Munhall Bulletin
March 8, 2024
Munhall Elementary School
Email: amy.dunne@d303.org
Website: http://munhall.d303.org/
Location: 1400 South 13th Avenue
Phone: 331-228-2600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Munhall-Elementary-1459358344296891/
Twitter: @MunhallD303
From the Principal
- Science Night is tonight! I am looking forward to a fun filled night.
- This week at Munhall I noticed our intermediate grades working hard through practice IAR problems. In addition, our primary grades continue to use a variety of strategies to work through math problems. Keep up the great work!
- As an FYI, Ramadan starts soon and children can sit in office if they are fasting. In order to miss PE, we would need a written note.
- Please see information regarding a free showing of our one book, one school below.
- We have a PTO meeting next Tuesday @ 7:00. You may join us in person, or via zoom.
- The last day of school before spring break is Friday, March 22. Students have no school 3/25 - 3/29 for spring break. Students return to Munhall on Monday, April 1st.
- Placements for next year's incoming 4th grade students who qualified for AT Math/AT ELA and incoming 6th grade students who qualified for Accelerated Math, AT and Infinity Gifted Programming have been completed. Families of students who have been placed in these pathways have been contacted via email. Parents/Guardians whose student was not identified and feels their student should be considered for one of these placements is welcome to complete a Request for Appeal by March 15. The appeal process is outlined in the link along with contact information for our Gifted Coordinator if you have questions.
Upcoming Dates
3/8 - Science Night
3/12 - PTO Meeting (7:00)
3/14 - Jump Warrior Assembly
3/17 - St. Patrick's Day
3/20 - Early Release & Meeting (2:10 Student Dismissal)
3/20 - One Book, One School Movie (6:00)
High Five Movement
Jace Wolf is such a great help to the office. He is always asking how he can help out and assists the office staff by delivering lunches, books and all the things the kids forget at home to students. THANK YOU JACE!!!!!
Thank you Leo for being my stand partner again at Fiddle Fest this year! You are a very kind and talented violin player who gives me a lot of grace when I'm playing!! -Thank you. Mrs. Glassmeyer
Mrs. Anderson for being so kind and welcoming to the kiddos going inside the school in the mornings. 😊
Cougars Reading Program
We're in the final stretch to home plate in our Cougars Reading Program! Our 8 weeks conclude on March 12. After March 12, please return completed Cougars reading forms (one full sheet per student) to classroom teachers. Once your student turns in his/her reading form, be on the lookout for a ticket order form to come home. Great job, Mustangs!
Message from the Munhall PTO:
Given the upcoming boundary changes beginning next school year, the Munhall PTO needs to make a decision on how the funds remaining in its bank account at the end of the school year will be divided between Fox Ridge and Munhall PTOs. The Board is recommending that said funds be divided based on the percentage of current K-4 Munhall students who will be attending each school. Per D303 data, approximately 60% of current students will be moved to Fox Ridge. For example, if $10,000 remains at the end of this school year, $6,000 will transfer to Fox Ridge PTO while $4,000 will stay with Munhall PTO. The Board anticipates having roughly $11,000 in its bank account at the end of June.
The current Board is comprised of both Munhall (2) and future Fox Ridge (3) parents.
If no additional options are provided by March 11, we will go with the Board's recommendation.
Our next PTO Meeting is March meeting on Tuesday, March 12 at 7pm in the LRC.
PTO meeting agenda
One Munhall book selection, The Tale of Despereaux, on Wednesday, March 20 at the Arcada.
Everyone is welcome to a free screening of this year’s One Book, One Munhall book selection, The Tale of Despereaux, on Wednesday, March 20 at the Arcada. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for a 6 p.m. screening. Concessions will be available for purchase. We can’t wait to see you there!
Project Dance Bright
5th Grade yearbook submissions
Parent PLEASE submit your 5th Graders photos
Watch Dog Volunteer
Drop off and pick up
- If you are dropping off in the morning, please remember that you may also drop students off in the front of the building. The line on 13th gets longer throughout the winter, so this is always an option. Likewise, when you do not see any other Munhall staff outside please drive to the front of the building to drop your child off. We typically go in right around 8:00. The "why" for this is safety. Thank you for your understanding.
- When parking on 13th, please be mindful of all the cars that need to park and pick up kids. You do not need to take up two car spots to park. I know it can get tight with all the cars but all cars leave at different times and it always works out perfectly.
Phones/Smart Watches
From 22-23 Elementary Handbook: Students are extended the privilege of possessing phones/ smartwatches on school grounds; however, their use is limited to after-school dismissal and non-school days. These devices must be in the off position, or not used once the student arrives on campus until the end of the school day.
Munhall Lost and Found
Yearbook Link
Go to: www.treering.com/validate
passcode is
Purchase & Customize Your Yearbook
Must be a parent or student 13 years or older.
Create Custom Pages by: Apr 6
Volunteer form
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/vounteer+form?projector=1Student absence procedures
Early pick up procedures
Staff favorites
Please click the picture to get directed to the staff favorite spreadsheet