Lapeer ISD
2024-25 School Year

This newsletter is designed to connect you with upcoming Professional Learning opportunities provided by Lapeer ISD. Click Subscribe at the bottom of the page to receive updated newsletters.
NOTE: Please follow your district policy for obtaining approval to attend and sub coverage.
March, 2025
Parent Advisory Committee: Career & Technical Education Program Overview
Monday, March 3, 2025
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Free and open to everyone.
Meeting Dates & Topics - School Year 2024-2025
MACUL Conference
Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL)
2025 Annual Conference
March 19-21, 2025
Detroit, MI
MACUL 2025 will be give every attendee access to cutting edge tools, classroom resources and learning strategies for today’s technology driven schools.
As an attendee, you will be able to learn, get inspired and grow from the following:
- Sessions by EdTech Leaders that are passionate about students and share the same experiences as you
- Access to hundreds of tools, technologies and resources for innovating your classroom or district in our Expo Hall
- Connections through learning opportunities, networking and unique experiences.
- Visit maculconference.org for more information
CPI Refresher Training
Thursday, March 20, 2025
8:00 - 12:30pm
Education and Technology Center
Refreshers, level 1 and 2, are for staff that have been through the initial training outlined above within the last year. A refresher should be taken on or before the date listed on a participants blue card.
The refresher trainings offered during the 24-25 school year are outlined below. Each refresher will have a blended online learning component and an in-person classroom session. The online module must be complete prior to attending the in-person classroom session lead by certified instructors. The online module takes approximately 2-3 ½ hours. You must be employed by a school within Lapeer County in order to attend a CPI class offered through Lapeer County ISD (or a local education agency within Lapeer County).
(Click brochure for 2024-25 schedule)
The Online Training must be completed prior to attending in-person session with CPI certified Instructors.
Questions? Contact Theresa Frakes tfrakes@lapeerisd.org
Framework for Understanding Poverty
April 10 and 17, 2025 8-12pm
LCISD Education and Technology Center
No Charge
Both Days required
Sessions include 2 Ruby Payne Books Free
Day 1 A Framework for Understanding Poverty : 10 Actions to Educate Students-
This training gives you in-depth information to help you understand class differences and 10 actions you can implement the next day in the classroom to achieve impact. You will learn that the rules of survival and instability often interfere with time and opportunities to learn. This workshop will give you in-depth strategies and understandings to reduce your own frustration and better serve your students and parents. The workshop is based on the book A Framework for Understanding Poverty by Ruby K. Payne, Ph.D.
Day 2 - Research-Based Strategies
Serve under-resourced students with hands-on techniques that help you narrow and then close the achievement gap. Reduce planning time, improve effectiveness, and develop more immediate, reliable intervention strategies.
Emotional Poverty Training
April 15, 2025 8-3:00pm or May 15, 8-3:00pm
LCISD Education and Technology Center
Free of Charge
Link to FLYER
Every evening on the news, there are multiple stories about violence and anger erupting. Workplace and school violence are increasingly a reality. Using a brain-based approach, this session looks at the underlying causes of anger, anxiety, and violence; how they develop; and the tools that can be used to change those responses. Emotions are processed 200 to 5,000 times faster than thought. To change behavior, the motivation for the behavior must be changed. This session will provide understandings on how that can be used with family, relationships, institutions, and oneself.
Lapeer ISD Artificial Intelligence for Leaders
Tuesday, April 22, 2025
8:30 - 11:30 am
LCISD Education and Technology Center
No Charge
AI is already shaping the future of education. Are you ready to lead the way?
This half-day workshop is designed specifically for school and district leaders looking to navigate AI’s role in education. From enhancing efficiency to supporting instructional innovation, we’ll cover strategies to help you integrate AI thoughtfully and effectively.
Workshop Facilitator: Karle Delo
ADOS Training (Virtual)
We are pleased to announce that the Learning and Developmental Evaluation Clinic at the Indiana University Bloomington School of Education will be hosting a formal virtual ADOS-2 introductory/clinical training for professionals and students with certified ADOS-2 trainer Dr. Courtney Burnette
August 4-6, 2025. Prices for the training are as follows:
Professionals $300 per day
Students $100 per day
Spaces are limited and registration is on a first come, first served basis! There is room for 20 students and 40 professionals.
