Stanwood High School
Family Newsletter — Sunday, February 4, 2024

Family newsletter — September 1st, 2024
District Promise
Every student in the Stanwood-Camano School District is empowered to learn in an inclusive setting and is prepared for the future of their choice.
Stanwood High School Vision Statement
Stanwood Spartans are united in cultivating character, modeling respect, teaching leadership and connecting to community.
It's an Exciting Time of the Year!!
As we conclude our summers, it is exciting to return to school, see new friends, and make new ones. This year will be full of exciting opportunities for growth. I look forward to continuing our collaboration with students and families, ensuring we are providing the best education possible for each and every student.
The SHS Staff is ready and prepared for the year! See you around campus!
Mike Washington
Areas of Focus That We Need Parent/Guardian Support
It is important to be in every class on time!
School starts at 7:40 am on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and at 9:00 am on Wednesdays. The expectation is that students are in class when the 7:40 am bell rings on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and when the 9:00 am bell rings on Wednesdays and still not walking into school. Students 5 minutes late to any class throughout the day will be marked absent. Students need to be on time for all classes. Being marked absent may prevent a student from participating in afterschool activities like athletic practices and competitions, or it may mean a student is skipping a class. We want to team up with familes to ensure students don't miss valuable instructional time and are accounted for at all times to ensure they are safe.
SHS is a Closed Campus
SHS is a closed campus. This means students are to remain on campus from the start of the school day until the final bell. Lunchtime is an on-campus activity. A student shall not leave the school campus during the school day unless excused by a parent/guardian through the school office. Students will not be excused for daily "off-campus" privileges or activities such as leaving the campus for lunch, eating lunch in private vehicles, etc... Students are to ensure all needed items are gathered from their vehicle upon arrival at school. Keeping students on campus is important to ensure students stay safe.
Cell phones or other electronic devices are not allowed during instructional time!
Cell phones are not to be out or used during instructional time unless a Staff member allows the student to use them as a resource. Students who use their cell phones during instructional time to text, make phone calls, or take photos or videos are subject to disciplinary action, including having their phones confiscated by an administrator or security officer. The phone will be returned to the student at the end of the day.
Locations during lunch
During lunches last year, the hallways were extremely busy and loud, interrupting valuable instruction time. This coming school year, students will only be allowed to be in the commons, the immediate front of the school, the back patio, the 2nd floor, East of the gate by the counseling office, and the South Gym. This will help prevent the interruption of valuable instruction time.
First Day of School
First Day for Freshman and new students to SHS
We are thrilled to announce our second annual Freshmen & Students New to SHS-Only first day of school, a unique event designed to help our new students feel welcomed and supported, on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024.
First day of school for Freshmen/New Students to SHS – Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024
This full-day event will help our incoming freshmen and new students transition from middle to high school. Our SHS Link Crew will serve as leaders and mentors for the morning orientation. The Link Crew will lead the students through large and small group activities designed to address students’ needs and concerns in an enjoyable way.
After lunch, students will follow a modified bell schedule, allowing them to find their classes and meet their teachers before the rest of the Spartans begin the year. This will be a full school day, starting at 7:40 AM and ending at 2:10 PM. Bus routes will run as usual.
Bell Schedule for September 3, 2024
15-minute classes with 5 minute passing time
Orientation (no bells during the orientation) 7:40 – 11:40
Lunch 11:40 – 12:10
1st Period 12:15 – 12:30
2nd Period 12:35 – 12:50
3rd Period 12:55 – 1:10
4th Period 1:15 – 1:30
5th Period 1:35 – 1:50
6th Period 1:55 – 2:10
First Day for Returning 10th, 11th and 12th Graders
First day of school for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors – Wednesday, September 4th, 2024
Sophomores, juniors, and seniors will begin the 2024-2025 school year with a late start (including 0 period beginning at 8:15am) on Wednesday, September 4th, at 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday Schedule: (42 minute Classes)
0 Period 8:15-8:55
1st 9:00-9:42
2nd 9:47-10:29
3rd 10:34-11:16
1st Lunch 11:19-11:49
4th A 11:54-12:36
4th B 11:21-12:03
2nd Lunch 12:06-12:36
5th 12:41-1:23
6th 1:28-2:10
Schedules for Sept 5th and 6th
Thursday September 5th - Regular Schedule
Friday September 6th - Assembly Schedule
Bell Schedule for the 24/25 School Year
Regular Schedule: (55 minute Classes)
0 Period 6:40-7:35
1st 7:40-8:35
2nd 8:40-9:35
3rd 9:40-10:35
1st Lunch 10:40-11:10
4th A 11:15-12:10
4th B 10:40-11:35
2nd Lunch 11:40-12:10
5th 12:15-1:10
6th 1:15-2:10
Wednesday Schedule: (42 minute Classes)
0 Period 8:15-8:55
1st 9:00-9:42
2nd 9:47-10:29
3rd 10:34-11:16
1st Lunch 11:19-11:49
4th A 11:54-12:36
4th B 11:21-12:03
2nd Lunch 12:06-12:36
5th 12:41-1:23
6th 1:28-2:10
Assembly Schedule: (49 Minute Classes)
0 Period 6:40-7:35
1st 7:40-8:29
2nd 8:34-9:23
Assembly 9:28-10:00
3rd 10:05-10:54
1st Lunch 10:58-11:28
4th A 11:33-12:22
4th B 10:59-11:48
2nd Lunch 11:52-12:22
5th 12:27-1:16
6th 1:21-2:10
Counseling Center and Student Schedules for the 24/25 School Year
*** Student Schedules are now available on Skyward ***
Do you have questions about courses, schedules, or after high school plans? Please contact one of the following counselors for the 2024-2025 school year:
Student Last Name Counselor
A – Fi, Paige Watson
Fl - Je, Adam Weiss
Jo – Pe, Tricia Tayon
Ph – Z, Emily Elde
Each spring students request courses they would like to take for the next school year. The master schedule is built based on those requests and class availability. There is limited space available for schedule changes.
