KSTM Newsletter September 2024
Publish Date: August 30, 2024
We are off to a great start for the 2024-2025 school year at KSTM. Keeping it rolling, there are many exciting events happening in September and we want to make sure that all are informed. Please review our September newsletter for upcoming events - here are a few highlights:
- Reminder there is No School on Monday, September 2nd, for Labor Day. It will be an "A" on Tuesday, September 3rd when students return.
- School Picture Day is September 9th, 2024 - Pictures will take place during the block 1/2. Picture packets provided to students next week via advisements and will also be available the day of pictures. There is also information provided for online ordering. See below for more information.
Fall Hullabaloo is September 20th, 2024 - The Fall Hullabaloo is a fundraiser from 3:30-5:05. Tickets are 5 dollars to attend. See below for more information.
- FALL SPORTS season has started - the calendar is up to date on the KSTM Website. Please be sure to check the King Science website found here for upcoming events, the staff directory, and other important information. https://www.ops.org/kingscience
Just a reminder, we do not let students carry around large backpacks at KSTM. Students may carry around draw-string bags (one was provided to every student), small backpacks, side satchels, small purses. Students must put all large backpacks or personal items in their lockers.
Jane Laughlin
Football T-shirts FOR SALE
Contact Coach Nieland at Cory.Nieland@ops.org with any questions.
Clubs will be starting soon at KSTM!!!!
LEGO CLUB - Contact Ms. Small * Starts September 10th * Tuesdays
Mathletes - Contact Mrs. Hackett * Starts September 5th * Thursdays
Robotics Club - Contact Mrs. Sillik for an application
Friday, September 20th, 2024
The KSTM HULABALOO is a KSTM Fundraiser event for students - all proceeds of the event go to our KSTM Scholarship. Cost of the event is $5.00 plus any concessions purchased. This is a cash only event.
3:05 to 5:05 p.m.
Late Bus Available for students who ride the bus
Hullabaloo Events:
- Gym: Basketball, Volleyball, other open gym events
- Cafetorium: DJ & Concessions - Concessions cost extra (Pizza! Chips! Soda! Candy!)
- Library: quiet hangout space
- Courtyard: quiet hangout space (pending weather!)
- Hallway between Gym & Cafetorium: games
Tickets are $5.00 for entry to event!
- Cash Only!
- Tickets will be sold during lunch September 16th - September 19th
- No Tickets will be sold the day of the event
NOTICE TO STUDENTS: Students who are involved in Code of Conduct violations the week of the Hullabaloo may lose the privilege to attend this event. Refunds only issued if a student cannot attend because of a referral.
Grade Level Administrators
8th Grade Administrators:
- Ms. LaDeidre Jackson: 531-299-4016 LaDeidre.Jackson@ops.org
- Mr. Odell Santos: 531-299-3774 Odell.Santos@ops.org
7th Grade Administrator
- Ms. Nicole Benson: 531-299-7030 Nicole.Benson@ops.org
6th Grade Administrator
- Ms. Roxana Silva: 531-299-9049 Carmen.Silva@ops.org
Instructional Facilitator (all grade levels)
- Mrs. Kelcey Schmitz, 531-299-8027 Kelcey.Schmitz@ops.org
Contact AD Odell Santos with questions regarding sports activities or events at 531-299-3774
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support at KSTM
MTSS-B stands for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavior. MTSS-B focuses on behavior Expectations that are prioritized and used all through King Science.
The framework for MTSS-B is:
A Problem-solving framework for behavior
A systematic standardized implementation of evidence-based practices
A framework with standardized practices that has tiers of increasingly intensive supports that increase the likelihood students are academically, emotionally, behaviorally and socially successful.
At King Science with have two tiers of MTSS-B.
Tier 1 serves every student through our school wide expectations “The King Way”
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe
Students who show positive behaviors that match The King Way can be awarded Wildcat Bucks, which they can exchange in our Wildcat Store every few weeks.
Tier 2 serves a smaller portion of students who need more support than Tier 1. The Tier 2 team gives instruction to students on how to solve peer conflicts and helps them improve their attendance.
The King Way: Be Respectful
The King Way: Be Responsible
The King Way: Be Safe
Kasia Piercy, KSTM Social Worker
Hello King Science Families! My name is Ms. Piercy, and I am the School Social Worker for all students and families. My job as a School Social Worker is to be a link between the student, home, school, and community by providing direct and indirect services to students, families, and school staff to promote and support students’ academic, social and emotional success.
