Stanley Avenue School Newsletter
8th March, Term 1, Week 7, 2024
Change of day ---- Uniform room is open Thursday Mornings 8.30am - 9.30am
Hello, Kia ora, Chomreabsour, Mālo ni, Ni hao, Kia orāna, Talofa lava, Namaste, Hola, Hallo, Chào bạn, Bula Vinaka, Kumusta, Guten Tag, Mālō e lelei , An-nyeong-ha-se-yo, greetings to all our School Families
From the Board Table...
We are very excited and proud to announce that our talented Principal, John Byers as been appointed as co-lead of the Te Aroha Kāhui Ako, alongside Doug Black from Elstow-Waihou School. John and Doug will work side by side to ensure that all of the schools in our Kāhui Ako are provided with support and leadership to grow their schools and in turn, their learners.
This role releases John from Stanley Avenue one day per week, meaning Di Meyler will be available as Acting Principal on that day.
We are very lucky to have someone with the leadership skills that John has in our school community, and we wish him well for this exciting opportunity.
Cassie Warburton
BOT Chairperson
Upcoming Events
- 19 Mar Thames Valley Swimming Thames
- 27 Mar Whānau Hui 6-7.30pm in the Rec Centre
- 28 Mar Kahui Ako Teacher Only Day School Closed
- 29 March Good Friday School closed
- 1 April Easter Monday School Closed
- 2 April Easter Tuesday School Closed
- 8 April BOT Meeting 6pm
- 11 April Team Tui Domain Trip
- 12 April Last day of Term 1
- 29 April First day of Term 2
Room 11 - growing tomatoes!
Room 11 were very surprised to find cherry tomatoes growing in their garden.....and were delighted when they managed to harvest 42 tomatoes on Wednesday. After lots of discussion about how the tomatoes actually got to be in the garden, what they needed to grow and using their Math skills to count the tomatoes in 2s, the students got to try them...and it was unanimous. Room 11 grows delicious tomatoes! This is a closely guarded secret as there are still green tomatoes and flowers, so Room 11 are very excited and can't wait for the next harvest. Ka pai!!.
District Swimming Sports 2024
Monday saw Stanley Avenue School well represented at Districts this week! A great day of races, encouragement and celebrating each other's efforts and successes! Well done to all those who competed, and huge congratulations to Tyela Van Kujk for setting 2 new records!
Thank you to the organisers, and particularly our parents and Mrs Meyler, without your support and organisation the day would not have been possible.
Piako World Cup Football
Vamos Argentina!!!
I was fortunate to take our teams to the 2024 Piako World Cup Football Festival, the second annual running of the event. The tournament was organised by WaiBop Football and the Te Aroha Junior Soccer Committee.
There was a huge turn out across the Te Aroha Schools, each school represented a Country. Stanley Ave had the pleasure of representing Argentina, and along with our unique winning chant and decorated gazebo, we definitely looked the part. I was impressed with the Stanley Ave students' skills and sportsmanship throughout the day. I was super proud of the students who were giving Football a go for the first time. They say that starting is the hardest part! I loved the ‘Whaia kia u’ (Strive to Succeed) attitude from all students.
For the first time in the Year 7/8 Division the ‘Bruce Austin’ Shield was up for grabs for the winning Year 7/8 team. We are delighted that the SAS Magpies won the 2024 Competition. They produced such a strong showing in the final against Manawaru, winning 5-0.The team played a great passing game all tournament and strong teamwork was evident.
SAS Magpies: Erik Pollock, Jesse Sutherland, Seb Narayan, Jayden Stockley and Lockie Watts
Additionally, the SAS Rovers had a super day out coming through in third place beating St Josephs in their 3rd/4th Play-Off match.
SAS Rovers: Jack Corrigan, Danyon Andrew, Lucas Gamble, Micah Fooks and Ronnie Horner.
The day could not have happened without the organisation from the Te Aroha Junior Soccer Committee and WaiBop Football. Also a special mention must go to Whaea Sammi, Whaea Adreena, Vinnie Narayan, Kristina Watts, Jess Norman, Brett Mead, TishTesta, Athlene Dufty, Aaron Andrew, as well as our many supporters throughout the day.
