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Non-Residential Handbook
ASU Upward Bound/UBMS Summer 2021
Welcome to Summer 2021 with Upward Bound & Upward Bound Math & Science!
Program Dates: MAY 31 - JULY 9, 2021
Though the program will be Non-Residential, we will observe COVID-19 safety guidelines as prescribed by ASU and Alamosa Public Health, when students participate in Friday Activities.
Adams State University Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math & Science provides a non-Residential component to students who do not wish to participate in-person, have prior commitments, or who wish to complete participation online. The program is modified, however, core components are provided to those students as approved in the Upward Bound Grant.
Assignments Begin, Monday, May 31, 2021, at 8 AM
Math & Science Symposium: July 1, July 2 & 3, 2021
Virtual 6th Week: July 6 - 8, 2021
Upward Bound Olympics: July 9, 2021
ASU Upward Bound Programs Health & Safety Protocol
The following is the TRIO Upward Bound's proposed safety protocol for Summer Residential May 30-July 3, 2021. The Summer Component is designed to allow potential participants the ability to experience the Upward Bound Program at ASU Campus including, participation in group activities, meeting with a student panel, engaging in an in-person interview, and learning about the overall program and expectations.
The expectation is that staff and students engage in health-promoting behaviors that prevent illnesses:
Wash hands multiple times a day for at least 20 seconds.
Don’t share food or drinks.
Encourage students and UB/UBMS staff members to eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly to help them develop strong immune systems capable of fighting illness.
Public health actions also include activities that help reduce the spread of infectious diseases. For example:
Know the symptoms of COVID-19 and ensure that information is made available to the UB/UBMS community in developmentally appropriate ways.
Provide training about transmission and control measures. Train students to cover their mouths and cough in their elbows. tissue or their masks
Educate staff, students, and primary caregivers not to come to the program if they have known symptoms. Reinforce for families to keep sick students home.
Establish or reinforce procedures for how families let the program know if their child is sick. These procedures should include letting the program know why the student has been kept home to be able to track symptoms. If students are diagnosed with COVID-19, parents must let the program know so they can communicate with, and get guidance from, local health authorities.
Adams State University housing and facilities staff plan to routinely clean and disinfect common spaces such as classrooms, common areas, and restrooms.
Detecting Illness:
Each room, restroom, & common area will display clear and age-appropriate information about symptoms, social distancing, & reporting.
If symptomatic, please self-isolate and report immediately.
Students will be reminded via Signal Vine on Friday mornings regarding checking symptoms, masks, and notification protocol if they sign up for the Friday Activity.
Supplies Provided by ASU Upward Bound Programs for Staff & Participant Use:
Masks: Participants will be provided with reusable masks and will be expected to bring and wear them for Friday activities.
Hand Sanitizer: The Non-Residential Assistant will have some with her at all times.
Gloves: Available upon request and issued for activities deemed necessary.
Disinfectant: The Non-Residential Assistant will have some with her at all times.
Friday Activity COVID-19 Testing
Upward Bound Parent/Guardian Expectations
● Each parent/guardian is expected to support their child both academically, as well as socially.
●To encourage their child to follow Covid-19 precautions issued by the state of Colorado and ASU.
● Please do not text or call your child during activity time, unless it is an extreme emergency.
● Parents are expected to arrange transportation for students in a timely manner. Students may not be left unattended, the staff is thus penalized by having to stay later with a student.
● Upward Bound (UB) provides exposure to both academic and social opportunities, please do not excuse, instead encourage them to participate and try new experiences.
● If your student will not be able to attend their weekly tutoring session, check-in with them, and make sure they are upholding UB expectations and that they reschedule their weekly tutoring session.
● Calling-in Sick- Any student(s) ill enough not to attend their weekly tutoring session, will need to contact the Non-Residential Assistant to let them know and to schedule another session to attend.
● If ever students are on campus or in person for an activity the capacity for group participants will be at 50%.
● Each student represents UB to all who encounter that student and will conduct themselves as a lady or gentleman at all times treating all students and staff with respect.
● Upward Bound is federally funded; i.e., your taxes contribute to its existence. Self-Respect is of the utmost importance. Therefore, all individuals affiliated with the program are expected to positively represent the program in behavior, dress, attitude, and interactions with others.
● Academics are a priority; participants are required to complete all work and maintain at least a “B” average.
UB Admissions Contract: incoming students are probationary for ten days. If they show that they are a good fit, they may continue with the summer program. Program commitment determines continuity.
Upward Bound Program Expectations
●Students and staff are expected to be respectful of all other participants and staff.
●Physical violence, name-calling, and bullying will not be tolerated. This program has zero-tolerance for hate speech and/or actions.
●Students and staff must be respectful of each other’s personal space and boundaries. Ask first!
●Damage of any college property is the responsibility of the student(s) involved whether accidental or not. If the damage was intentional, the student will be dropped from the summer program.
●No Public Displays of Affection (PDA) of any kind at any time.
ASU Upward Bound is inclusive of all gender identities.
