Course Selection 2025-2026
Incoming 9th Graders

Welcome Class of 2029 Titans!
Welcome To Your 2025-2026 School Year Preparation Guide, we're excited to guide you as you start planning for the upcoming school year!
In this newsletter, you'll find a variety of information and resources to help you choose your courses. The Course Request Worksheet (CRW) outlines the courses available for your grade level, and it's yours to keep for your records. After selecting your courses on the CRW, you'll fill out a Course Request Form (CRF) and submit your choices online.
We are a trimester school that allows students to take up to 15 courses per school year. Each trimester containing 4 classes would equal a full schedule, however a student can take up to 5 classes per trimester. A schedule of 4 classes would contain one period as an "off-roll". This period allows students extra study time while participating in sports, music, work, and other extra-curricular activities.
Please see important information and announcements below and know that we are here to support you every step of the way!
Please watch the 2025-2026 Course Request Video Presentation Here
Step 1 - Review Course Request Worksheet (CRW) to determine options for 9th grade. Talk with your current teachers to help you choose appropriate courses. Also discuss your course choices with your parents to help you create a balanced schedule.
Step 2 - Complete your grade level Course Request Worksheet (CRW) to select courses for next year.
Step 3 - Enter Course Requests in Synergy
Portal opens Wednesday, March 12th and closes Friday, April 4th
Helpful Instructions can be found HERE
Step 4 - Return Course Request Form (CRF)
Use your CRW to complete your CRF form.
Return your Course Request Form (CRF) to your middle school by the designated deadline.
Students keep the course request worksheet (CRW) for their records.
*In August/During Registration, students will receive a list of their scheduled courses.
(Transfer Students & New To PUSD Students Please See Section At End Of Newsletter)
Optional: Brief Q&A Family Appointments
Counselors will be offering brief family appointments for questions about course selections on Tuesday, April 1st and Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025.
In order to provide all families with the ability to have their questions answered, families are limited to one, ten minute, appointment slot.
Please match with your school counselor below. A sign-up link will be available in this newsletter on Wednesday, March 19th at 9am.
Find Your Counselor
A-Dag: Ms. Karly Wardwell
Dah-Hoc: Ms. Jerrah Smith
Hod-McG: Ms. Tanya Ibrahim
McH-Rue: Ms. Blanca Arreguin
Ruf-Z: Ms. Jerilyn Padua Reyes
Students are assigned a counselor based on their last name. For example, if your last name is Johnson, you will fall into Hod-McG with Ms. Ibrahim
Please watch the 2025-2026 Course Request Video Presentation Here
2025-2026 Course Request Worksheet (CRW) and Course Request Forms (CRF)
Students RETURN the CRF to their current Middle School.
Students are to KEEP the CRW for their own records.
CRF Instructions:
AP Agreement Form:
- AP Agreement Form - Print and Return to your Middle School (Only if selecting an AP class for the 2025-2026 school year)
Off-Roll Permission Form:
- Off-Roll Permission Form - Print and Return to your Middle School (Only if selecting an off-roll for the 2025-2026 school year)
New Courses
- Japanese 1-2
- Advanced Construction
- Advanced Dance
- Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Capstone 1-2
- 2024-2025 Course Catalog (25-26 UPDATE IN PROGRESS)
- Math Sequence Flow Chart
- Science Course Sequence
- World Language Course Offerings
Math Recommendations
- Math Course Pathways with recommendations and sequencing
- Poway High School Course Sequence for Math
How to Access Course History?
Students can access their Course History online in Synergy. Click here for instructions.
Interested in getting a jump start in a career field?
You may want to check out CTE courses offered at PHS and in other schools within PUSD.
Please visit the PUSD CTE Website for more information or see your Counselor with any questions.
CA State Seal of Biliteracy
The California State Seal of Biliteracy is a form of recognition from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction of graduating high students who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages in addition to English. It recognizes the value of biliteracy as a 21st century skill.
