Rocket Review - Parents
This week...
The Father Daughter Dance was the absolute can't miss event for fathers and daughters of Rosa Parks ES! Now, we are calling all Moms and Sons to join us for a Game Night in March. It's not your traditional game night, but will be filled with lots of minute to win it games, active games, as well as prizes!!! Get registered to join us for some fun (details in flyer below).
Please note that we have early dismissal this Thursday, 2/13, at 12:10pm and No School on Friday and Monday.
Blasting off into a great week!
Anitra Wilson, Principal
Order your Yearbook TODAY!
Order your yearbooks today! https://inter-state.com/order; Order Code: 91246P
Online orders due by: Wednesday, April 2, 2025.
Early Bird Price: $30
After 03/07/2025, Prices Increase To: $35
All Items Below are Repeats
Lift Off Challenge!
Progress Learning "Liftoff" is an online program that provides lessons and games for prior grade level skills that your student may be lacking. All students that complete all the stars/rockets in this area will receive 45 Rocket Bucks on February 28, 2025. So push your students to meet this goal!! Instructions to access Progress Learning "Lift off" are below.
Houston Rockets Read Nation Challenge thru February 14!!
Participate in this fun Reading Challenge to win prizes!!! See attachments below for details. If you do not have access to a printer, just have your student stop by the front office for a copy if they'd like to participate.
Dreambox Celebrations!!
The goal is for every student to complete at least 5 Dreambox lessons per week. When they do, they get to celebrate!!!! See flyer below.
NEW Success Zone!
Extended Day is offering a new program called Success Zone!
FBISD's Community Education Program offers a wide variety of youth, adult, and multigenerational classes and programs. We welcome all students and community members to expand their knowledge and be life-long learners. So whether you are looking for an opportunity to reignite a long-held hobby or passion, or you're curious to learn a completely new skill, we've got the class for you!
For more information, click the link below or call 281-634-4220.
Mother Son Game Night Coming Soon! 03/20
Link to purchase tickets below:
Link to volunteer - Fathers: Volunteer for Mother Son Game Night
Reminder to Parents: Please Pack Water Bottles for Students
From Our Nurses Office,
A reminder to parents to please pack water bottles for the kids. Even though it is getting cold outside the kids are still running around and experiencing dehydration related symptoms.
Our Rocket Daily Creed
Healthy Snacks Welcome!
Due to the fact that many of the children have an early breakfast and may have a late lunch, we build a "working" snack time into each grade level's daily schedule. We are asking that you please pack your child with a healthy snack everyday for them to eat during this time. Studies have proven that when chosen properly, snacks can provide children with an extra boost to their mental skills.
Some snack ideas that students seem to enjoy include: crackers, pretzels, dry cereal, string cheese, raisins, fruit, veggies, etc. Please note that candy, soda, cakes, and greasy or finger-coloring chips are not permitted and will be returned home. Do NOT send anything with peanuts or peanut butter due to allergies.
Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation. I know that the students' rumbling tummies thank you as well!
A large number of jackets, hoodies, coats, and lunch kits were donated this past semester. Please LABEL all of your child's items. If lost, we will deliver to the classroom IF there is a label or name written inside the item.
Student ID's must be worn daily
All students are expected to wear their ID daily with the school issued lanyard. If a student does not have an ID they need to report to the front office to be issued a temporary wristband ID for the day.
Requesting a new ID - student should request a new ID when they come to get their temporary ID in the morning. A fee will be assigned to the students account in Skyward. Parent should pay the fee in Skyward. Have the student bring the printed receipt the next day to the office.
How to pay fee for new ID
PTO End of Week Snack Sale!
In order to raise funds for more fun and exciting materials and activities for Rosa Parks ES, our PTO is selling yummy snacks every Friday (or last day of the week) in the carpool line. Items sold include gatorade, water, candy, and more! Prices range from $1-3. Cash only. So bring your cash so that you can treat your Rockets to a fun end of week snack!
Donate clothes for dollars!
As you start to clean out your homes as we prepare for the holiday season, consider donating your clothes to our clothes recycle bin located near the cafeteria doors.
Student Holiday Dates at a Glance
PTO Birthday Grams on the Marquee
PTO wants to help you celebrate your student's birthday with a little extra flair! Let us all celebrate your student with well wishes for their birthday by announcing "Happy Birthday" on our school marquee. See the attachment below for more information.
Join PTO!!
Brighter Bites
Get signed up now for the next distribution! Not only is it distributing healthy fruits and vegetables, there are active lessons and learning about healthy eating included! Share with a neighbor, we make are community stronger!
¡Inscríbase ahora para la próxima distribución! No solo se distribuyen frutas y verduras saludables, sino que también se incluyen lecciones activas y aprendizaje sobre alimentación saludable. Haga clic en los enlaces a continuación para ver imágenes de nuestra página de Twitter de RPE.
2024-2025 School Calendar
Regular school attendance is essential for students to make the most of their education. Absences from class may result in serious disruption of a student’s mastery of the instructional materials/objectives; therefore, the student and parent should make every effort to avoid unnecessary absences. Please view the school calendar attached below.
Attendance Tips for Parents
Students may not be picked up after 2:45 PM.
