Lake Grove Elementary
Cougar News
Principal's Message 1.26.23
Dear Lake Grove Families,
Tomorrow our teachers will be working hard to complete report cards. Report cards are one way we communicate with you about your child's progress. Report cards will be available in ParentVue on Friday, February 10 at 4:00 p.m.
One area of important significance the report card is the area that communicates about your child's behavior and self-management skills. Developing strong work habits and communication skills are critical to helping your children succeed as students and in their efforts outside of school. The Behavior Learning Targets are explained in the image below. As educators, we firmly believe that these are skills for which students need instruction and feedback. Please praise your children for their efforts in these areas and set a goal to work toward for the second half of the year.
Teachers collaborate to plan instruction and assessments that align to priority standards in each content area. Assessment takes a variety of forms, including traditional tests and quizzes, listening to each student's reading, informal conversations and observations during the day, and analyzing students' writing. We work together to ensure that all the data we have about a student is taken into consideration when determining their report card marks.
Keep in mind that the standards teachers are evaluating are end of year standards, so some components of the standard might not have been taught or assessed yet, and some might not be mastered yet. There is no need to worry if your child is not yet earning marks of 3 at this point in the school year.
Regardless of the specific content of your child's report card, I encourage you to ask them which areas bring them pride, which they enjoy the most, and which parts of school are most challenging for them. All of us have learned a lot during the first half of our school year and I hope you share my pride in their progress so far and join me in continuing dedication to our continued growth during the second semester.
If you can't find what you need to know here, please feel free to email or call our office with questions.
Be kind,
Principal Jennie Knapp
Table of Contents
Standards Based Report Cards (new)
Practice Skills at Home with i-Ready Personalized Instruction (updated)
Social Emotional Learning (new)
Friendship Day at Lake Grove (new)
Attention 5th grade parents (new)
Parking, Drop Off & Pick Up Reminders (new)
Champions Morning Program Has Space (new)
News from the District Nurses (repeated)
LO Schools Foundation Gala (repeated)
New Application for School Volunteers (repeated)
Oregon State Assessment Opt-Out Form (repeated)
Safe Oregon (repeated)
Save the Date (updated)
PTA News (updated)
Standards-Based Report Cards
The Lake Oswego School District uses a standards-based report card for students in elementary schools. Our report card measures a child’s progress toward proficiency or mastery of the priority standards in Reading, Writing, Language, Speaking, and Math.
This approach provides the means for communicating a child’s learning in more specific terms. Standards-based reporting articulates clear end-of-year grade-level standards for each subject. Using the scale below, teachers will communicate where a child resides on a learning continuum by indicating the student’s progress toward mastery of each identified grade-level standard.
The standards-based reporting scale:
4: The student works consistently at an in-depth and complex level within or beyond the end of year standard*
3: The student meets the grade-level expectation of the standard
2: The student nearly meets the end of year standard
1: The student demonstrates limited proficiency on the end of year standard
Important notes about the scale:
● Reporting is based on the end-of-year grade-level expectation. Therefore, proficiency would not be expected in the middle of the school year.
● A “2” represents the expected target for the majority of the school year as this indicates the child is progressing with the standard as expected. A “3” will be given when the student completely meets the grade-level standard.
● Details of what is expected at mastery level can be found on the report card or on the list of assessed grade-level standards.
● A “1” may prompt additional communication from the classroom teacher so parents will better understand their child’s learning journey.
*It is rare that a child will receive a “4” especially at the end of the first semester. A “4” score may prompt additional communication from the classroom teacher to discuss ways he/she is meeting the child’s unique learning needs.
Behavior Learning Targets are approached differently than end-of-year standards. For more information about your child’s progress, please contact the classroom teacher.
Practice Skills at Home with i-Ready Personalized Instruction (My Path)
LOSD has been utilizing iReady as a benchmark assessment in fall, winter and spring to help us learn more about what we're teaching well and in what areas we need to improve.
Student winter assessment results are available under the documents tab in ParentVUE. This is one data point that we use to measure how well students are learning and the effectiveness of our instructional programs. More information about your child's progress so far this year, based on a variety of assessment results, will be available soon on your child's report card.
This year, students have also been spending some time practicing and learning new skills in math and reading on the instructional side of this platform as well. If your family is interested students have the option to engage in My Path from home.
To unlock i-Ready's full potential, students should access 45 minutes of instruction per subject (reading and math) per week. Each student's i-Ready Personalized Instruction (My Path) provides instruction at their individual level, allowing them to practice the skills they need to be successful.
If you have any questions about how to access i-Ready Personalized Instruction (My Path) on your student's device, please feel free to contact your teacher.
Social Emotional Learning
Dear Lake Grove Families,
This month, we will be investing our time and attention on the character trait of HONESTY in our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons, classrooms, and throughout our school community. Practicing HONESTY helps strengthen our relationships and reduce stress. Practicing honesty in our daily lives also allows us to live in accordance with our personal values.
One way to think about HONESTY is “being truthful in what you say and do.” HONESTY is one of three traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Well. Throughout the school, students will be developing skills like emotion regulation, self-advocacy, and friendship skills.
