Stonybrook School Weekly Update #34
May 19th, 2024
GOAL Law Trip
Congratulations to our third grade GOAL students and to their teacher Mrs. Reinmund for winning first place in the Law Fair 2024 Competition. Their original mock trial entry: The Case of the Missing Tip Jar: State v. Tobey Pie was written by Logan P., Jacob L., Ella W. and Jack B. They presented their case in front of a judge and jury of their peers at the New Jersey Law Foundation. Fourth graders Sophia S. and Zachary C. along with fifth graders Tiya C. and Ryder R. took on the extra roles needed in the performance. All GOAL students were able to participate as jury members.
Tricky Tray Winners
On May 17th, Stonybrook students were able to take on the role of Principal, Administrative Assistant, and classroom teachers. Thank you to Emily O. who was the Principal of the Day, Vivi G. who was the Administrative Assistant of the Day, Jenna L. who was our Physical Education Teacher of the Day, and Emma W. and Lyla W. who were the Music Teachers of the Day. They all did an amazing job! These roles as well as a VIP lunch with Mrs. Uttel will continue into the upcoming week. Thank you to KEHSA for offering these opportunities as prizes at the Tricky Tray.
Ice Cream Social
Please join us for Stonybrook's 1st Ice Cream Social sponsored by KEHSA. This event will be held on June 3rd from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Flyers were sent home on Friday with your child.
Stonybrook Art Show
Please join us on Monday, May 20th from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. for our annual Stonybrook Art Show. Artwork from all students will be on display throughout the school. Come see all of the wonderful work that our students have created this year. Light refreshments will be served.
KEHSA'S Kinnelon Colts Spirit Wear
Save the Dates for our 5th Grade End of the Year Events
All students received their PEEC Packets last Friday afternoon to take home. There are several forms that need to be signed and returned to school. If you have any questions, please email your child's teacher. Thank you.
Stonybrook School Choir Spring Concert
Important Upcoming Dates
May 20th: NJSLA Science for 5th Grade students begins
May 20th: Stonybrook Art Show - 4:00 p.m. for all families (Please see the flyer above).
May 21st: Board of Education Meeting at 7:00 p.m. at KHS
May 24th: School Closed - Give Back Day
May 27th: School Closed - Memorial Day
May 29th: GOAL Museum Night
May 30th: Stonybrook Career Day
May 31st: Field Day
June 6th and June 7th: 5th Grade PEEC Trip
June 7th: 2nd Grade Move Up Day to Stonybook School
June 10th and June 11th: 5th Grade Move Up Days to PRM
June 10th: Choir Concert
June 11th: Band and Jazz Band Concert
June 12th: 5th Grade Promotion Celebration at 10:00 a.m. at KHS
June 13th: Minimum Day for students - 1:25 p.m. dismissal
June 14th: Last Day of School! Minimum Day for Staff and Students - 1:25 dismissal
June 14th: 5th Grade Clap Out - 12:30 (Invitation to families will go home at the end of the week).
June 14th: Report Cards released to families
Chromebook Reminder
Important Reminder: Please make sure that your child's Chromebook is charged and brought to school each day.
If your child has been provided with a loaner at any time this year, and now have their original Chromebook back, we ask that you please return that to Mrs. Bosch.
As we begin to prepare for our NJSLA Standardized Testing in Science on May 20th for 5th grade, your child will be using their Chromebook each day in class. It is important that they have their device each day. Thank you for your continued support. *Please remember to make sure that your child has headphones and a wired mouse for testing. Thank you.
Important Reminders
As the weather begins to get warmer, please be mindful that all clothing should be school appropriate.
Please make sure to label your child's sweatshirt, if one continues to come to school, with their name/grade.
Please also label your child's water bottle with their name/grade. If your child has lost a sweatshirt or jacket throughout the school year, please have them check the lost and found in the cafteria. All items will be donated at the end of May.
Thank you.