Schedule changes will be considered within the first 10 days of the semester for the following reasons:
- Schedule is incomplete (missing a class)
- Student has taken and received credit previously
- Student does not meet prerequisite for the class
- Student needs course for graduation requirement
- Inappropriate skill level placement (examples - wrong level of math, took summer school for the course, teacher recommends a change to another level based on student level)
- Running Start schedule conflicts with high school schedule
Students will not be able to add/drop a course after day 10 unless there are extenuating circumstances. Students will complete an Extenuating Circumstances Schedule Change Form and submit it to the principal. The principal will make the final decision as to whether or not the student can drop the course. If a student is approved to drop a course, the following will apply:
- If a student is passing the course, the student will receive no credit and a "W" on their transcript.
- If a student is not passing the course, the student will receive an "F" on their transcript.
- Student schedule might be rearranged as there should not be a free period during 2nd-5th periods.
- The student needs to have an appropriate place to be during the class period they are dropping.
Courses dropped during the last two weeks of the semester will be posted as a failing grade.
Extenuating Circumstances Schedule Change Form 24-25
Form in Spanish:
Extenuating Circumstances Schedule Change Form ESP 24-25
Please CLICK HERE for information on requesting a teacher change.
The counseling website can be viewed by clicking here to find out more information in regards to transcripts, grade verifications, and records requests.
Student Log-in to Skyward and Google
To log-in on Skyward (Grades and Attendance):
Username: johnssam000 (first five letters of last name, three of first name)
Password: S!1234567 (lunch number)
To log-in on Google (Classroom and assignments):
Username: johnssam000@k12.scsd.ac
Password: S!1234567 (lunch number)
Family Access Help
Family Access is available to all parents/guardians within our district. There is no registration process to go through. To obtain your login and password please call Renee Herigstad at (360) 629-1319.
With this up-to-the-minute information parents/guardians are able to be more proactive members of their students’ educational process. If parents/guardians have questions or need an answer prior to parent-teacher conferences, staff email addresses are provided through our website. If parents/guardians don't have access to a computer, please contact the high school so arrangements can be made to gain access.
Family access is located at http://shsweb.stanwood.wednet.edu
This brings you to the Stanwood High School main web page. From there, click on the Family and Student Access link under the menu. A new page will pop up asking for your login and password. Login and password are not case sensitive.
Once logged in, parents/guardians can personalize passwords for easier use.
We welcome you to Family Access and hope you will find this electronic "tool" an important part of your ongoing relationship with the Stanwood-Camano School District.
If you have problems accessing the site, or have any questions, please call Renee at (360)629-1319 or email her at rherigstad@stanwood.wednet.edu.
Please click here for family access website.
Important Dates 24/25 School Year and Student Calendar
September 2nd - No School / Labor Day
September 3rd - First Day for Freshmen/New students to SHS
September 4th - First Day for 10, 11, 12th Graders
September 5th - Senior Sunrise at Bob Larson Stadium, 6:20am
September 10th - Photo Make-up Day
September 10th - Open House (6pm - 7:30pm)
September 12th - Lock Down/Evacuation Drill (Time: TBD)
October 14th - Homecoming Week begins
October 15th - College & Career Readiness Night
October 17th - Earthquake Drill
October 18th - No School
October 19th - Homecoming Dance
October 22nd - Photo Retakes, Senior Class Meeting & Photo
October 26th - SHS Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet
November 18th - Winter Sports Begin
November 19th - Fire Drill
Class of 2025
Senior Sunrise
Senior Sunrise will be at 6:20am at Bob Larson Stadium on Thursday September 5th.
