language Pathologist
Kaylee Youngblood
School Support Assistant