The Eagle Eye
January 18 2023 - 2023-24 Issue 8

January 16, 2025 | 2024-25 Issue 9
Friday, January 17
- No School; Grading Day
Monday, January 20
- No School and Office Closed; Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday, January 21
- No School; Staff Development
- Virtual School Board Listening Session
- School Board Meeting
- First Day of Quarter 3
- 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery
Friday, January 24 & Sunday, January 26
Monday, January 27
Tuesday, January 28
- Grades 5 & 7: Pillar Assembly Day; Formal Dress Required
- Classical In-Action Parent Night
Wednesday, January 29
Please Note: No Gryphon Activities information is included on the calendar this issue. To see a list of Gryphon games, matches, and practices, please view the Activities Calendar.
District Updates
No School January 17-21 - Quarter 3 Begins Wednesday, January 22
Thursday, January 16, is the last day of Quarter 2. There will be no school and the office will be closed Friday, January 17, due to grading, Monday, January 20, due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and Tuesday, January 21 due to staff development. Quarter 3 will begin on Wednesday, January 22.
Call for 2025 Board of Directors Nominations
On behalf of the Eagle Ridge Academy Board of Directors, we are issuing a call for nominations for the 2025 Board of Directors election. Please read on for more information regarding the election process.
Board of Directors Composition
The 2025-2026 Board of Directors will consist of seven seats. The Board of Directors includes teacher, parent, and community member seats. The bylaws were amended over the last year to ensure that no single group can hold a majority of the seats. There must be at least one member from each group.
There will be two seats open for the 2025 Board of Directors election. Based on the current makeup of the Board of Directors, the following seats will be opening:
- One teacher member
- One parent member
Under the new by-laws, this means that the following groups can fill the seat openings:
- Only one teacher member
- Only one parent member
- Up to two community members
The Nomination Process: 2025 Board Election Nomination Form
The Board of Directors invites you to nominate yourself or other individuals who possess the competence and vision to provide skilled leadership for the Academy. Any member of the corporation, parent, or staff may submit a nomination. To submit a nomination, please complete the Board Election Nomination Form. This form is also available through the Eagle Ridge Academy Board of Directors page. Nominations are due on or before 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 31, 2025.
Board Member Election Process
Once nominations are received, the election process will follow this sequence:
- Friday, January 31: All nominees will receive an information packet containing a detailed description of the requirements of Board service as well as details for accepting the nomination, including a candidate questionnaire.
- Friday, February 7: A complete questionnaire, submitted by 4:00 p.m., is the official notification that they accept the nomination.
- Friday, February 14: An Election Guide with information on all candidates, their qualifications, and their views as stated in the candidate questionnaires will be available on on the official election site and Eagle Ridge Academy Board page by 4:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, March 12: A Candidate Forum will be held virtually at 6:00 p.m. This online forum will provide an opportunity to meet and question all the candidates who are running for election. All candidates are encouraged to take part in this online forum.
- Wednesday, March 12: The official election will open at the conclusion of the Candidate Forum. All eligible voters will receive an individualized ballot passcode and log-in information as well as further directions via email.
- Monday, March 17: All votes must be cast no later than 12:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, March 18: Official results will be announced at the Annual Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Nomination Considerations
Please consider the skills and attributes that are desirable for members of the Board of Directors. It is important to nominate individuals who possess these qualities to ensure the Board has a broad range of expertise to guide the school's future.
These include:
- A Commitment to the Academy’s Classical Mission and Vision
- Development/Fundraising
- Non-Profit Management
- Education
- Facilities Management
- Finance/Accounting
- Governance/Law
- Human Resources
- Marketing/Public Relations/Advertising
- Strategic Planning
Additional points to consider:
- Board members can expect to spend roughly 12-15 hours per month contributing to Board efforts through meetings and assignments.
- If you are nominating someone other than yourself, please discuss the nomination with that person so that they are aware of the nomination.
Thank you for giving this election your careful thought and attention. Participating in this cornerstone of our country’s system of government is an excellent way to exercise and model true citizenship.
