Marathon Memo
October 2024
Important Dates
Monday, October 14
Indigenous People's Day
No School
Monday, October 14 & Tuesday, October 15
Playgrounds Closed for repairs
Friday, October 11
Marathon School Council 8:00 AM via Google Meet
Friday, October 18
Early Release, lunch served
No PM PreSchool
Dismissal 1:00 pm
Monday, October 21
No AM PreSchool
Thursday, October 31
HPTO sponsored enrichment
Thursday, November 14
Picture Retakes
Notes From the Principal
It was wonderful to see families at our open houses. Preschool parents and guardians new to the program experienced activities as their child does while learning key aspects of the intentionality behind the activities. Kindergarten and first-grade students brought their families to school and proudly (and confidently) showed their families their school.
As we settle into the new school year, we continually seek information to best inform the instructional needs of our students. We are fortunate to have resources available to support instruction, including English Language Arts (ELA) and Math tutors. Tutors provide skill-based support services to kindergarten and first-grade students who need additional practice in the foundational concepts at their grade level. Students are recommended for support based on their classroom performance and on their performance on universal assessments that are administered in all classrooms throughout the year.
Some students may need a little support or practice with specific skills. This may happen during class time and/or in small group sessions outside the classroom as part of our regular Tier 1 differentiated instruction.
Some students may be identified as being in need of a more specific intervention with one of our reading teachers or tutors (ELA and/or Math). If this is the case, you will be notified by your child’s teacher. This may happen during class time and/or in a small group session outside the classroom as part of our Tier 2 instruction.
More information about Tiered Instruction and Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) will be shared this year.
We are an early childhood school focused on building a solid learning foundation for our students. We foster academic as well as social-emotional skills to promote the growth of the whole child. This is a team effort that school and home contribute to. Thank you for being a vested part of your child’s education.
Playground Repairs
Metal playground decks are covered with a vinyl coat to protect the metal from corrosion, create a non-skid surface as well as keep the surface cooler under the sun. The coating typically does its job for years, but unfortunately is not immune to cracks and vandalism. When that happens, the metal is exposed and becomes vulnerable to rust. The cuts and tears in the vinyl coating itself become sharp and present a shear hazard to our kids. Repairing these decks is a priority.
Playground repairs will take place on Monday, October 14. The playgrounds at Marathon will be closed on Monday, October 14 and Tuesday, October 15.
From the Health Office
Hello Marathon Families!
As a reminder, it would be appreciated if students could all keep a change of clothing in their backpacks in case of accidents, spills, or wet recess conditions. We also accept donations of clothing (especially pants). If your child comes home changed into a pair of borrowed clothing, please wash and return the clothes for other students to be able to use.
We are beginning to organize the process of performing vision, hearing, and BMI screening for students. We are required to screen preschool, kindergarten, and first-grade students for vision and hearing. Additionally, we perform a BMI screening for all first-grade students. If you would like to opt your child out of this screening please fill out the below form. Any students not opted out will be screened.
Visit the Marathon Health Services webpage for a variety of information!
Candace Burnell, RN, BSN,
Amanda Jesse, RN, BSN
Marathon School Council
Thank you to the parents interested in serving as parent representatives. We welcome Nikitha Ganesh serving as a preschool parent representative. With more than one interested in the first-grade parent representative opening, we did hold an election. Thank you to the first-grade families who voted. Kristen Flajslik will fill this opening.
If you have questions, concerns, or feedback to share about school, please feel free to contact a parent representative.
Parent Representative Information:
Nikitha Ganesh, PreK Parent Rep
Ryan Bender, K Parent Rep
Tiffany Ostrander, K Parent Rep
Anne Gately, Gr. 1 Parent Rep
Kristen Flajslik, Gr. 1 Parent Rep
All are welcome to attend our school council meetings.
Our first school council meeting of the year is Friday, October, 11 at 8:00 a.m. via Google Meet. The meeting link is in the agenda: Marathon School Council Agenda October 2024
While we work on many things, see our School Improvement Plan for current goals: Marathon/Elmwood/Hopkins SIP 2024-20254.
School Council meetings are public, all are welcome to join!
PBIS at Marathon
PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions And Supports) is a framework that provides a system for teaching and reinforcing positive behavior expectations. Marathon implements a school-wide reinforcement system in the form of Cubby Paws. Cubby Paws acknowledges student demonstration of the schoolwide expectations (Take care of yourself, each other, and our school) across all school settings (classrooms, hallways, outside, cafeteria, specialist rooms, etc.).
All staff can recognize students following school-wide expectations at any time.
Classrooms track the number of Cubby Paws earned and notify Mr. Mitchell when the class achieves 100. The following day, classrooms are recognized on morning announcements to celebrate their achievement. This achievement earns the class Cubby Buggy time. Many classes have earned this and others are very close to it!
To reinforce cafeteria expectations, staff on lunch duty track cubby paw stamps earned for each class. We found this was much easier than paper Cubby Paws in the cafeteria. Once a class receives 50 Cubby Paw Stamps at lunch, they earn Cubby Buggy Time, a wagon full of fun items. Cubby Time is an extra 15 minutes of playtime.
