Parent Update
Watertown High School

Parent Update 2.21.25
Believe it or not there are only two weeks left in the 2nd trimester at WHS! Our students and staff have been working hard to make the most of the last few days of instruction. Families are encouraged to continue reviewing Skyward and reach out to your student’s teachers with any questions or to discuss potential supports. ELT continues to be a great resource that students can use to request teachers through Edficiency they would like to meet with to make up missing work or receive extra help.
There are so many great things happening in our learning community this time of year so be sure to review the updates below. Have a great weekend!
WUSD Referendum Information
The April 1, 2025 referendum has the potential to significantly impact funds supporting the quality of programs, staff, and safety measures in place at WHS, and across all district school buildings. Our goal is to ensure that families and community members have as much information as possible to make an informed decision. Great resources to review include the WUSD referendum page as well as the FAQ document (FAQ in Spanish). A friendly reminder that the session on February 27 at 5:30 p.m. will be in the WHS Media Center.
In the meantime, if you have any questions I can help answer, always feel free to reach out to me, WHS Principal Josh Kerr, at kerrj@mywusd.org or (920) 262-7500 x6809.
The WUSD's new communications tool, Rooms, launches at the start of the Third Trimester for WHS. Rooms is intended to become the new primary communications platform for the district. We are asking all parents and guardians to please download the Watertown USD app (if you have not done so already) or log into edurooms.com on your desktop computer. If you choose to view Rooms through the app, please make sure you turn on notifications. This is important, as we don't want any families to miss out on future communications from their student's teachers or coaches.
Once you log in, you are logged in for the duration of the time you have students in the district. Help us make Rooms a success!
End of Trimester 2
Believe it or not Thursday, March 6 marks the end of the second trimester at WHS! Thursday, March 6 will be a full day of school (different than past years) as Friday, March 7 is a no school day.
If you or your student have any concerns about academic progress in any course, now is the time to communicate with your student’s teacher(s) and/or your student’s WHS counselor to be sure your student finds success! Students and families may also contact the Student Services Office by phone at (920) 262-7550.
Students Last Name A-He:
Amy True, WHS Counselor
Students Last Name Hi-Ph:
Erikka Olson, WHS Counselor
Students Last Name Pi-Z:
Avery Nickels, WHS Counselor
Here are a few reminders as WHS quickly transitions from the end of the second trimester to the beginning of the third trimester:
- Trimester 2 grades are due on Wednesday, March 12, so you should be able to view those "final" grades on Thursday afternoon. Of course, you can always view grades via Skyward for the most up to date information.
- Trimester 3 starts Monday, March 10. Students should view and/or print their schedules via Skyward before Monday. Lunch periods with be shared with students on Monday, March 10.
- Parents and students are reminded that students may drop a course during the first three days of the trimester with parent and Student Services approval.
Senior Scholarship Deadline
The deadline for the WHS senior scholarship application is Monday, March 3 to the WHS Main Office. The office will be open until 3:45 p.m. for students to drop off their application. Students can find more scholarship opportunities on the scholarship website.
Gosling Career Fair
March 19 from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM
All WHS students will attend our 7th annual Gosling Career Fair on Wednesday, March 19. Students will prepare for the career fair during their homerooms on March 13-18. Students will explore the Gosling Career Fair website and create or revise their resumes. This is a great time for families to discuss potential career opportunities with their students. Students can also secure employment for the summer, after high school, or for a Youth Apprenticeship. If you have any questions, please email our School to Career Coordinator, Ms. Tarpey at tarpeys@mywusd.org.
Pre-Nursing Pathway Information Session
Madison College - Watertown Campus
A Pre-Nursing Pathway Information session for parents/students on February 25th from 5pm-6pm here at the Watertown Campus. This will be a great way for students/parents to learn more about the opportunity and tour the campus.
WHS Junior Class Post Prom Committee
The Junior Class is thrilled to begin planning the 2025 PROM! Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 3rd, 2025, from 8:00 PM to 11:30 PM. The fun doesn't stop there! Post Prom will immediately follow the dance from 11:30 PM to 2:00 AM at our long-time partner, the Elks Lodge (117 N 1st St, Watertown).
For over FIVE DECADES, the Elks Lodge has generously hosted Post Prom, providing a safe and exciting environment for our students to celebrate. We're committed to keeping this tradition alive, offering free games, delicious food, and awesome door prizes to all students who attend the formal Prom. Thanks to the incredible support from Watertown parents and businesses, Post Prom has been a huge success in the past, and we're aiming to make 2025 even better!
