Fife High News
2020-21 School Year: Remote Learning Edition
October 5 - October 9, 2020
Remote Learning Week 5
Important Events and Dates This Week
Mon Oct 5
- Family Class 10:30AM
- College Visits Info for this week
Tues Oct 6
- Regular schedule: 1st period 8:30AM, 2nd Period 10:15AM, 3rd Period: 12:15PM
Wed Oct 7
- Regular schedule: 4th period 8:30AM, 5th Period 10:15AM, 6th Period: 12:15PM
Thurs Oct 8
- Regular schedule: 1st period 8:30AM, 2nd Period 10:15AM, 3rd Period: 12:15PM
Fri Oct 9
- No School
Land getting cleared
Old Portables coming down
R.I.P Greenhouse
Reminders and Info for this Week!
Seniors! Graduation Ordering...
Good To Know Info
Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or depressed?
FHS Counselors aren't just a few steps away like they would be during a typical school year, so they wanted to give you a resource for easy access to support at any hour of any day. The Crisis Text Line will connect you anonymously to a trained Crisis Counselor. (See image below)
If you or a loved one are in need of immediate urgent help, call the emergency Crisis Line for assistance: 1-800-576-7764
Student Athletes!
If you plan to participate in any sports in season 2, 3 or 4 we would like you to sign up for the "extended summer period" from September 28-November 30th. Coaches want to get connected with athletes during this timeframe! During this period coaches may want to conduct team zoom meetings, Senior, Junior, Sophomore or Freshman meetings, and more. Signing up does not require ASB purchase, but for in-person training when we get that opportunity will require an up-to-date physical. The link to FamilyID is and remember to use previous years logins with parent emails. Select all the sports that you will play when you register, one registration is all that is necessary!
Look forward to getting active again! Get'em Trojans!
Technology Update: Camera issues?
No Camera Icon in Zoom:
Students, if you are not seeing the camera icon in Zoom and cannot get your camera to work, please take your device to the District Office and drop it off to get fixed. We have loaner Chromebooks in the main office at the high school after you drop it off. Once yours is fixed, please bring your loaner back to the high school main office.
Tech Support Options: Drop Chromebook off at the district office for repairs (their goal is 24hr turnaround) Call and leave a message 253-517-1000 (provide email as it is the best form of communication) Reach out to Ms. Fowler who can submit a ticket (
Club and Activity Info: Get Connected!
Parents and Students Get Signed up For FHS Remind!
How do you get signed up?
Sophomore Parents and Students click this link:
Junior Parents and Students click this link:
Senior Parents and Students click this link:
World Language Proficiency Testing for Credit
Students can earn up to a maximum of 4 high school World Language credits. These credits will apply toward World Language high school graduation credits. Two (2) or more credits earned meet the college entrance requirement of most universities for the two years of world language.
Registration form due to counselor: November 2, 2020
Testing date: November 23 with the time & location to be determined.
Tests are provided during the school day and may take up to 3 hours to complete.
Put the following link in your browser for registration & testing info:
Helpful Info and Links
How do you get Breakfast and Lunch?
Fife Public Schools will be providing our regular lunch program for the 2020-2021 school year. During remote learning, meals will be provided at several locations throughout the district delivered by our transportation department.
Link to Bus Stops and route times for Food delivery
For further information about the Free & Reduced Food Program contact Toni Barnett @ or call (253) 517-1000 ext. 25121.
For information regarding bus routes, contact the Transportation Department at (253) 517-1060.
Catherine Bowman Director of Transportation @
Elaine Lee Assistant Director @
Free & Reduced Meal Application Information
Both new and returning students who wish to apply for free and/or reduced meals should click the link to the application below. Completed applications must be either scanned and emailed back to Toni Barnett at or mailed or delivered to Fife School District office.
The English & Spanish version of the Food Program application and the household letter can be found @, Departments, Food Service, Free and Reduced Lunch Info
Returning Students
Returning students maintain their prior year’s free or reduced eligibility for the first 30 school days, or until a new application is processed. If a returning student does not have a new application processed by October 15, 2020, they will automatically be transferred to a paid account on the next school day. Families are responsible for any charges incurred.
Please notify Toni Barnett, Manager of Food Services (253.517.1000) if a returning student has a newly enrolled sibling so that we may extend the 30 school day eligibility to the new student. Families will still need to complete a new application to avoid any unnecessary charges.
Fife Transportation
For any questions regarding bus routes, bus stops, etc. please contact Fife Transportation at 253.517.1060.
Student Accident & Sickness Insurance Plans
Fife "Bell" Schedule- Remote Learning (click image below)
Fife High School
Location: 5616 20th St E, Fife, WA, USA
Phone: 253-891-5500
Twitter: @fifeHSTrojans