Heritage School Newsletter
May 2024
Principal's Message
Spring Has Sprung
May is here along with all its flowers! This is a very exciting time of year in the halls of an elementary school. There is definitely a feeling of fun in the air as we enter the last 6 weeks of school. With that being said, we want to remind students that the school year is not over just yet! We have the mathematics MCAS Assessment on May 14th and 15th for the 3rd grade and May 16th and 17th for the 4th grade. We also have some field trips scheduled as well as the return of the Capabilities, a band from the Berkshire Hills Music Academy. In addition, we will begin to prepare our students for their transition into their next grades.
May 6-10 is National Teacher Appreciation Week! May 8 is National School Nurse Day!At the beginning of this month, we celebrate teacher’s appreciation week as well as School Nurse Appreciation Day on May 8th! We want to thank our Heritage Faculty for providing our students with an excellent education, including academics, social emotional learning and health and welfare. Our teachers, paraprofessionals, and support staff are here to serve our students and prepare them for their future! In my 24 years plus of working in schools I have never seen such a group of people who care so much about their students as the staff of the Heritage School.
District Art Show Friday May 3
I encourage all families to step out Friday evening and enjoy the District Art Show held at Shepherd Hill from 5:00 - 7:00. All students from Heritage School will have at least one piece of art work displayed. If you have never been, it is truly amazing seeing the artists our students have become. It's a great family event.
Thank you all for your continued support and educational partnership!
Mr. Peter Olson
School Dress Code Reminder (from the elementary school handbook)
Dress Code:
Just a friendly reminder:
DCRSD respects individual rights of expression, however it is expected that students will dress appropriately in school with consideration for public sensibility. Clothing and personal appearance should reflect self-respect and respect for others. The following dress code is not meant to be restrictive, but is intended to guide students and their parents/guardians in choosing clothing that is safe and appropriate to wear in school. While students may dress in a manner reflecting current style and fashion; manner of dress may not be distracting or disruptive of the educational process.
Students will adhere to the following:
● No bare midriffs, revealing clothes, or clothing that reveals undergarments;
● No displays of inappropriate or sexually suggestive subject matter;
● No accessories or footwear that may cause a safety concern or a disruption.
● Clothing should be appropriate for the type of weather. All outerwear and any clothing that may be taken off (coats, sweaters, etc.) should be labeled with an identifying mark.
The administration reserves the right to decide whether certain clothing is appropriate for school. Caregivers will be notified and students will be asked to change their clothing if deemed inappropriate. If a student refuses to change or a caregiver is unable to bring in appropriate clothing, a student may be asked to go to the nurse for appropriate clothing. Repeat offenses may result in a caregiver conference. Thank you for taking the time to read through this and please take note of the labelling of clothing tip. The LOST AND FOUND box at the school is always overflowing.
A Bright Light - Heritage 2nd Grader Rylie M.
We are so proud of Rylie and her commitment to her community. This energetic second grader is showing us how it's done. She had a lemonade stand over the summer with her little sister and used the proceeds to purchase playground supplies for Heritage School. Last week we received a shipment of new jump ropes, hula hoops, sidewalk chalk and playground balls. The students can't wait to use them. THANK YOU RYLIE! (P.S. Her sister did the same for her school, Charlton Elementary)