The Viking Voyage
What's happening at DMS in May
The journey includes:
- Captain's Corner
- Mission/Vision
- Counselors Corner
- See Something/Say Something
- Grade Level News
- The ZONE
- Viking Dads
- Viking Sports
- Dress Code
- Captains Corner
- Awards Dates
- 8th Grade Celebrations
- Counselors Corner
- PTO newsletter
As we find ourselves swiftly approaching the end of another school year, it's hard to believe how quickly time has flown. With less than 15 days left in the academic calendar, we are reminded of the importance of staying focused and engaged until the very last day.
I urge you to continue monitoring your child's academic progress by checking Skyward regularly. Ensuring that assignments are completed and turned in on time is crucial, as students who do not meet the required standards may need to attend summer school to catch up. Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated and essential for your child's success.
On a brighter note, I am thrilled to share some positive news regarding the progress we've made this year. Discipline incidents have decreased by over 30 percent across the board, including reductions in fights and disruptions to the learning environment. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the dedication of our outstanding teachers and the strong partnership we have fostered with our families. Together, we have created a safer and more conducive environment for learning and growth.
As we approach the end of the school year, it is imperative that we maintain open lines of communication. Please continue to encourage your child to discuss any issues or concerns they may have, and reassure them that our administration is here to support them every step of the way.
Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to the DMS family. Let's work together to finish the year on a high note, celebrating our accomplishments and looking forward to a bright future ahead.
Here are some updates:
DMS Mission Statement
At Dulles, student will take ownership of their learning and relationships. Using our diversity as a strength, students will effectively communicate, and problem solve through engagement with meaningful learning experiences.
DMS Vision Statement
Dulles Middle School embraces a diverse community of learners and promotes a positive partnership among its students and staff through meaningful experiences to become caring individuals and responsible citizens.
6th and 7th grade Awards
On Tuesday May 14th at 2:50pm we will honor and celebrate our hard-working 6th grade students during our End of Year Awards Ceremony.
On Wednesday May 15th at 2:50pm we will honor and celebrate our 7th grade students.
Awards include A/AB Honor roll, Outstanding Viking Awards (Teacher Awards), and Superlative (LINE) Awards. Families will be invited for light refreshments afterwards.
8th-grade Awards
8th grade awards ceremony will be on May 15th, at 6:30 PM and it will be held at Rogers Auditorium. Students will receive an invitation to take home if they are receiving an award.
Awards include A/AB Honor Roll, Outstanding Viking Awards (Teacher Awards), and a couple of Special Awards! Invitations are going out May 3rd and May 6th and will be given to the students.
Student IDs
The district is embarking on a plan to issue new identification badges to all students in FBISD. These badges will improve student experiences in our cafeterias and libraries, and most importantly, help our campuses remain safe from any intruders or unauthorized visitors.
You are receiving this letter because your child attends one of six campuses where the badges will be issued to students in a pilot program. The pilot program campuses are Dulles Middle School, and Lantern Lane, Malala, Mission Bend/Glen, Rosa Parks, and Scanlan Oaks elementary schools.
Students at these schools will begin receiving their badges over the next two weeks.
May 10th, 2024: The students took a vote and decided on Main Event for the 8th Grade Exit Party! On Friday, May 10th, we will be going to Main Event during the school day. Below is the flyer for the event. Permission slips are due on May 6th. Please let Ms. McDowell or Dr. Clay know if you have any questions.
May 15th:8th grade awards ceremony will be on May 15th, at 6:30 PM and it will be held at Rogers Auditorium. Students will receive an invitation to take home if they are receiving an award. Awards include A/AB Honor Roll, Outstanding Viking Awards (Teacher Awards), and a couple of Special Awards!
Please Read Important Information
Summer School
Families, over the next few days, the district will upload failure letters to your student’s Skyward portfolio and send an email to parents and guardians informing them about the letters. It is important to reach out to your student’s teachers if you feel they may receive a failing course for the year. Additionally, you will receive information from Counselors if your student must attend summer school. Please remember that students must receive an average of 70 to pass a class.
Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and at the school level we like to focus on coping skills and ways to take care of ourselves. This includes teaching students strategies to manage stress and be successful in their everyday lives. Please stay tuned to our DMS social media pages for tips and strategies you and your students can use.
Character Trait of the Month: PERSEVERANCE
This month, students will learn about our character trait, perseverance. Perseverance means not giving up even when there are challenges or obstacles. We want our students at DMS to build resilience and learn how to face challenges. This month, Social Studies teachers will choose one student that has shown perseverance. Check our social media soon to see if your student won this month!
Want Updates on what’s going on at DMS?
Join our DMS Facebook for pictures, updates, and school news
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If you are looking for something to give your students to prevent "the summer slide," the IXL subscription ends July 17th. Students can use it until then.
Also here is a link to some summer resources 🌞
Did you know your students have access to IXL over the summer? Send them home at the end of the school year with our printable summer resources.
In our ongoing commitment to supporting the academic success of our students, we have recently revised the late work policy at DMS. This update aims to provide students with ample opportunities to complete any late or missed assignments. The revised late work policy is outlined as follows:
DMS Late Grading Policy
Minor grades:
- All assignments will be graded as if submitted on time.
- 10 points will be deducted for each day after the due date.
- Any assignment not submitted will receive a zero.