Great job taking care of yourself, each other, and our school! A special thank you to the HPTO for funding the Cubby Buggies.
Seeing Ourselves in Our Dolls
Shannon Overdahl, Preschool Director
We are so excited, the Preschool was awarded a grant last spring from The Trustees of the School Fund. We proposed to increase inclusion and awareness of differences in everyone. The grant was titled “Seeing Ourselves in Our Dolls.”
With the grant money, we were able to purchase; Books/ Dolls/Medical Equipment (AAC device, hearing aids, a walker, etc) featuring characters with medical differences providing a powerful tool for cultivating empathy and understanding among our youngest learners. This exposure helps break down stereotypes and reduces the stigma surrounding differences, fostering a more inclusive society. The materials will be distributed to the preschool teachers, occupational therapist, speech/language therapists, physical therapist, nurses, and counselors. The kindergarten and first-grade teachers will also have access to the materials.
We are thrilled to be able to provide our children with these wonderful dolls, literature, and materials. Remember, the impact of raising inclusive children extends far beyond their immediate surroundings, contributing to a more inclusive and compassionate society as a whole!
Kindergarten and First Grade Health Class News
Marathon School Health teachers, Mrs. Lewinsky, Ms. Lyons, and Mrs. Ryder are happy to be helping students develop healthy skills and behaviors that support life-long health and well-being. The Health curriculum is based on the National Health Education Standards, which involves teaching skills such as interpersonal communication, decision-making, healthy behaviors related to safety, nutrition, personal health and hygiene, and social and emotional health.
Each Health lesson begins with a “Feelings/Weather Check.” Students identify and share how they are feeling by using sign language to show if they are: happy (“sunny”), mixed emotions (“partly cloudy”), or upset (“stormy”). During September we have explored emotions: identifying and expressing different kinds of emotions, recognizing how others are feeling, and practicing ways to calm down when emotions are strong. Many classes practiced deep breathing and learned the Candle Breath, Snake Breath, Bear Breath, and Lion Breath. During these lessons, students learned how to make a calm-down bottle, a calm-down box, and a cozy corner. First-grade students played a cooperative game with a beach ball where they were asked to identify and share moments when they felt certain emotions. Students also learned about the importance of being brave and not letting your fears hold you back from doing what is healthy and important. Some students drew pictures of moments when they acted with courage and shared their pictures with their class. Families and caregivers can practice these skills at home by using the following discussion starters: “I show courage at school by…I show courage at home by…”
In our next Health class unit, students will learn good hand-washing techniques. Students will understand that to correctly wash their hands, they need to rub their hands together with soap for 20 seconds. Students will be encouraged to keep their hands away from their mouth, nose, eyes and to keep open cuts covered and cough and sneeze into a tissue or one’s elbow. We are happy that we’ve had such a positive start to the school year and are very proud of all the Marathon students who are remembering to use good hygiene. Keep up the good work!
Music News
Dear Parents,
It has been a pleasure to welcome your children into our beautiful music room each week! We have been busy singing, moving, dancing, hearing musical stories, and soon we will be learning about important composers and playing percussion instruments.
Children in Grade One have been learning to use their singing voice as we practice new songs, including “Month of September” and “Month of October”. (First-grade students learn a special song for each month of the year!) They are working hard to remember the words of a well-known Patriotic Song, “America, The Beautiful”. They are also learning a song from Ghana in the Twi language, as well as a song from China about planting rice. Your children are learning to sing ‘Tricks or Treats’. Soon they will be singing it for memory in a classroom performance. We will also learn the accompaniment part on our beautiful xylophones, metallophones, and glockenspiels! First Grade musicians are learning the delightful, true story of ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’. They look forward to seeing pictures of Mary’s schoolhouse which is now located in Sudbury, MA. Soon, they will listen to Danse Macabre (spooky dance), by the French composer, Camille Saint-Saens. Your children will love our many singing games in music at Marathon School. So far, all the students were delighted in playing the singing game, “Bluebird, through my window”.
In Kindergarten music, we often begin our sessions with fingerplays and rhythmic clapping. Some favorite fingerplays are “Eensy-weensy Spider”, “Creep, Creep Creep”, and “Where is Thumbkin?”. They will enjoy showing you our special motions as they sing these sweet songs. Soon, we will use the rhythm sticks to march in a parade around the room. They can’t wait to play some percussion Instruments: triangles, drums, tambourines, claves, bells, and maracas! Later they will learn to play the barred Orff instruments (glockenspiels, metallophones, xylophones). Through nursery rhymes, they learn many musical concepts such as form and rhythm - and they love discovering the words that rhyme! Soon we will be writing the rhythms within the Nursery Rhymes. Our first step in writing rhythms is through the use of popsicle sticks! If you have popsicle sticks at home, maybe your child would like to demonstrate. Your children loved the story of Tubby the Tuba, which introduced the various instruments of the orchestra in a delightful way. Soon they will learn more about the instruments when we begin the well-known musical story, Peter and the Wolf, by the famous composer, Sergei Prokofiev.