You may register for one of three options:
(1) Entire Training (3 days, Aug 4-6): Modules 1-4 and Toddler Module
(2) Modules 1-4 (2 days, Aug 4-5)
(3) Toddler Module only (1 day, Aug 6) Please note: you may register for the Toddler
Module only day if you have previously completed a formal ADOS-2 clinical training for
Modules 1-4.
All participants are responsible for having an ADOS-2 manual prior to the training. Manuals are available through WPS if you don’t have one. Product #: W-605M (the tan cover).
Continuing Education (CE) credits are available for interested professionals through the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Indiana University Bloomington is approved by NASP to offer professional development for school psychologists and maintain responsibility for the training. If you are registering for the training and would like to receive CE credits, please also complete this form.
If you have any questions, please e-mail Gwen Davis at gwmdavis@iu.edu
START Conference
The 24th Annual START Conference
April 28, 2025
Lansing Center (333 E Michigan Ave, Lansing, MI 48933).
MORE.... START PD Opportunities
All events Virtual
FAPE in the LRE
January 30, 2025 12:00pm - 3:00pm Training Flyer Registration
Increasing Academic Engagement: 30-minute Webinar
January 30, 2025, February 6, 2025 and February 13, 2025 Training Flyer Registration
Early Childhood - Learning Opportunities in the Early Childhood Classroom
February 21, 2025 9 - 11:00 AM Training Flyer Registration
Behavior Escalation and Scripts Registration
March 11, 2025, March 18, 2025 1-3pm
Education-Based Evaluations Training Flyer Registration
April 17, 2025 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Early Childhood - Early Identification and Eligibility Determination for Young Children with Autism
May 2, 2025 9:00 - 11:00am Training Flyer Registration
Michigan Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference
February 26 - 28, 2025
Amway Grand Hotel, Grand Rapids, MI
This years theme is Michigan Celebrates Every Child! Eight amazing pre-conference workshops kick off our celebration on Wednesday February 26, 2025. The fellowship and learning continue on February 27th and 28th with over 90 breakout sessions, a Keynote by Dr. Shelley Moore, an internationally recognized educator and inclusion expert, an address by our state director Teri Rink, the 60th annual Recognition and Scholarship Reception Thursday evening, and more. As a bonus, our conference offers an extensive list of continuing education hours because we truly understand the importance of providing professional and personal growth opportunities to special education practitioners.
Michigan Virtual
Michigan Virtual Professional Learning Portal is available to all Michigan Students, Educators, Administrators, counselors, and Mentors. Many courses are free or low-cost.
Schechs are awarded at the conclusion of each module. Most are self-paced, although there are a few that are facilitated.
National Technical Assistance Center on Transition - The Collaborative
The National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C) is a Technical Assistance Center co-funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).
NTACT-C works with state teams to build capacity to support transition and improve post high school outcomes. NTACT-C also provides information, tools, .and supports to assist multiple stakeholders in delivering effective services and instruction for secondary students and out of school youth with disabilities. Guidance is provided by NTACT-C based on the latest quality research and translating research into practice and implementation.
Upcoming learning opportunities from NTACT-C. You will need to register for a free account to access the training.
Think Higher. Think College. New Resources and Strategies on College Access for Students with Intellectual Disability (pre-recorded on March 21, 2024).
Learn effective strategies and skills to help your students Think College! This is a free, public webinar to gain strategies and insights from a panel composed of K-12 transition specialists, a program director from an inclusive postsecondary education program, and a vocational rehabilitation (VR). The panel was moderated by Dan Habib where they discussed higher education opportunities for students with intellectual disability; free, cutting-edge resources; reviewed research about improved outcomes for students with intellectual disability who attend college; and drew on insights from a panel including a K-12 educator; a director from a postsecondary education program; and a vocational rehabilitation executive director about what options exist for students with intellectual disabilities. They also discussed how to guide students to pursue college and collaborate across the transition spectrum to support students with intellectual disabilities pursuing a path to college.
Lapeer ISD PD opportunities available upon request
Lapeer ISD has many different topics available to schedule at your convenience. For a full list of
trainings, please click document below for a full list of available trainings