During our counseling lessons this month, students will learn about practicing honesty through expressing who they are and the strengths they bring to our school community. Our community is stronger because of each student’s individuality, and we seek to nurture each student in embracing the unique qualities that make them who they are.
Our monthly letters include activities to explore HONESTY further as a family. Enjoy connecting together with the PurposeFull Pursuits inside the PreK - Grade 5 Honesty Family Letters.
Thank you for partnering with us to engage our students in social emotional learning and growth. Please reach out if you or your student would like more support.
As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns at
Wendy Post
Lake Grove School Counselor
Friendship Day at Lake Grove
Lake Grove will have an optional Friendship Day celebration on February 14th that may include an afternoon classroom activity with a Valentine card exchange. Students may bring their cards to exchange on Monday, February 14th. These cards should NOT contain any edible items, but may include small trinkets/games/toys. Please remember that students should bring in enough cards for each classmate or none at all. Look for any more specific guidance and list of student names from your classroom teachers.
If your student would like to participate, but purchasing valentines presents a hardship, please contact Wendy Post at
Attention 5th grade parents!
It is that time of year when LOJ starts to work with students and parents to prepare their schedules for the next school year. Forecasting is the process where students choose their elective courses for next year. 5th grade students will be meeting with their counselor next year at LOJ, to forecast for their schedule. Lake Oswego Junior High will also be hosting a parent night to talk about LOJ and provide information on the forecasting process. Listed below are the dates of the parent night and when LOJ will be visiting our school to talk with our 5th graders.
5th Grade Parent Night: Tuesday January 31 from 6:30 to 7:30 in the cafeteria at Lake Oswego Middle School. This event is for parents only.
Counselor meets with 5th grade students at Lake Grove: Tuesday January 31
LOJ looks forward to meeting with you and getting to know your student!
- Parking during the day against the brick wall (gym brick wall) is available for families. Please be aware that those spots are only available between 8:30AM and 2:00PM. Once the barriers go up at 2:00 if you have not moved your vehicle you will need to wait until after dismissal.
- Please ensure your child/children are able to get in/out of the car on their own in order to not hold up the drop off/pick-up line.
- If you are walking your student(s) to school and crossing Douglas Way, PLEASE cross at the crossing guard, crossing at multiple sites is causing traffic back-ups and creating dangerous scenarios with cars vs pedestrian traffic.
- Please refrain from parking in the reserved staff parking spaces and the two spots that have reserved signs in the main lot (there is one for District staff which is a permanent designation, this should be left empty at all times for staff and one spot that is the PTA fundraising spot which a family pays to have access to, this too should be left open at all times.
- Please be respectful to Lake Grove staff that assist with pick-up/drop off and act as our crossing guards. They are doing their very best to ensure all our children are safe and that pick-up/drop off go as smoothly as possible.
- There are several parking opportunities at Waluga park (on Quarry Road) and up/down Hallmark (off of Douglas Way)
Champions Morning Program Has Space
News from the District Nurses
What services does your school nurse provide?
School Nursing by Definition:
School nursing, a specialized practice of nursing, protects and promotes student health, facilitates optimal development, and advances academic success. School nurses, grounded in ethical and evidence-based practice, are the leaders who bridge health care and education, provide care coordination, advocate for quality student-centered care, and collaborate to design systems that allow individuals and communities to develop their full potential. (Adopted by the NASN Board of Directors February 2017.)
Some of the services provided by your school nurses:
Provide first aid care and health assessment;
Write care plans and coordinate the care of students with chronic or acute health conditions;
Communicate with teachers and staff to ensure the safety and well-being of students;
Administer medications and monitor delegated medication administration;
Assist in the evaluation of students for Special Services (Special Education);
Coordinate and provide vision screenings and vaccination clinics;
Track and monitor immunizations and dental care and;
Educate and train staff on: asthma, life threatening allergies, diabetes, and blood borne pathogens.
If you would like to speak to your school nurse, click the link below for contact information.
First Annual Foundation Gala – Save the date!
This is an evening dedicated to our wonderful community and the amazing schools we support.
Oregon State Assessment Opt-Out Form
State law requires us to inform you that a form is available from the State Department of Education that allows you to opt your child out of the math and English Language Arts assessments for the current school year. Should you wish to opt out your child, fill out the form and submit it to the main office at your child’s school. Please note the submission deadlines listed on the form. Meeting the deadline will help the school with planning and preparation. If you wish your child not to participate in the science assessment for grades 5, 8, and 11, submit this request in writing to the principal of your child's school.
If you have questions or want more information about state assessments, please contact your child’s principal or teacher(s).
Click here for opt-out form for Math and English Language Arts.
New Application for School Volunteers - Please apply!
For the safety of children, volunteers are required to have an approved background check when volunteering in schools.
Volunteer Application for LOSD
Thank you for your service to our students and schools. We are grateful for our volunteers.
Safe Oregon
Parents-guardians who have concerns about a student’s well-being are encouraged to reach out to their principal, and to maintain strong lines of communication and partnership between students, families, staff, and other resources.