Major grades:
- All assignments will be graded as if submitted on time.
- 10 points will be deducted for each day after the due date.
- A minimum grade of 50 will be entered into the gradebook for all completed assignments.
- At 5 days late, teachers will notify the student’s grade level administrator. Students will be placed in lunch time grade recovery to complete the missing assignments. Assignments will then be returned to the teacher for grading and feedback. A grade of 50 will be entered in the gradebook for the completed work.
- The new policy will start in January.
We believe that this adjustment will contribute to a more inclusive and supportive learning environment, allowing students the necessary flexibility to meet their academic responsibilities.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the updated policy, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Brown
Bullying and situations that make students feel uncomfortable can have a significant impact on their well-being, self-esteem, and overall academic experience. We want all students to feel safe, respected, and able to thrive in our school community. To achieve this, we need your support.
We kindly ask that you take the time to have an open and honest conversation with your child about the importance of reporting any instances of bullying or situations that they find uncomfortable. We believe that when students and parents work together to address these issues, we can make our school an even better place for learning.
If your child experiences or witnesses bullying, harassment, or any form of mistreatment, please encourage them to report it to a trusted adult, whether it's a teacher, school staff member, or you as their parent or guardian. Additionally, you can assure your child that reporting such incidents is not only brave but also contributes to a safer environment for everyone.
Want a special birthday shoutout on the Dulles Marquee? Scan the QR code below and make the day extra special! 🎉🎈
Thank you DADS!
We want to thank our VIKES DADS for being positive role models on campus and for being strong males that support our students, teachers, and staff. If you are a father or a grandfather that would like to be a VIKES DAD, please contact our PTO or Dr Brown for more information. or
Students MAY NOT have food delivered to school from outside vendors. Food dropped off will be sent back to the restaurant. Please do not use this service to get lunch for your child. Parents may bring food and drop it off for their child. Please do this in a timely manner so that your child has time to eat their lunch and get to class on time.
Students may attend Viking sporting events ONLY if they are accompanied by a parent. If students come unaccompanied, they will not be allowed into the game.
Dulles Middle School
Location: 500 Dulles Avenue, Sugar Land, TX, USA
Phone: 281-634-5750
Twitter: @DMS_Vikings
Dress Code
The District believes the Student Dress Code shall promote the attributes of the Profile of a Graduate. Therefore, students are expected to dress in a way that promotes respect for self and others, a safe learning environment, and honors the diversity of the learning community. Students and parent/guardians may determine the student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided they comply with the general guidelines set forth in this Code and Board policy FNCA (Local). Generally, students shall be dressed and groomed in a manner that is clean and neat, does not cause distraction from learning, and that does not disrupt the learning environment. The District prohibits pictures, emblems, or writings on clothing that advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any other prohibited substance. Students must comply with the following dress and grooming standards, including in online learning platforms
Shirts, Blouses, Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Vests •
Shirts, blouses, sweatshirts, sweaters, vests that expose undergarments and/or midriff are prohibited; • Shirts, blouses, sweatshirts, sweaters, vests must not depict or reference alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, nudity, gang affiliation, death, violence, vulgar or obscene language or images, and/or insults to race, religion, gender, or ethnicity, or other emblems or writing that may be expected to cause a material or substantial disruption of, or interference with, normal school operations.
Dresses, Jumpers, Skirts, Shorts, Skorts, Pants, and Jeans •
Dresses, jumpers, skirts, and skorts may be worn at a length that is slightly above mid-thigh; Shorts, jeans, and all pants shall be worn at the hip or higher and must cover undergarments; Shorts may be worn at a length that is approximately above mid-thigh;
Leggings, Stretch pants
Athletic wear, which may include yoga pants, stretch leggings and fitness tights, are permissible as long as they do not reveal undergarments, do not have sections of seethrough material, or are worn with a shirt that covers the posterior, or are not disruptive to the school environment. Shoes • Shoes shall be worn, and if designed to be tied shall be properly tied;
Unsafe footwear is not permitted (i.e., house shoes, slippers); and • Appropriate shoes must be worn during PE/athletics classes, as well as during lab activities in science, CTE, etc.
Hair • All hair, including facial hair, shall be neat, clean, and well groomed, and worn in a style that is not distractive; • Mustaches, beards, or goatees shall be neat, clean, and well groomed, and worn in a style that does not display derogatory remarks, symbols, or statements that disrupts the learning environment. Hair markings must not depict or reference alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, nudity, gang affiliation, violence, vulgar or obscene language, or images that substantially disrupt or interfere with normal school operations. Drawings, icons, and/or other markings cut into the hair, including eyebrows, and not associated with required religious markings or hairstyles are not permitted.
Miscellaneous •
Proper undergarments shall be worn at all times; • Revealing clothing of any type may not be worn; • No clothing that has been ripped, torn, or cut in a way as to reveal undergarments, midriff, chest, or posterior; • Clothing including face coverings with profanity, obscene patches, references to alcohol, drugs, weapons or tobacco, or anything that may be construed as violent, vulgar or obscene Must have straps Length can be slightly above midthigh Entire area from armpit to armpit down to midthigh Clothing must cover areas from one armpit to the other armpit, down to the mid-thigh. Tops must have shoulder straps and be long enough to adequately cover the waistline and not expose the midriff.