All excuse notes (whether from a parent, doctor’s office, etc.) must be received within 5 days of the student’s return to school or the absence will be considered unexcused.
Notes may be emailed to cynthia.hernandez@fortbendisd.gov. Any note brought in by a student should be dropped off at the attendance office located in the front office. The notes must include the student’s first and last name, parent signature/date, reason for absence, and telephone number.
If a student is absent or leaves early, a note needs to be turned in within the 5-day limit. Otherwise the absence will be coded as unexcused.
If your child must leave school early, the child must be signed out prior to them leaving the building. You will need to provide ID in order to sign the child out.
In order to sign out a child, the person picking them up must be on their emergency contact list. If not, an email will need to be sent to cynthia.hernandez@fortbendisd.gov with the name of the person who will be picking the child up.
In order to add someone to your child’s emergency contact list, an email will need to be sent to cynthia.hernandez@fortbendisd.gov with the name of the individual and a contact phone number for them as well.
If a student is out more than 4 consecutive days, a note from the doctor is required. No exceptions.
If you receive a call that your child was marked absent in a class and you feel this is an error, please either leave a message or send an email to your child’s teacher about the error. The teacher will then contact Mrs. Hernandez if an error was made. The attendance clerk cannot make any changes without notification from the teacher who made the error.
Being on time for School Matters!
School Hours
8:00a.m. - 3:25 p.m.
The doors open at 7:30 a.m.
Breakfast is served from 7:30-8:00 a.m.
Important Dates
02/12/25- Brighter Bites Distribution 3:45-4:45 PM (Sign up in advance: https://www.brighterbites.org/signup/s=656/n=1)
02/13/25- Early Dismissal 12:10 PM
02/14/25- No School for STUDENTS (Professional Learning Day)
02/17/25- Holiday No School
02/20/25- Black History Program 3rd Grade 5:00 PM- All are Invited!
02/21/25- Go Texan Day
02/24/25- 5th Science STAAR Interim ***UPDATE
02/27/25- Brighter Bites Distribution 3:45-4:45 PM (Sign up in advance: https://www.brighterbites.org/signup/s=656/n=1)
02/28/25- No Students- Teacher Planning
03/03/25- Math STAAR Interim (3rd -5th Grades) ***UPDATE
03/06/25- Scholastic Book Fair Early Shop (8:00-8:30 AM)
03/06/25- Children's Museum Parent Night - Music and Art Night (1st - 5th Grade work display) All are Invited!
03/07/25- End of 9 weeks/ 3rd Grading Period
03/10 - 03/14/25- Spring Break - No School
03/17 - 03/21/25- Scholastic Book Fair - RPE Library
03/19/25- Spring Picture Day (Individual)
03/20/25- Brighter Bites Distribution 3:45-4:45 PM (Sign up in advance: https://www.brighterbites.org/signup/s=656/n=1)
03/20/25- Mother & Son Game Night hosted by PTO 5:00 PM
03/31/25- Holiday- No School
04/02/25- World Autism Day! wear Blue
04/03/25- Brighter Bites Distribution 3:45-4:45 PM (Sign up in advance: https://www.brighterbites.org/signup/s=656/n=1)
04/14/25- 3rd, 4th, and 5th English Language Arts/ Reading STAAR ***UPDATE
04/15/25- Spirit Night @ Chick- Fil- A Sienna 4:00 - 8:00 PM
04/17/25- 5th Science STAAR
04/17/25- Brighter Bites Distribution 3:45-4:45 PM (Sign up in advance: https://www.brighterbites.org/signup/s=656/n=1)
04/18 - 04/21/25 - Holiday- No School
04/22/25- Earth Day
04/28/25- 3rd, 4th, and 5th Math STAAR ***UPDATE
05/01/25- Brighter Bites Distribution 3:45-4:45 PM (Sign up in advance: https://www.brighterbites.org/signup/s=656/n=1)
05/02/25- Field Day
05/02/25- Public School Paraprofessional Day!
05/05 - 05/09/25- Teacher Appreciation Week!
05/06 - 05/08/25- Nurse Appreciation Week!
05/07/25- National Bike to School Day
05/14/25- Hightower HS Senior Walk @ Rosa Parks ES ***UPDATE
05/15/25- Brighter Bites Distribution 3:45-4:45 PM (Sign up in advance: https://www.brighterbites.org/signup/s=656/n=1)
05/20/25- Awards Celebration for Pre-K, 2nd, and 4th graders
05/21/25- Awards Celebration for Kinder, 1st, and 3rd graders
05/22/25- 5th Grade Awards Day 10:00 AM
05/26/25- Holiday- No School- Memorial Day!
05/29/25- Last Day of School/ Early Dismissal 12:10 PM
Italicized dates are updates.
Rosa Parks Elementary
Asst. Principal, Dr. Candus Jack - candus.jack@fortbendisd.gov
Counselor, Tahida Williams - tahida.williams@fortbendisd.gov
Website: https://www.fortbendisd.gov/rpe
Location: 19101 Chimney Rock Road, Fresno, TX, USA
Phone: 281-634-6390
Twitter: @RPE_Rockets