Election Communications
Please note that all communications regarding this year’s election will take place primarily through email. If you do not have access to email, please contact the school office by calling 952-746-7760 so that other arrangements can be made. If you have any questions about the election, please contact Elliott Loutsch, the Board of Directors Election Coordinator, at eloutsch@eagleridgeacademy.org.
Give Feedback on Science Credits Change Due to Updated Minnesota Science Standards at Board Listening Session Tuesday, January 21
Eagle Ridge Academy prides itself on providing a robust high school science program and sequence. ERA students graduate with a rigorous four-year exploration of all areas of science including the required courses of chemistry, biology, and physics, as well as additional coursework in forensics, anatomy, and several AP courses. This path ensures students have a well-rounded understanding of their world from a scientific perspective.
After a long delay due to COVID, the new Minnesota Science Standards are officially in effect for the 2024-2025 school year. As part of this change, students must complete one credit to satisfy all the earth and space science standards for grades 9-12, one credit to satisfy all the life science standards for grades 9-12, and one credit to satisfy all the chemistry or physics standards for grades 9-12.
As a K-12 school, Eagle Ridge has some flexibility in the presentation order of these standards to our students. This creates an amazing opportunity for our 8th grade students! Earth and space concepts are best explained and understood with physical science concepts. Both sets of standards were integrated last school year. This ultimately means that approximately 50% of the high school earth and space credits are earned by successfully completing 8th grade science! As previously seen with the completion of Latin 2 in 8th grade, students receive high school credit. This credit will NOT affect their future high school GPA, however. Last year, the Board of Directors approved awarding .5 high school credit for the earth and science standard taught during semester two of 8th grade science.
Much of the course curriculum outlined in 8th grade science remained unchanged. This new integration, however, will allow students to explore earth and space sciences more deeply. This will be positively affected by the innate School of Logic nature of curiosity and wonder about the world around them.
Understanding the value of integration in science, the remaining 50% of the earth and space science high school standards will be split and earned in biology and physics. This means that successfully passing biology and physics will add an additional .5 total of a credit due to the extra standards covered.
While this redistribution of credits will be unique to ERA, it will provide the best opportunity for our students to experience well beyond the 3-4 years of science credit most students are typically offered in traditional public schools. Our students will be afforded the opportunity to really explore their physical world in 8th grade with rigor and wonder while setting them up for success in the School of Rhetoric.
This proposed change in credits now requires a vote from the Board of Directors. Prior to the Board Meeting and vote, there will be an opportunity for parents to ask questions and provide feedback on the recommended change by attending the Board Listening Session Tuesday, January 21, 5:30-6:00 p.m.
The following change was proposed by the science department, reviewed by the Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Achievement group (CISA), and reviewed by the Board on January 7:
- Consider/Approve .25 Earth Science credit for AP Biology/Biology and .25 additional Earth Science credit for AP Physics/Physics
Message from ERA Executive Director on Screens
Dear Parents,
In today’s digital age, screens dominate much of our daily lives. However, from the perspective of Classical education, we must pause to consider how this impacts the cultivation of virtue, wisdom, and a love of the true, the good, and the beautiful. How much time are our children spending on screens, and at what cost to their development?
Recent studies reveal that the average student spends 7 hours per day on screens for entertainment purposes, including activities like watching videos, gaming, browsing social media, and texting. Over time, this amounts to:
- Per Week: 49 hours
- Per Month: 210 hours
- Per Year: Over 2,500 hours—more than 100 days annually.
This figure excludes additional hours spent on screens for schoolwork, which also adds significantly to daily screen time in most schools. We consider Eagle Ridge Academy as a safe place from unneeded screen time.
When I started teaching in 1998, children spent just 2 to 3 hours per day on screens, largely watching television or playing video games. Parents averaged 1 to 2 hours daily of screen use, primarily for work or entertainment. This dramatic increase in screen time calls for reflection on what has been lost.
In 1998, families spent more time:
- Engaging in Outdoor Play: Children rode bikes, played sports, and explored the outdoors.
- Reading and Pursuing Hobbies: Books, art, and crafts were staples of leisure time.
- Building Family Bonds: Families gathered for meals, played board games, and shared meaningful conversations.
