News from the Abernethy Office
February 28th, 2023
From The Desk of Mrs. Dunn
Welcome to this week's News Letter!
I hope you all enjoyed the snow last week! As much fun as it was to see the world outside my window in a beautiful blanket of white, I am hoping that winter is now behind us and we are on our way to blue skies and warmer weather! I say that as I am not a cold weather person. I am a southern California, warm weather and a beach person, so my enjoyment of cold weather only goes so far. I really should learn how to be more patient with the weather, after all, I have lived in Portland for more years than I lived in southern California.
It was however, so fun to hear all about how the students spent their snow days! Everyone had a different story to tell and good and not so fun, I think they were somewhat happy to be back at school for a full day today!
Today we were able to celebrate all of our students who were nominated for their class Kindness award! I think the counselors, Ms. Sylvie and Ms. Morgan, and I are having too much fun!
I will tell you, I love hearing the students laugh when we do something that catches them off guard! You should ask them about the elephant and the pig who showed up at the assembly today in high heals!
Kindness Assembly
Congratulations to all our Kindness award winners! I hope you enjoy watching the video of our assembly!
What is happening in March?
March 1st - 1st day of Women's History Month
March 6 - 10th - Classified Appreciation Week
March 12th - Day Light Savings
March 13th - 3rd Grade Music Concert @5:30pm
March 16th - PTA Community Meeting @6:30pm
March 17th - St Patrick's Day
March 22 - Abernethy Site Council @4:00pm - Virtual
March 23rd - 1st Day of Ramadan
March 27 - March 31st - Spring Break - No School
3rd Grade Musical
We are very excited for the opportunity to host music concerts again this year! We are “kicking” things off with a 3rd grade musical and all students and families are invited to attend.
Who is performing- All three 3rd grade classes
When- Monday, March 13th at 5:30
Where- The Abernethy auditorium
More information will be sent to the 3rd grade families soon. Thank you for supporting these students.
Please email questions to Mrs. Devicq-
What an exciting way to end this year's Abernethy OBOB season! Congratulations to Reading Rascals!
Tour de Ladd Volunteers wanted!
The annual Abernethy “bikeathon” is pedaling to a street near you on April 12, and we need you to help make it happen! We are especially seeking volunteers during the day to help keep our young cyclists and scooterers safe and hydrated.
Please email if you are are able to help during the event or before. More information to come, including pledge forms, routes, and all the details of another memorable day of cruising ‘round the neighborhood!
What's For Lunch?
We all know that Abernethy Elementary is staffed with some seriously incredible human beings, but our community is equally blessed with some pretty amazing parent volunteers as well. Often when these parents see a need around campus, they work hard to fill it. The Abernethy PTA would like to congratulate one such parent and Mini-Grant recipient, Sara Albert, for her purchase of “A Kids Book About…” library.
This series of age-appropriate discussions about some very pertinent and important topics includes A Kids Book About White Privilege, A Kids Book About Systemic Racism, and A Kids Book About Anxiety. In Ms. Andersons’ 4th grade classroom, where the library currently resides, reading these books aloud has sparked meaningful conversations and increased students’ awareness about important contemporary issues. Different books in the series are written by different subject experts - for instance, A Kids Book About Mental Health is written by an MPH, A Kids Book About Pride is written by the director of an LGBTQ community center, and A Kids Book About Imagination is written by LeVar Burton.
We are truly appreciative of Sara Albert, Ms. Anderson and all the other teachers who are utilizing these meaningful books to enhance their curriculum and exposing our kids to a variety of important topics that help them to navigate the world around them.
Thanks also to you, the parents, and members of the Abernethy PTA, who help make the funding of these kinds of materials possible.
With Much Appreciation,
The PTA Mini-Grant Committee
Mark Lawson
(Ori- 4th Anderson)
Jessica Nabavizadeh
(Essie – 4th Day; Dara – 1st Siri)