Senior Information
To stay up-to-date with activities, events and deadlines, please check in on the Senior Information for the Class of 2025 section of the website
Senior Pictures for Yearbook and Grad Ads
Senior photos are due Friday, October 11th, 2024. Please schedule your photo shoot with a photographer as early in the summer as possible. Photographers and studios are very busy in the Fall.
Grad ads for seniors are due Friday, November 8th, 2024. Instructions for Senior photos, grad ads sizing and pricing and submission guidelines are listed below with the Class of 2025 information.
Please see below for information regarding:
- Senior Yearbook Photo Guidelines/Deadlines
- Senior Grad Ad Instructions
- Senior Grad Ad Sizes and Prices.
Bus Route Information
Transportation information for grades K-12 is available online. You can easily access details about your child's bus route, stop times, and bus assignments through our Versatrans eLink portal.
Please check your student's bus information as some of our bus routes have changed.
To access your child's transportation details:
- Log in to Versatrans eLink: Use your child's 7-digit ID number as both the "User Name" and "Password." You can find the 7-digit ID number on your child's Skyward account.
Quick Links:
Skyward Family Access - Busing Info
You can also find your student's busing information in Skyward Family Access - go to the drop down Menu - choose Busing and your student's pick up and drop off info will be available.
Purchasing 24/25
SHS Office Hours for Purchasing ASB Cards, Yearbooks, Parking Permits, and Participation Fees
Once school begins on September 3rd, purchases can be made between 7:15am - 2:45pm.
Students may visit the ASB window before school, after school, or during their lunch - never during instructional time.
Payments can also be made online through the SCSD Online Payment Portal.
To purchase a parking permit, please bring a completed and signed copy of the Permit Application (ATTACHED BELOW), a copy of the student's driver's license, and a copy of their proof of insurance along with the $20 fee. If purchasing online, please bring required documents along with a copy of the receipt to the office to exchange for a permit. Forms must be completely filled out prior to registration, including parent signature and vehicle information.
Students who qualify for the National Free and Reduced-Price meal program may be eligible for a waiver of these fees. Parents/guardians of students who qualify for fee waivers are responsible for providing documentation to the office annually. Fees are also reduced for College Bound or McKinney-Vento students. Please visit the main office or contact us with any questions.
***When school begins, students may purchase items before school, during lunch, and after school. Items will not be sold to students during instructional time***
Annual/Yearbook $50 (through 9/30), $70 until January 31st
ASB Card $45
Athletic Participation $100 per sport, plus an ASB Card $45
Club Dues $15+ varies by club, plus an ASB Card $45
Curricular Fees $25+ vary by class
Parking Permit $20
Traffic Safety Education $440
State skills test (in class fee) $30
State knowledge test (in class fee) $25
Credit card processing fee (online payments) $1.50
***All student fees are attached below***
** Students may qualify for fee waivers **
Chromebook Check Out
If you were not able to check out a Chromebook during picture days - you will be able to check out Chromebooks from the Library once school resumes. ELA classes will provide times during the first few days to check one out.
School Pictures - Make Up Date 9/10
***If you missed the Picture Days - Make-Up Day is Sept 10th***
Students are expected to have their photo taken for identification purposes. Photo dates/times are below, along with the photo packet information and link. Students are to dress appropriately for their school photo – pets and hats are not allowed and hair is to be presentable. Students will not be allowed to get their photo taken if not dressed appropriately.
If you would like to purchase your student's portraits, click below to pre-order their portraits today!
You can also purchase by visiting our website at: www.oconnorphotographystudio.com
*** Retakes will be October 22nd
If you have any questions or need assistance please give O'Connor Studio a call at 1-800-993-4929 Thank you!
Yearbooks - Purchase Dates and Payment Info
The cost for all students is $50.00 through September 30th, 2024. October 1st - January 31st, 2024 the cost will be $70.00 each.
Yearbooks will be sold until Friday, January 31st 2024.
Please keep your receipt to pick up your book at the end of the school year.
Senior photos are due Friday, October 11th, 2024. Please schedule your photo shoot with a photographer as early in the summer as possible. Photographers and studios are very busy in the Fall. Guidelines for photo submission are available now on the SHS website and are listed below with the Class of 2025 information.
Grad ads for seniors are due Friday, November 8th, 2024. Instructions for Senior photos, grad ads sizing and pricing and submission guidelines are listed below with the Class of 2025 information.
