Parent Teacher Conferences
Password & Scheduling
Ann Reid’s Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held virtually on Thursday, March 6, from 5-8:30 p.m., and on Friday, March 7, from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. All Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place via Zoom. In the case that you are unable to participate via Zoom, please contact the teacher directly.
To schedule your virtual conferences, you will log into PTC Wizard. You may login on Thursday February 20th (2/20/25) and begin scheduling. The process is not lengthy, and the PTC Wizard Parent Guide (PTC Wizard Guía para los Padres) will help you navigate the system. You will access the PTC Wizard website at:https://naperville203.ptcwizard.com/parent/ and login using your Campus Parent username and password.
All parents/guardians should verify that they have access to Campus Parent as soon as possible. If there are difficulties, or if you need to retrieve your password, contact Parent Support at parentsupport@naperville203.org. Please use the following link to Learn More about Infinite Campus.
PTC Wizard will close for scheduling conferences on Thursday, Feb. 27. Anyone with limited computer access can receive assistance with conference scheduling by calling the school.
On behalf of our staff, I want to thank you for participating in these conferences. We look forward to seeing you then.
Erin Marker
Ann Reid Early Childhood Center
Email: emarker@naperville203.org
Website: www.naperville203.org/annreid
Location: 1011 South Naper Boulevard, Naperville, IL, USA
Phone: 630-420-6899
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