But we can't do it without you! We need your help to make this year's Post Prom truly amazing.
We're looking for volunteers to chair committees, provide food and refreshments, chaperone, and/or donate money or prizes. Every contribution, big or small, will help make a difference!
Please take a moment to complete the Google Form attached here:
Donations can be sent to Pam Suski, Prom Advisor, at WHS, 825 Endeavour Dr, Watertown, WI 53098 (checks payable to “WHS Prom”) OR by Venmo to Jennifer Harris @Jennifer-Harris-289
Thank you in advance for your willingness to help make PROM 2025 a great success!
Jennifer Harris - Post Prom Chairperson - Jennifer Harris harrisj@mywusd.org or 608-214-5453
March 12, 2025 - Junior ACT Testing
No School for freshman, sophomore, or senior students
Junior students will take the statewide online ACT test in person at WHS on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. Freshman, sophomore, and senior students will NOT report to school on Wednesday, March 12. Junior students are reminded to use their myact.org or IXL account to complete free practice tests.
Today juniors received information on how to complete the pre-registration/demographic information as well as selecting colleges to send their ACT results to via their myact.org accounts. Students must complete the myact.org information by Friday, March 14. Juniors will have a homeroom on Monday, March 10 that will focused on test tips and how to use the online testing portal.
Students will be reminded that they MUST bring their fully charged, school assigned, Chromebook on test day (March 12) along with their charger.
Direct Admit
Class of 2026
As you are aware, Watertown High School is participating in the Direct Admit Wisconsin program for the Class of 2026. UW Direct Admit is an opportunity for 11th grade students to be automatically admitted to participating University of Wisconsin system schools free of charge. Direct Admit Wisconsin offers early and proactive admission to participating Universities of Wisconsin for rising seniors at participating Wisconsin high schools.
In order to participate, 11th grade families must log into Skyward Family Access and “opt-in” by Wednesday, April 30, 2025. Directions are attached on how to locate the Direct Admit Wisconsin in Skyward Family Access. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. True, WHS counselor, at (920) 262-7500 x6825 or truea@mywusd.org
Senior Updates
Jostens will be at WHS on Friday, March 21 to deliver graduation items that were ordered. If your student has not ordered a cap and gown, please visit jostens.com to place your order.
Empire Photography will be present at the graduation ceremony on Saturday, June 14 taking pictures of graduates. Please complete this link to their survey. Filling out this survey will help Empire Photography properly ID the graduates and get the picture proofs out to the families as soon as possible after graduation.
Yearbook Orders
Deadline to Order Tuesday, April 8, 2025
The 2024-2025 yearbooks can be purchased online through the Herff-Jones website: http://bit.ly/2WFzrGD. The WHS order number is 3818 (if needed).
This year, the yearbook fee will be $50. This is the only way to purchase a yearbook for this school year. Please plan accordingly as no extra yearbooks will be ordered.
WHS Musical: Footloose
Great Things Happening at WHS!
Recently AP Art History students took a trip to New York City!
Business students are picture at the basketball game selling Watertown apparel.
Important Upcoming Dates
- Local Scholarship Deadline: Monday, March 3
- End of Trimester 2: Thursday, March 6 (No early release)
- No School - WHS Work Day: Friday, March 7
- WHS Musical - Footloose: Friday, March 7 - Sunday, March 9
- Start of Trimester 3: Monday, March 10
- Junior State Wide ACT Test: Wednesday, March 12 (no school for grades 9, 10, & 12)
- Career Fair: Wednesday, March 19
- Spring Break: Monday, March 24 - Friday, March 28
- PreACT Testing: Wednesday, April 9 (Grades 9 & 10) ( No school for grades 11 & 12)
- Parent Teacher Conferences: Monday, April 7 (4:30 - 7)
- Watertown Athletic Calendar
Parent Resources
WHS Phone Numbers
WHS Main Line: 920-262-7500
- Press 1 for Attendance Office
- Press 2 for Student Services/Requesting a Transcript
- Press 3 for Main Office (Administration/Athletics)
- Press 4 for Bookkeeping Office
- Press 5 for Nutrition Services
- Press 6 for WHS Health Room
WHS Attendance: 920-262-7537
WHS Student Services: 920-262-7550
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Watertown Unified School District on Instagram at instagram.com/watertownusd