Riverside Elementary Newsletter
MAY 2024
What's Happening This Month:
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are on the final stretch into the fourth quarter, and have a lot to proud of as we look back over this year at the progress and accomplishments students have made!
Our Title I sponsored Family Fun Night on April 25 was a big success, and it was great to see all the families enjoying the activities! Thank you to everyone who helped plan and prepare for this event, and who helped with activities, games, and face painting!
Our third graders have been finishing their MCA assessments, and during the first two weeks of May, our PK-3 students will be completing their grade level spring FAST assessments in reading and math. These assessments give us valuable insights into a student's progress in reading and math, so we can adapt our instructional strategies to best support them. Results from the FAST assessments will be sent home along with fourth quarter report cards on the last day of school, May 30. We are happy to share your student's individual data and progress with you at anytime throughout the year upon your request.
Along with completing our spring academic assessments, we will also have a few end of year field trips, and fun events for the students. As part of our PBIS school-wide expectations, students are reminded that these special events are a privilege and it important to continue to demonstrate their Husky Pride by being Respectful, Responsible, Positive, and Safe not only in the classroom, but throughout the school and other school-sponsored events. Please help us in reminding students to continue to show their Husky Pride so they can enjoy these special events. Thank you as always for your support and partnership!
Kim Meyer, Riverside Principal
🗓 Coming Up!
April 30: "Stick It to the Principal" - Students will duct tape Mrs. Meyer to the gym wall (Meeting $5,000 PBIS fundraiser goal)
May 2: First grade dress rehearsal at HS 9:30 a.m. for Riverside staff and students/First grade parent program at HS 1:00 p.m.
May 3: School Lunch Hero Day!/School-wide lock-down drill
May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week!
May 7: School-wide evacuation drill (weather permitting)
May 8: Kindergarten public library visit
May 9: School-wide evacuation drill (back up date)
May 10: Kindergarten public library visit
May 16-21: Scholastic Book Fair in the Riverside Library
May 22: Kindergarten Celebration at HS 1p.m.
May 23: Third Grade Field Trip to Sioux Falls Zoo
May 24: Terrific Kids Program 2:20 p.m.
May 27: Memorial Day/No School
May 28: "Slime the Principal" - For meeting $10,000 PBIS fundraiser goal: 2:30 p.m. on playground
May 30: Awards Program 8:30-9:30 a.m./Last day of school/Report Cards Sent Home
May 3 is School Lunch Hero Day! Thank you to all of our JCC cafeteria staff for all of your hard work each and every day!
Thank you to our JCC teachers who are truly superheroes. Thank you for your commitment to our students, school district, and community!
Congratulations to our April Terrific Kids! Thank you for showing your Husky Pride!
Sydney M.
Charles M.
Emalyn V.
First Grade
Sawyer T.
First Grade
Bennett V.
Second Grade
Evelyn H.
Second Grade
We had a blast at our Title I sponsored Family Fun Night! Thank you to our volunteers and staff for helping to make this another successful year for families to enjoy!
During the month of May, students will be talking about ways to be safe in their Quest classes with Mrs. Anderson.
🙌 April Staff Shout-Outs
Kim Paulson
Preschool Teacher
Kari Pyan
Special Education Teacher
Brittany Rogers
Second Grade Teacher
Dr. Kim Meyer, Riverside Principal
Email: kim.meyer@jccschools.net
Website: https://www.jccschools.com/riversideelementary
Text/phone: 507-847-6649