I have several different roles and functions, including, but not limited to:
Working with students individually, in groups, or in classrooms
Provide re-engagement efforts geared toward students on verge of disenrollment (or after)
Provide student and family interventions to address home and community needs
Providing case management services to families to connect them to community resources
Consulting with school personnel to identify positive behavior intervention strategies
Participating in IEPs and SATs as appropriate, serving as an advocate for the family/student
Serve as a liaison between school, home, and the community
Educate families on truancy laws, attendance, mandates, and juvenile court process and guardianship changes
Working collaboratively with school principal, counselor, teachers and community partners to best meet the needs of each student
Providing crisis response services as needed (i.e. child abuse/neglect reports, suicidal ideations/plans, grief intervention)
Should you ever need to reach me, my phone number is 531-299-8537 and my email is kasia.piercy@ops.org. Or you can fill out this form. Go Wildcats!
Counseling Corner
Greetings King Science families! Your school counselors are excited to introduce themselves for the 2024-25 school year. Your student can request to meet with us by email or filling out the request form via the QR codes posted throughout the building. We'll be spending the first month or so introducing ourselves to students, teaching them about the school counseling program, and meeting with them for minute meetings.
Hello! We have had a great start to another wonderful Wildcat year! I hope you all had a great summer! My name is Ms. Kim Thompson and I am the 6th and 7th grade (last names A-H) school counselor. I have been at KSTM for seven years and love my Wildcat families and students. I am looking forward to continuing to meet you all at King get togethers this year. My email is kim.thompson2@ops.org and phone number is 531-299-7389.
My name is Mrs. Hixson and I support 7th (last names I-Z) and 8th grades as the school counselor. I am thrilled to be back for my third year at KSTM. I've spent time at five different OPS schools, but KSTM is the place to be! I feel honored to call it my home and to work with your students every day. Should you ever need to reach me, my phone number is 531-299-7705 and email is alex.hixson@ops.org. Take care of yourselves and Go Wildcats!
September is Suicide Prevention Month and it's never too early in a child's life to familiarize yourself with risk and protective factors when it comes to suicide. KSTM will be participating in "Chalk it Up for More Tomorrows" as we create hopeful and encouraging messages on our sidewalks. Give this website a quick glance and educate yourself on how you might one day save a child's life. It also includes ways to safeguard your home and resources you can make accessible.
September is also Attendance Awareness Month! The single, most important factor contributing to student achievement is school attendance. The school day STARTS at 7:40am and ENDS at 3:05pm. If your student is going to be late or will not be at school for the day, please call Ms. Bradford, the attendance secretary at 531-299-2389 or email the attendance line: kstmattendance@ops.org. Every minute counts!
Alex Hixson, 6th and 7th Grade School Counselor
Kim Thomspon, 8th Grade School Counselor
Attention Students: There are 415 minutes in the school day, and every minute counts! Tardies to class disrupt the classroom, interrupt the lesson, and put students at risk of falling behind. Beginning this week any student who has 3 tardies during the week will be assigned an afterschool detention the following week. BE RESPONSIBLE, WILDACTS ! Get to class on time.
From Nurse's Office - Attention INCOMING 7th Grade Families
Dear Incoming 7th grade Families:
We are so excited to welcome your student to 7th grade this fall! We are sending this reminder message to all incoming 7th grade families that students need a physical exam and to be up to date on all immunizations before school begins. This is a requirement based on Nebraska state law. We recommend contacting your child’s healthcare provider now, as spots can fill up quickly. Families can also visit a school-based health center. Bring copies of health information to school prior to the start of the school year OR have the health care provider fax records to the school – Attention: School Nurse. If you have already submitted this information, no additional paperwork is needed. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school. Please know that calls will be answered sporadically while staff are on summer break. School secretaries return on Aug 1st
Estimadas familias de estudiantes de 7º grado:
¡Estamos muy emocionados de darle la bienvenida a su estudiante al 7o grado este otoño! Enviamos este mensaje a todas las familias que ingresan al 7º grado como recordatorio de que los estudiantes necesitan un examen físico y estar al día con todas las vacunas antes de que comiencen las clases. Este es un requisito basado en la ley estatal de Nebraska. Le recomendamos que se comunique con el proveedor de atención médica de su hijo ahora, ya que los lugares pueden llenarse rápidamente. Las familias también pueden visitar un Centro de salud en las escuelas. Traiga copias de la información de salud a la escuela antes del comienzo del año escolar o haga que el proveedor de atención médica envíe por fax los registros a la escuela – Dirigido al: Enfermero(a) escolar. Si ya ha enviado esta información, no se necesita papeleo adicional. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la escuela de su hijo. Tenga en cuenta que las llamadas se responderán esporádicamente mientras el personal esté de vacaciones de verano. Las secretarias escolares regresan el 1ro de agosto.
TeleHealth Information
TeleHealth Information
TeleHealth Information
- Cell Phones and Personal Devices must be off and out of sight during the school day from 7:40-3:05
- Student failure to comply may result in their personal device being confiscated by administration.
- Parent Communication and Code of Conduct consequences may be applied for repeated violations of the No Cell Phone/No personal device policy.
- If you have any questions regarding this, please call the grade level administrator.
The OPS Parent Survey link is open all year long.
SURVEY LINK: http://www.tinyurl.com/OPSParentVoice