I meet with your children every week for a 40-minute session. If you have any questions, you may contact me at I look forward to a fun-filled year with your children. We will continue to learn about composers, sing new songs, play instruments, learn musical concepts, and enjoy many fun singing games!
Musically Yours,
Mrs. Moran
Art News: Mrs. Karen Lucy
In art classes, the students learned about abstract art. Kindergarten students worked on skills such as folding paper and drawing circles as they created pictures based on the work of artist Wassily Kandinsky.
First-grade students completed collage pictures with primary colors and vertical and horizontal lines based on the paintings of artist Piet Mondrian.
Hopkinton Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)
Dear Marathon Families,
We are excited to introduce Hopkinton SEPAC’s Little Library! It is located by the playground behind the school. Our library is filled with books for parents and caregivers that focus on neurodiversity, special needs, and mental health. There are reference books, novels, memoirs, and more. We hope that you find a book that may be useful to you or that you leave a book that might help another parent. The purpose of the Little Library is to make it an easy lift to find resources about disabilities, special education, and mental health, topics which carry a lot of stigma. Our hope is that this library fosters understanding and makes our community a more inclusive place for everyone.
Also, we would like to thank high school students Sammy Scherer and Eloise Murphy for doing an amazing job with the artwork on our Little Library.
Erica Seekell
Facebook (@HopkintonSEPAC)
October 2024 SEPAC Events
Fall Festival with SEPAC
Join us for a fun day at the playground with pumpkin decorating, fall-themed crafts, poke-a-prize pumpkin, a photo booth, and more! Cider, donuts, and snacks will be served. In the event of rain, activities will be moved to the cafeteria. The event is free. RSVP is preferred, but not required.
When: Sunday, October 20th, 2024 at 10 am-12 pm
Where: Marathon Elementary School playground (behind the school)
Hopkinton SEPAC Parents and Care Partners Coffee Hour
Hopkinton SEPAC is hosting a coffee hour for parents and care partners of special needs students. Come to meet other special needs parents and learn more about Hopkinton SEPAC. We will be serving coffee and donuts.
When: Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 at 10 am-11:30 am
Where: Hopkinton Public Library, Betty Strong room
The Hopkinton Public Schools Parent Teacher Organization (HPTO) is an all-volunteer, parent/guardian-run, non-profit organization committed to enhancing and enriching the education of our children and fostering a sense of community within our schools. On average, the PTO provides $100,000 each school year to help support our school system with any and all tools possible for the best education including enrichment programs, training, teacher appreciation, guest speakers and lecturers, science and technology supplies, classroom furnishings, and much, much more.
Want to learn more about the HPTO? Visit
Tall and Small Ball Is Back!! - Tickets are on Sale now
Our annual Tall & Small Ball is happening Sunday, Oct 27, 2:30-4:30 pm and 5:30-7:30 pm and tickets are now on sale to the general public. This year is sure to be amazing!
The DJ will be spinning great tunes on the dance floor. Free, light refreshments will be available including pizza and decorate-your-own-cookies. We will have a photographer to capture a beautiful shot as a special keepsake and a glow bar for purchase! All proceeds go directly to the Hopkinton School system.
Order tickets here -
Harlem Wizards Come to Hopkinton!
The Hopkinton Parent Teacher Organization (HPTO) will host the Harlem Wizards basketball team on Wednesday, November 20th in the Hopkinton High School athletic center. In addition to performing tricks, the Wizards will play a game against Hopkinton schools staff. You don't want to miss this fun event the whole family will enjoy. Doors open at 6 p.m., and the game starts at 7. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit
First Ever HerSwap Event Welcomes Everyone 10/19 9 am – 12 pm at Marathon Elementary School
The Hopkinton PTO and The Herd are proud to announce the first-ever HERswap Fundraiser!
This community-wide tag sale event seeks to reuse, recycle, and restyle women’s clothing, shoes, accessories (jewelry, belts, hats, scarves, purses), and books. This is a great opportunity to update wardrobes at yard sale prices. This event is open to anyone from the community as well as surrounding communities so spread the word!
Any products not sold during the event will be donated to local female-centric charities.
Local makers and retailers will also be featured as a vendor pop-up shopping experience.
*This event is cash and check only (some vendors may accept Venmo or CC, but the actual Tag sale is all cash and check only)
All proceeds go to funding programming for the Hopkinton School system & The Herd.
Spirit Store - only open 1 more week!
The HPTO is providing fun Hopkinton gear for a limited time including sleek one-strap slides made with SFTech footbed which molds to your feet over time, awesome Hopkinton drawstring bags great for any after school activity as well as double-sided headbands. All of these items make for great holiday gifts and all proceeds go to the Hopkinton School system. Purchase yours today!!
Marathon Elementary School It All Starts Here
Contact us at:
Lauren Dubeau, Principal
Eric Mitchell, Assistant Principal
Mark Campbell, Administrative Assistant
Rosemary Tabakin, Administrative Assistant