We encourage you to call if you have comments or questions.
Office: (719) 587-7865, Angelica: (719) 480-3232
The following behaviors will result in automatic dismissal from Upward Bound:
1. Possession of alcohol or illegal drugs
2. Possession of weapons or fireworks
3. Stealing or shoplifting
4. Academic dishonesty such as cheating or plagiarism.
5. Misuse, abuse and unauthorized use of campus computing resources
6. Sexual Activity within the confines of the dorms/campus
7. Unbecoming conduct via Social Media while attending UB
8. Bullying, Hazing, or any behavior found to endanger others or self.
Penalty Procedure: Call the parents to come and pick up the student unless at night (we then call the next day).
1st time--Student is suspended and parents decide if the student may continue with the program.
2nd offense--Dismissed from the program.
Non-Residential Requirements
All students will be completing their lessons online via Google Classroom.
- All students will be completing their lessons online via Google Classroom.
- Students will receive a grizzlies.adams.edu account to access Google Classroom.
- Students are required to follow syllabus guidelines outlining assignments and due dates.
- Assignments will be sent out Monday morning and are due by 11:59 pm the following Sunday.
- Students must complete all assignments to the best of their ability.
- The instructor will hold a weekly tutoring session via Google Meets once a day, Monday through Thursday. It is mandatory to sign up and attend one per week.
- The link to the virtual session will be available to you through your email.
- Students are required to attend one session a week, as this will be the time to ask questions and work on SAT prep.
If you know you are going to miss the session that you signed up for, you will be responsible for contacting the Non-Residential Assistant at least two hours in advance to sign up for another session within the week.
Non-Residential Assistant: Lexi Wingert 719-850-2509 or wingertah_ws@adams.edu
Google Classroom Access
Go to: classroom.google.com
In the upper right-hand corner, there is a plus sign. Click on the plus sign and select to join the class.
You will need to use a Class Code for all of your Non-Residential material.
9th-11th Non-Residential Access Code: zv5svkt
Senior Non-Residential Access Code: etip332
If you have trouble accessing the material please call the office.
Virtual Classroom Etiquette
Please utilize this guide as you navigate our online course for the Upward Bound Non-Residential Program. Online tutoring session expectations are parallel to the expectations of our in-person tutoring sessions.
Virtual Security & Passwords
Google Classroom is our platform for the Non-Residential program. You will access this platform through your Adams State Grizzly student account.
It is vital that you save your Grizzly Username and Password in a safe location.
Don’t ever share your password with anyone.
Be mindful of spam and phishing emails.
Always log out when you are finished using the system.
Do not disclose personal or confidential information over the phone or the internet.
Expectations for Online Communication
When you are communicating your instructor or peers, you should always:
Treat them with respect in email, discussions, and/or any other communication interactions.
Address them with their proper title, and/or name.
Always use clear and concise language.
Correct spelling and grammar should be used.
Avoid using inappropriate language within the classroom.
It is expected that students participate and contribute to class discussions and or conversations relevant to the content provided by your instructor.
Be mindful of how you utilize caps lock and emoticons. This is a setting designed to promote college readiness communication.
Online Code of Conduct
As a student of Upward Bound, you have the right to express yourself and participate freely in an online class. We encourage you to engage with your peers, instructors, and advisors. However, we also expect that everyone is treated with courtesy and respect at all times.
Offensive or inappropriate language is prohibited in any form of communication. Including but not limited to; emails, discussion boards, chats, postings, virtual assignments, projects, and/or text messages.
If an individual receives inappropriate emails, texts, and or messages it should be reported to the Upward Bound Director immediately.
Plagiarism or cheating will not be tolerated.
If this occurs the student may have their grade for the assignment/quiz/exam lowered or may fail the course.
Please review the Adams State Academic Integrity statement.
The following actions are grounds for dismissal and may result in program termination.
Academic dishonesty such as cheating or plagiarism.
Misuse, abuse and unauthorized use of campus & program computing resources including Chromebooks & Hotspots
Bullying, Hazing, or any behavior found to endanger others or self.
Unbecoming conduct via Social Media while attending UB
Google Classroom Attendance & Participation
The Upward Bound staff and instructors have collaborated to provide you with a safe and welcoming environment through our online summer Non-Residential program. It is expected that you participate in your weekly tutoring sessions and complete assignments to attained your 85 points each week.
Within your Google Classroom, you should have access to the virtual meeting link to participate in the virtual tutoring sessions.
You should log in to your virtual meeting 10 minutes prior to starting.
In the case that you are having technical difficulties please communicate with your course instructor first. If unable to reach them please contact the Non-Residential Assistance or Upward Bound staff.
Academics are a priority; participants are required to complete all work and maintain at least a “B” average.
Academic integrity is expected and required. Students are expected to complete all assignments independently.
Summer stipends are tied to the stipend point system.
Friday Activities
Upon arrival for Friday activities, all students will take a COVID-19 test. If a student tests positive, they will return home immediately.