Students only apply in the spring of their senior year of high school. For additional questions, please visit the CA State Seal of Biliteracy page on our website or speak with your counselor.
AVID - Achievement Via Individual Determination
Poway Virtual Courses (PVC)
Keys to success in this format:
- You are able to manage your time well, are responsible and organized.
- You are self motivated and can focus well on your own, without teacher reminders.
- You advocate for yourself when you meet unexpected challenges.
Taking Courses Outside of PUSD
PHS website has more detailed information.
PHS Outside Course Permission Form
Some classes will not meet graduation requirements, not earn you credits.
If you are interested in pursuing collegiate sports, please remember to review NCAA eligibility requirements and plan accordingly.
Current PHS NCAA Core Course List Enter CEEB Code 052533
Click here for Poway High Athletics Information.
UC/CSU Admissions
Poway High courses approved for UC/CSU eligibility. Visit the UC/CSU A-G Course list. Search by our CEEB code: 052533
Fire Science & First Responder Courses at MCHS
More information about Fire Science & First Responder courses offered at Mt. Carmel HS.
Please contact your Counselor if you are interested in enrolling.
Repeating a D Grade
What exactly is a College Elective?
Course Request Process for Students with Intra-District Transfers
The District Transfer Window CLOSES on March 31, 2025. Make sure you apply before it closes.
Apply at www.powayusd.com/apps/pages/faqs-on-residency-and-transfer-requests
Intra-District Transfers
If you are at your middle school on an Intra-District Transfer, you still need to reapply if you do not live in the boundary of the school you want to go to. If you are in the process of getting an Intra-District Transfer, please complete the CRF Worksheet and Online Registration for the school you are slated to attend.
Please complete the CRF Worksheet for the school you are applying for an Intra-District Transfer to attend next year.
At the top of both CRF Worksheets write that you are applying for an Intra-District Transfer and the school you are hoping to attend.
Turn in both worksheets and submit courses online by the due dates.
Example: If you are slated to attend Westview, but would like to come to Poway, You will fill out Westview's Course Request Form and Online Course Selection, then you will also fill out Poway's Course Request Form. At the top of the form(s) write that you applied for an IDT to Poway High. Be sure to submit everything by the due dates.
Course Request Process for Students with Inter-District Transfers
The Inter-District Transfer Window is open.
For students who live outside the PUSD boundaries and would like to attend a PUSD school, the PUSD Office will accept Inter-District Attendance Permit transfers for the 2025-2026 school year starting on February 1, 2025. Please email them to transfers@powayusd.com
According to the District Instructions for Inter-District Transfers, you may not know if you are approved until just before school starts in August. Be sure to follow any enrollment/registration requirements for your home school, in case your transfer is denied.
More information and directions available at www.powayusd.com/apps/pages/faqs-on-residency-and-transfer-requests
Example: If you are slated to attend Ramona High School, but would like to come to Poway, You will apply for an Inter-District Transfer. This includes current PUSD students that are at a PUSD Middle School needing to re-apply at the High School level.
Course Request Process for Students New To PUSD
The New Student Enrollment Portal will open on Tuesday, April 1st at https://powayhigh.powayusd.com/apps/pages/enrollment
For students who live in the Poway High School PUSD boundaries, are not currently attending a PUSD school, and would like to attend Poway High School beginning their 9th grade year.
Example: You currently attend St. Michael's school and will be joining us at Poway High School for your 9th grade year.
PHS Counseling
A - Dag: Karly Wardwell
Dah-Hoc: Jerrah Smith
Hod-McG: Tanya Ibrahim
McH- Rue: Blanca Arreguin
Ruf - Z: Jerilyn Padua-Reyes
Intervention and CTE: Monica Taylor
Support Staff
Counseling Assistant: Veronica Jensen
Career and Guidance Technician: Jaime Brown
Registrar: Michelle Bourget
Student Data Tech: Jodie Hughes
Website: http://www.powayusd.com/phs
Location: 15500 Espola Road, Poway, CA, USA
Phone: (858)748-0245
Instagram: counseling_phs