Cougar Chronicle
Important Dates to Remember
11/18-11/22 - Scholastic Book Fair
11/19 & 11/20 - Thanksgiving Feast (details soon)
11/25-11/29 - Thanksgiving Break
Thanksgiving Feast Returns!
Thanksgiving Family Feast is back!
The last few years we had our family lunch as “bring your own", but this year we will serve our traditional Thanksgiving Feast made fresh by our cafeteria staff and served by our Admin team.
Families are welcome to come for lunch on November 19th or 20th. See your child’s feast day and time on the attached schedule. Please arrive a few minutes before your child's lunch time. Parking will be limited, and you may need to park at the middle school and walk down.
On the day your child's grade level is eating in the cafe, you may join them. Families will not be allowed to bring fast food into the cafeteria this year (ie, fast food, pizza). This event is a fundraiser for our cafe, and we encourage adults and students to eat school lunch on this day. Adults can eat for $5.00, and students are $2.60. PTO will be on site to give change for large bills, or you can put money on your child's online lunch account to make the check out faster (see our website to set up an account- www.mypaymentsplus.com).
During your child's feast day, you are also welcome to visit the book fair with your child. This day is a fun day for families and students. Students will have a total of 45 min to eat and shop and then will return to class.
The day your child's grade level is NOT eating in the cafe, students will be eating in the classrooms with their teacher. We are encouraging students to bring their lunch to school that day. Please refer to the schedule to see what day students will eat in the classroom.
Please remember – parents CANNOT BRING OUTSIDE FOOD on Feast Day.
We look forward to seeing you at our Feast and at our school's Book Fair! It's a great day for all. Happy Thanksgiving!
Lisa Garosi
Parent Perception Survey
Cogburn Woods and FCS values feedback from our stakeholders. The district is administering an Annual Perception Survey to students, staff, and parents/guardians from Weds. October 16th through November 22nd. After administration, the district will publish summarized reports. We will analyze the data for emerging themes on strengths and areas for growth. This will eventually be incorporated into the schools public Balanced Scorecard.
Please support our school and the love you have for our teachers, staff, students, and community by taking a few minutes to fill out this FCS survey!
CWE Founding Member Spotlight-Tara Moore
I was born and raised in beautiful Glen Cove, New York located on the North Shore of Long Island. We had three beaches on the Long Island sound and a 30-minute drive to the Atlantic Ocean. I met and married my high school sweetheart in Glen Cove.
I went to the University of Connecticut and studied Political Science. I intended to go to law school to become a child advocate lawyer. After college, I wasn’t ready for more school, so I went to work in Manhattan for a stockbroker in a small firm on Park Avenue. At the same time, I had volunteered at my church to teach a Wednesday evening religious education class to 3rd graders and fell in love with teaching. I attended Long Island University and graduate with a Master’s in Elementary Education. I taught a few years in Glen Cove before moving to Georgia in 1994.
I taught in DeKalb County for 3 years. We purchased our house in Alpharetta in 1995 and had 3 children. I stayed at home with them for 6 years and then went back to teaching part time at Alpharetta Elementary School. Cogburn opened in 2004, and I became a part of the kindergarten team during preplanning when class sizes grew. I was so excited as this was our neighborhood school and the school where my children would attend.
My most precious memories were coming to school with my children each day. I also loved teaching in the community that I lived in and seeing families out and about town. There are too many memories to name but the majority come from working with my kindergarten team. They were not just my co-workers, but they were my dear friends. We have had many traditions at CWES. I think my favorite was the yearly Thanksgiving Feast and the fifth-grade end of the year walk through the hallways.
I stayed at Cogburn because it has been a great place to work, and it will always hold a special place in my heart. I love being a part of the community that I live in. My children are grown now, and I am a grandmother. I plan to stay until I retire in a few years. A favorite quote of mine comes from Mother Teresa, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” I hope that I have created ripples in the educational journey of the many children I have taught throughout the years. My advice to parents is enjoy all the moments with your children, the big and the small. The time goes by so quickly, so slow down. I know the days are long, but the years are so very short. You will blink and these years will be over, your kids will be grown and living on their own.
Counselor's Corner
The topic for next week's Student Success Skills program is "Actions & Consequences". In the attachment that we've provided below, you'll find the discussion points that teachers will go over with our students. We encourage you to take this opportunity to reinforce these lessons at home as well.
K Lesson- Fix your mistakes
1 Lesson- Actions and Consequences
2 Lesson- Stop then decide
3 Lesson- Stop before you say it
4 Lesson Think and be honest
5 Lesson- Choices and Consequences
Student e-Wallet Setup Dates: 10/22 - 11/22
Students can shop without cash thanks to Book Fair eWallet. Teachers can use eWallet to build their classroom libraries.
Click HERE to learn how to set up an e-Wallet today.
Save the dates:
Book Fair Buying Dates
Nov. 18-Nov. 22
Nov. 18th 4:30-6:30
Nov. 19th & 20th
Online Book Fair
Nov. 12th - Nov. 25th (books will be delivered to your house)
Scholastic Book Fair Coming Soon!
Cogburn Woods Families, be sure to save the Dates...November 18-22! Click the link below to learn more about upcoming events at this year's Book Fair. CWES Book Fair | Smore Newsletters
Read Gratefully 11/1-11/30
How to log into Beanstack:
1. Go to classlink https://launchpad.classlink.com/fcs
a. Username: FCS student id #
b. password: birthday (MMDDYYYY)
(reach out to your teacher for this info)
2. Click on elibrary
3. Click on Beanstack
4. Click on "Read Grateful"
5. Start logging your minutes
OR Download the Beanstack App to log your minutes
A leaderboard is updated weekly located outside the Learning Commons. Get reading and logging your minutes so you can see your name listed.
Family Matters
November is National Family Engagement Month, and we are thrilled to invite you to Family Matters, a hands-on learning celebration of all FCS families!
Click the link for a quick recap of Family Matters last year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvRqAbYy3zM
This year’s events will take place at two locations:
· Mimosa Elementary: November 13, 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
· Gullatt Elementary: November 14, 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
At Family Matters, you'll have the opportunity to engage in 20-30 exciting learning sessions, including:
· Real-life Math: Fun activities that connect math to everyday experiences
· Real Time Cooking: Have fun cooking together as a family with a bonafide Chef
· Looney Literacy: Make reading come alive with interactive storytelling
· Spoken Word & Music: Celebrate the power of words and rhythms
· Cultural Dance: Explore and enjoy different cultural traditions through dance
· Sensory Room: A calming space to support all students' sensory needs
· Free College Application Month Room: On-site assistance to complete FREE college applications and FAFSA assistance
· College Essay writing: Learn how to write impressive college essays
· Robotics and Coding: Learn easy techniques to control robots and drones
Join us for an evening filled with games, prizes, vendors, and FUN learning! We’ll provide dinner for every guest as we come together to honor the rich diversity and strength of ALL Fulton County families.