Yearbooks may be purchased in person with CASH or CHECK during the August purchasing days and after school begins before and after school or on lunches.
Payments can also be made through the online portal at: SCSD Online Payment Portal
Supply Lists for 24/25
Basic school supplies needed:
Comp books (4-5)
Pens - blue or black
Spiral bound notebooks or 3 ring binder or folders
Notebook paper
Colored pencils
Scientific calculator
Students expected to suit up for PE and Weight Training:
- Any school-appropriate, athletic attire (t-shirt and shorts/sweatpants, etc.) and tennis shoes are required.
Individual teacher supply lists for 2024-2025 school year are attached below.
SHS Spartan Athletics
Fall Sports
Welcome back for 2024-25 and another exciting season of SHS Fall Sports! Click Here for game schedules.
Parents and guardians: please mark your calendars for Tuesday, September 3rd. At 5:30pm, we will host our Fall Sports Family Info Night in the Performing Arts Center (PAC).
Athletic participation fees ($100 per sport) and ASB cards ($45) must be paid after teams have been formed and before your first contest; no later than Friday, September 13th. We accept cash or check in the main office or online: https://wa-stanwoodcamano.intouchreceipting.com/signin . The application for Free & Reduced Meals is available online now; families who qualify can submit paperwork to Janelle Owings, ASB Bookkeeper, to receive a fee waiver.
Please follow along with us on social media! Search for Stanwood Spartan Athletics @go_shsspartans. Here are a couple more resources you may want to bookmark:
Stanwood High School Athletics
Final Forms
Athletic Registration for the 2024-25 school year is now open! Please visit stanwood-wa.finalforms.com to sign up for sports. More information can be found HERE.
Winter sports will begin on November 18th and spring sports on March 3rd.
For students new to the Stanwood-Camano School District, please reach out directly to the Athletic Office at (360) 629-1322 - Athletic Director Lauren Amundson and Athletic Secretary Lisa Noland (lnoland@stanwood.wednet.edu).
Bus Passes
The office does not accept bus pass requests by phone. If your student will be riding a bus other than his/her own bus, he/she must bring a written request from a parent or guardian. Every effort will be made to notify students after 12:30 pm, but there are no guarantees that students will be notified after that time. The note should include the first and last name of your student, the name of the student that he/she is riding with, and the bus or route number.
Release of student records
Each year, federal law allows our families the opportunity to opt-out of disclosing some information to outside organizations by completing a simple form.
Families can opt out of having their student’s information — such as name, photo, and grade — used in school directory information, such as the yearbook, sports rosters, and other school materials.
Families of high school students can also choose for the district to not release their student’s information to military recruiters or institutions of higher learning, such as colleges.
In order to take effect for this school year, the form will need to be completed and returned to the student’s school office by Oct. 1, 2024.
Student Handbook and SHS Website
Handbook & Directory for Parents/Guardians
The Student Handbook & Directory for Parents/Guardians can be found here.
High School Website:
You can find up-to-date information on the high school website regarding Stanwood High School's activities, academics, arts, and athletics. The website is: https://shs.stanwood.wednet.edu/.
Traffic Safety/Drivers Ed
Stanwood High School Traffic Safety is now enrolling for the Fall 1 session September 17th, 2024 to October 18th, 2024.
The class is 5 weeks. Student drivers will do 6 drives.
Stanwood is a State Certified testing center for Washington Driver’s licenses.
Cost is $440. Payable by check (made out to SHS) or cash in the SHS Main Office with Janelle Owings or credit card through the SHS Payment Portal.
Questions? contact Scott Knight SHS TSE Coordinator 360-348-8009
or email dknight@stanwood.wednet.edu or Kristin Petree SHS
Administrative Assistant for Traffic Safety at: kpetree@stanwood.wednet.edu
Volunteers for the 24/25 School Year
If you would like to volunteer, we would love it! Click here and it will take you to our website where you can find our volunteer application with a list of areas you can volunteer in.
Friday Family Message
Find the most recent Friday Family Message from the Stanwood-Camano School District online HERE
The Stanwood-Camano School District does not discriminate in employment, programs, or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the District's Title IX/Affirmative Action Officer and Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Christine Del Pozo (cdelpozo@stanwood.wednet.edu), or the Section 504/American Disabilities Act Coordinator, Robert Hascall (rhascall@stanwood.wednet.edu) Stanwood-Camano School District, 26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, WA 98292. Telephone: (360) 629-1200.
Parents/Guardians have the right to request their students' teachers' professional qualifications. For this specific information, please contact Mrs. Christine Del Pozo at cdelpozo@stanwood.wednet.edu or call 360-629-1200
7400 272nd Street Northwest
Stanwood, WA 98292
Main Office: (360) 629-1300