Shannon Park News
October 2024
Acts of Character: Empathy
The Shannon Park Acts of Character Program revolves around teaching, promoting, recognizing and celebrating positive character traits in students. During the month of October, we will be focusing on the character trait of Empathy.
Students Participate in Bus Evacuation Safety
Report Absences or Changes of Schedule
Please remember to report all absences and changes of schedules by calling 651-423-7670 during school hours or by submitting a form here.
Kindness Council Kicks off First Meeting
The Kindness Council is a 5th grade leadership group focusing on promoting and spreading kindness at Shannon Park Elementary and in the surrounding community. All 5th graders are invited to be a part of the Kindness Council and the first meeting took place last Friday. The next meeting is on Friday, October 25, from 8:15-9:15a.m.
LifeTouch Photos are Ready!
LifeTouch Photos are ready! Photos will come home with students this week in their Friday Folders. For those families interested in retakes, Picture Retake Day will take place on Tuesday, October 15. If you have any questions about photos, please contact LifeTouch by calling 1-800-736-4753.
Please visit the following LifeTouch Website and use our school ID:
Picture Day ID: EVT7JD3BS
Would You Like to Honor A Veteran?
Students are invited to ask parents/guardians if there are family members that have served in any branch of the U.S. military. This can include grandparents, parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, or uncles. With the help of parents/guardians, students can complete information on the following document to be used in a Shannon Park hallway display. A copy of this document will also be coming home in Friday Folders. Feel free to provide a copy of the family member's photo (non-returnable) if you would like to have it displayed with the document. Please bring document and/or photo to school office by Tuesday, October 22. (Please do not send duplicate copies of the honored veteran if students have siblings, as all will be displayed in the hallways.)
School Spirit Day: Comfy Day on Friday, October 11
Kindness Council helps create the spirit days each year and invites all students and staff to participate in "comfy day" on Friday, October 11.
First Day of Big Band Rehearsal
Big Band is a weekly rehearsal where all the band students meet in the gymnasium to learn music, have fun, and prepare for our two band concerts. BIG BAND rehearsals occur every week on Wednesdays before school (whenever students have school), starting on October 9. Students should arrive at 8:00am at the main doors and then meet in the gymnasium with their music, iPad, and instrument. Big band rehearsals will occur every week school is in session through Wednesday, April 16th. Rehearsals will end at 9:15am, and then students will be dismissed to the cafeteria for breakfast or to their classroom.
Student Cell Phones & Smart Watches
Students are accessing personal devices including cell phones and SMART watches at earlier ages than what we may have seen in previous years. We know that some students are using cell phones as a means for communication with family members before/after school hours. As a reminder, cell phones and SMART watches are not to be used during the school hours for any reasons. Students who choose to bring their cell phone to school must keep their phones in their backpacks at all times and may not use them at any time during the school day.
We do not encourage elementary students to wear SMART watches as they can be very distracting to learning. Students and families who need to get in contact with one another must go through our school office. Additionally, we are NOT responsible for any lost or stolen personal devices including cell phones, SMART watches or any other personal electronic devices.
We ask parents to not call or text their child during the day on a personal cell phone or SMART watch. If you must get in touch with your child for any reason, please call our school office at 651-423-7670 or send an email to your child’s classroom teacher. Thank you for your support and cooperation with these requests.
Please view Shannon Park Personal Technology Policy here: https://sp.district196.org/families/shannon-park-personal-technology-policy
We are off to a great start in Preschool. We are learning about being in school. The children have been making new friends and learning the rules and routines of our classroom. We have been learning the names of the teachers and the children. We will begin going to the library in October and children will have the opportunity to check out books. We are excited for our first parent event on Thursday, October 10th. Families will be joining us for a playtime with their child acting as the tour guide of the classroom. Soon, we will transition to our nature unit. We will be learning about the changes that are happening outside and how they impact us. Thank-you for your patience at car drop-off time as Preschool students need to have a teacher come and get them out of the car. We are so happy to be here at Shannon Park.
October 4: No School (Data Analysis & Instructional Alignment Day)
October 7: Site Council Meeting @ 8:00a.m.
October 9: First Day of Big Band Rehearsal 8:00a.m.
October 10: Fire Prevention Day with Rosemount Fire Department
October 11: School Spirit Day - Comfy Day
October 11: Slime Time for Mr. Davis
October 15: Picture Retake Day
October 17: No School (MEA Break)
October 18: No School (MEA Break)
October 22: Veterans' Day Forms Due (optional)
October 22: SP Culvers Night - Rosemount 4:00-7:00p.m.
October 25: Kindness Council Meeting @ 8:15a.m.
October 25: Fall Party Day
Shannon Park Site Council
You are invited to attend Shannon Park Night at the Rosemount Culvers on Tuesday, October 22, between 4:00-7:00p.m. This Site Council sponsored evening is a wonderful community event for you and your family!
Contact Us
Email: sp.attendance@district196.org
Website: https://sites.google.com/apps.district196.org/shannonpark/home
Location: 13501 Shannon Parkway, Rosemount, MN 55068, USA
Phone: 651-423-7670
Twitter: @ourshannonpark