Wolverine Weekly
Parent Edition: 2-7-2021 to 2-13-2021
Progress Reports
Detailed Student Progress Reports will be sent home this.
3 W's
Please encourage your student to follow the 3W's to help keep everyone safe.
It is not too late to purchase your yearbook!
Friendly Reminders
There will be interest meetings held this week for each cohort pertaining to Softball and Boy's Soccer. There will be a loom video shared at a later dater for parents.
This Week
- Feb 8: Interest Meeting for Softball @ 12pm
- Feb 8: Cohort A Interims sent home
- Feb 9: Interest Meeting for Boy's Soccer @ 12pm
- Feb 11: Cohort B Interims sent home
- Feb 11: Interest Meeting for Softball @ 12pm
- Feb 12: Interest Meeting for Boy's Soccer @ 12pm
Looking Ahead
2-15-2021: Remote Learning Day for Both Cohorts
3-2-2021: Softball and Boy's Soccer Tryouts Begin
3-11-2021: Early Dismissal & Virtual Parent Conferences
3-11-2021: End of 3rd Nine Weeks
3-12-2021: No School - Optional Teacher Workday