The Te Aroha College referees along with our own Al Meyler did a superb job officiating.
We are already looking forward to the 2025 edition!
John Byers
Week 6 Friendship Zone update
We were all very happy for the rain to stop we could enjoy being outside trying this week's challenges. We'll done everyone for joining in on the fun.
Junior Netball 2024 - Opening day 1st May
Junior Netball for 2024 will be held on a Wednesday after school starting with Year 7/8 at 3.45pm followed by our Fun Ferns (Year 1-4) at 4.30pm and Year 5/6 at 5.10pm.
The Year 1-4 Fun Ferns will run for Term 2 only while the Year 5-8 will rollover into the first few weeks of Term 3, to make sure our players get plenty of Netball.
If you haven't already got one, a notice will be sent home next week, with every student that has shown an interest in playing Netball in 2024.
We will require help and encourage you all to be a part of your child's Netball journey.
As part of teams registration for 2024, each team will require a couple of helpers to attend our Future Fern workshops. We are lucky enough to have Aimee Te Whata run these, so everyone can understand the philosophy and workings of Future Fern Netball. These will be held on Sunday 7th April, and are free to attend. We will require at least 2 helpers for the Year 1-4 to attend as well. This is not just for coaches and we encourage as many interested parents to go along and get more comfortable being a Netball helper. It is often the fear of the unknown that is the worst!
You will need to register at https://forms.gle/MNigCyn1F2FuDcnT6
Please also keep Wednesday 3rd April free.....Te Aroha Netball are having a 'Give it a go' afternoon and have special guests Ameliaranne Ekanasio (Silver Ferns Captain) and Saviour Tui form the Magic Netball team joining us for some fun and games!! More details to follow!
Please contact Kim Hayes at the school office if you need more information or have any questions.
Last week for Juicies and Moosies - Friday 22 March
This will be the last Friday for Juicies and Moosies this term. For our junior school (Piwakawaka and Pukeko) these can be ordered through the week, in class please through our money bags, and then delivery will be Friday lunchtime.
For our older students (Tui Year 5/6 and Ruru Year 7/8), this will be on a first come first served basis on Friday. They will need to bring their money to Room 10 at lunchtime and make a selection of whatever flavours are left.
Purchase your Own New SAS Sports Shirt!
We have gone live on DirectGroup Uniforms with our new Sports Shirts that you are able to purchase. We feel moving forward this is a great option and will save a lot of time issuing and collecting sports shirts. At this time we still have our other sports shirts for anyone that is playing and has not purchased their own yet. Check them out at:
You can purchase the sport shirts and they arrive directly to your address and they even have Afterpay so that it makes it possible to budget. We are looking forward to seeing these appearing on our sports fields.
Te Aroha Junior Hockey Muster
When:- Monday 25th March, 3.30pm to 4.30pm.
Where:- Te Aroha Primary turf.
Who:- Year 1 to 8
Enquiries to Kim Davey 0274 824 597 or stevekimnz@gmail.com
School Bank Account details...
Edventure Holiday Programmes & Camp
We are excited to announce that Edventure Hamilton will be back up and running these coming school holidays.
- Edventure Everyday (themed days) - 5-13 yr olds - $50/day
- Dungeons and Dragons with Lewis - 9-13 yr olds - $75/day
Daily activities based at Berkley, OSCAR available, 8.00am - 5.30pm,
Todd is also running a Brand New Camp...
Edventure Young Adventurers Camp 2024 (8-12yr olds)
based at Omokoroa TOP 10 Holiday Park and Thermal Pools (Tenting)- Mon 15th April - Fri 19th April $650. (20 Spaces available)
Please visit www.edventure.co.nz to BOOK NOW
Contact Us - Whakapā mai
Email: office@stanleyave.school.nz
Website: https://stanleyave.school.nz/
Location: Stanley Avenue School Stanley Avenue, Te Aroha 3320, New Zealand
Phone: +64 7-884 8479
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stanleyaveschool/