SafeOregon is also an effective way to report a tip regarding safety threats or potential acts of violence to our students or schools.
(Students should also be aware that intentionally providing a false report is a serious offense.)
Save the date!
1/27 - Teacher Grading Day - No School for Elementary or High Schools
2/3 - 1st Grade Field Trip
2/13 - 2/17 Culture Travel Week at Lake Grove
2/14 - Friendship Day
2/20 - No School President's Day
2/28 - Family Coding Night
PTA News
A new Google sheet captures all current volunteer opportunities at Lake Grove. Bookmark this tracking document so you can see the latest and greatest volunteer roles. PTA programs don’t happen without the generous support of volunteers. We welcome parents, guardians, aunts, uncles, grandparents and more!
Simply submit your volunteer application and join us at school once you’ve been approved! If you have any questions or need accommodations for the volunteer application, please contact Jennie Knapp at LGE: or John Parke with the district:
Manage Dining for Dollars at Lake Grove
Lake Grove PTA’s Dining for Dollars program helps our school earn funds while supporting local businesses. This is a program that can easily be managed by a single volunteer at any time of day throughout the school year, taking a minimal time investment to provide a monthly cadence of restaurant partnerships. A contribution of approximately 2 hours per month can result in thousands of dollars for our students. If you’re interested in managing this program for the remainder of this year and continuing into the 2023-24 school year, contact
Seeking volunteers to help produce the yearbook
The yearbook team is working hard to create a fun memory book for our 2022-23 school year! We are looking for two volunteers to help edit the yearbook. This is a simple task that can be done from home at any time of day between Friday, January 20 and mid-February. We estimate this task should take two people approximately 5 hours each. To help, email:
Join the 5th grade celebration committee
If you would like to help plan the festivities to celebrate our 5th graders as they transition to middle school in June, join the committee by emailing (subject line: 5th grade celebration).
Support volunteers needed for PTA clubs
Thank you to our volunteers for making these clubs possible! Nick Hill, Swati Mishra, Ginni Tribanas, Amanda Bierbrauer, Alicia Gaspar, June Cheng, Marnie Lyon-Brown, Manjusree Velagapudi, Alia Adams, Yan Liang, Monica Grabavoy, Cheryl Sharkey, Lauren Gibbons, Emily James & Lisa LeBlanc.
Drama Club: be a part of creating Lake Grove’s version of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory! This beloved story will come to life in our gymnasium in spring 2023. Together with Northwest Children’s Theater, the Lake Grove PTA will work with students grades K-5 to produce the elementary school play (students grades 2-5 will be eligible for speaking roles). We need volunteers to make this successful! Tryouts will be hosted on a single day in late February and every interested student will find a role in the production. Rehearsals occur over the course of a single week in March. Please register your interest in a co-chair position, or general availability for helping out with Drama Club here. If you want more information about how Drama Club works, email (subject line: Drama Club).
Audition date: Monday, February 27 after school
Rehearsal dates: Monday-Friday, March 6-10 after school
Performance dates: Friday, March 10 at 7 p.m. & Saturday, March 11 at 2 p.m.
Newspaper Club: this signup is now closed. 45 student staff members have joined the Lake Grove Newspaper Club! Our next staff meeting is Thursday, Feb 2 from 2-3pm at the LG Library. Parents, please check your mail or remind your students to check their email for further information regarding the club. Parent volunteering to support this club is needed. To volunteer, visit: Questions? Contact: (subject line: Newspaper).
Number Ninja (Math Club): this signup is now closed. This club meets in the LG library every Friday 2:45-3:45 pm (except no school days). Parent volunteering to support this club is needed. To volunteer, visit: Questions? Contact: (subject line: Number Ninja).
In January, February and March, our staff appreciation committee asks families to donate items for a monthly staff potluck lunch to thank LG employees for their dedication to our students. The first lunch was hosted by 1st and 4th grade families. Watch this space for the remaining sign-ups as the dates draw nearer; details will also be sent out by room parents. Please sign up and help us show our appreciation for the Lake Grove staff!
- Tuesday, February 21 (right after Presidents Day!): Chili Bar hosted by 2nd & 3rd Grade Families
- Thursday, March 16: Brunch for lunch hosted by Kinder & 5th Grade Families
The Art Literacy training session for Beatrix Potter, artist #3, can be viewed here. Additional information about Potter is available here with the password volunteer4loartlit.
The training session for Mondrian, artist #4, can be viewed here. Additional information about Mondrian is available here with the password volunteer4loartlit.
You can sign up for our final training session (Rivera), to be held in February, here.
To sign up to volunteer with Art Literacy, just visit this SignUp Genius and look for your student’s classroom, organized by teacher name and add your name to the list.
Questions? Contact Kim MacKay (
Lake Grove Elementary
At Lake Grove, we are an inclusive school community fostering social, emotional, and academic growth for all students.
Principal: Jennie Knapp
Location: 15777 Boones Ferry Road, Lake Oswego, OR, United States
Phone: 503-534-2357