Each Friday during the summer session, non-residential students will have activities and community service.
The dates for Friday activities are June 4th, June 11th, June 18th , and June 25th.
Students will need to RSVP for each activity to ensure we have enough space at the activity location and the correct amount of supplies. RSVPs will need to be submitted by the Tuesday before each activity.
These activities will be both educational and recreational, and students who participate must stay for the entirety of the day’s activity.
You are able to earn points for participating in Friday activities. The points for Friday activities are an additional chance for points each week; however, they are not necessary to earn 85 points per week.
Covid-19 Symptoms & Precautions
If you feel your child or someone in your household is exhibiting symptoms, please self-isolate and report the absence.
Calling-in Sick-Any student(s) ill enough not to attend Friday Activity, will need to stay home and let the Non-Residential Assistant or the office know that the student will not be attending.
Meals may be obtained through Adams State or on-site during Friday Activities.
June 18th - Rock Wall/ Rope Course @ Adams State
June 25th- Game @ Cole Park
USDA & Meal Counts
Every year, the Upward Bound Programs at Adams State are subsidized by the Colorado Department of Education Summer Food Service Program. Students are offered lunch from the La Mesa Dining Hall when eating on campus.
Cafeteria/USDA—Upward Bound receives subsidized monies for meals.
Paperwork —Dorm Director monitors meals & documents who is eating & what they have on their trays.
Report on meals—the following items must be on trays:
Milk, Protein (meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, or legumes), vegetable, fruit, bread, or bread alternative.
It is a privilege to be served in the cafeteria; therefore, food fights & wastefulness will result in community service & possible 9:00 hours.
Students must clean up their own food, dishes, & table. Dispose of any leftover food properly.
All students receive a free meal package in the summer regardless of USDA qualification.
Academic Expectation
Attendance—Weekly tutoring session attendance is mandatory
- If going to miss, students must notify their Non-residential Assistant at least 2 hours prior and reschedule a time to attend.
- Stipends are tied to tutor session attendance and participation. For more information, see the stipend policy.
- Upward Bound Admissions Contract—As Freshman, students are on probation for ten days. After, they will be evaluated to determine if he/she should continue on with the program.
- Evaluations will be based on grades, attendance, participation, and peer relations.
A stipend will be handed out at the end of the six-week program equaling thirty dollars for every successful week completed.
Student’s grades 9-11 must earn at least 85 points out of 100 points.
5 points per math instructional video form completed
25 points per math quiz completed
20 points per math assignment completed
20 points per English assignment completed
15 points per discussion board participation
25 points for each tutoring session
10 points for Friday activity/community service participation
Note: Math instructional video forms are additional chances for points each week. A few will be offered each week, but they are not necessary to receive your 85 points. They will feature a question, an instructional video, and a follow-up question. These aspects will need to be answered to receive points for the form. At the end of each form, there will be additional videos that are available as resources, but these end-of-form videos will not have any follow-up questions.
Seniors must earn at least 85 points per week to earn a stipend.
- 25 points per assignment completed (two assignments per week).
- 25 points per discussion board participation.
- 25 points for each weekly session (Mandatory).
- 10 points if you participate in the Friday activity.
Students only earn a stipend if they attend at least one tutoring session and put genuine effort into their Google Classroom/assigned work.
The point system will be used to determine stipend eligibility for the first five weeks of the six-week Non-Residential program; however, Non-Residential students will have the opportunity to one an extra stipend during the sixth week of the program. In order to earn this stipend, the student must attend ONE virtual workshop that is held by the program the week of July 5th- July 9th.
6th Week Activities
During the last week, students will enroll in at least one workshop focused on Financial Literacy, Test Prep, Careers, and Community Service via a Form Registration.
- 9 AM- 11:30 AM
- Workshop
- Activity
- Game
Non-Residential Tutoring Session Schedule (subject to change)
Professional Prep Non-Residential
For Juniors & Seniors
This experience is designed to assist students in gaining valuable skills that will support the development of career readiness skills by working with professionals with at least a Bachelor's Degree.
Pay: Students earn up to 900.00 for :
- Completing required training modules
- Completing site supervisor one-on-one
- Completing project hours
- COHORT Dependent
- Complete Application
- Interview
- Offered Position
Grievance Policy
At ASU Upward Bound we strive to instill not only the building blocks to higher education but the tools essential to maneuver through all of life’s endeavors. The mission of the Upward Bound staff is to provide a safe learning environment encompassed by rules and boundaries mimicking a college environment.
Should students find themselves in a situation where they feel at odds with disciplinary action, an exchange of words, or simply require clarification, we ask that they reach out to the UB Director or Counselor Coordinator and follow a proper procedure for resolution.
Insurance Policies
Richardson Hall, Room 2-400
After hours, please call: Angelica: 719-480-3232
Email: asuupwardbound@adams.edu
Website: https://www.adams.edu/students/upward-bound/
Location: 208 Edgemont Boulevard, Alamosa, CO, USA
Phone: 719-587-7865