- Fulfilling Responsibilities: Children contributed to household chores, fostering responsibility and work ethic.
The shift to increased screen time has replaced these enriching activities with often passive and isolating digital consumption.
From a classical perspective, excessive screen time undermines the formation of character and intellect. It hinders habits that nurture the soul and body, such as contemplation, dialogue, and physical activity. Research shows that excessive screen use is linked to:
- Sleep Deprivation: Late-night screen use disrupts natural sleep patterns, leading to fatigue.
- Academic Struggles: Time spent on screens detracts from studying, reading, and critical thinking.
- Mental Health Challenges: Social media overuse is associated with anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.
- Physical Inactivity: Prolonged screen time contributes to health issues like obesity and poor posture.
Parents, too, are not immune to the lure of screens. Adults now spend an average of 4 to 6 hours per day on digital devices outside of work. This has significant implications for their role as models of virtue:
- Influence on Children: Children emulate what they observe. Excessive parental screen time normalizes this behavior for children.
- Erosion of Family Interaction: Devices often displace opportunities for meaningful engagement with loved ones.
- Inconsistency in Standards: Parents struggling with their own screen use may find it harder to enforce limits for their children.
As parents, we often worry about our children’s futures: their education, financial success, and ability to thrive. Yet, by permitting excessive screen time, we sometimes take the easier path in parenting rather than the harder right. Classical education reminds us that forming virtuous habits in our children requires intentional effort and sacrifice.
To truly set our children up for success, we must reclaim the practices of 1998. Encourage your children to:
- Spend time outdoors, fostering creativity and physical health.
- Read literature that inspires imagination and moral growth.
- Engage in meaningful conversations that build family bonds.
- Participate in hobbies or responsibilities that cultivate discipline and resilience.
As parents, leading by example is crucial. By limiting your own screen time and prioritizing activities that nurture the mind and soul, you can inspire your children to do the same.
Classical education calls us to seek balance and prioritize what truly cultivates human flourishing. Here are some strategies to guide your family:
- Set Clear Boundaries: Limit recreational screen time to 2 hours per day or less, as recommended by experts.
- Prioritize Virtuous Activities: Encourage reading, outdoor play, and creative pursuits.
- Lead by Example: Reduce your own screen use and engage in family-centered activities that inspire connection and growth.
- Establish Tech-Free Zones: Designate areas such as the dining room and bedrooms as screen-free to promote conversation and rest.
- Revisit Shared Traditions: Bring back habits like reading aloud, family game nights, or gardening.
In 1998, families invested their time in activities that fostered resilience, creativity, and meaningful relationships. By reflecting on these practices, we can redirect some of the 2,500 hours spent on screens each year toward pursuits that enrich both heart and mind.
Classical education reminds us that the formation of character requires intentional effort. By choosing the harder right—limiting screen time and reclaiming enriching practices—we can help our children grow in wisdom and virtue while fostering a household culture that honors the highest aims of human life.
Jason Ulbrich, Executive Director
Updated School Health Office Policies
I am writing to share important updates to our school health office policies regarding student vomiting and the administration of Tylenol/Ibuprofen. These changes align with the latest guidelines from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the CDC and are designed to better support our students while prioritizing their safety and well-being.
1. Updated Vomiting Policy
In accordance with MDH guidance, we have updated our vomiting policy:
- Students will only be sent home if they vomit more than twice in a 24-hour period.
- If a student vomits once, feels better afterward, and has no other concerning symptoms (e.g., fatigue, fever, diarrhea), they may remain at school based on nursing judgement. Students who vomit due to illness will be sent home by the nurse.
- Before sending the student back to class, we will ensure they can keep fluids down.
This policy aims to minimize unnecessary absences while ensuring students' health needs are appropriately addressed. For more details, refer to the MDH best practice guidelines: MDH School Health Guidelines (Scroll down to Ill Student Visit section).
2. Tylenol/Ibuprofen Administration Policy
To ensure compliance with proper medical protocols and family preferences:
- Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Ibuprofen will only be administered with prior parental approval.
- We will contact parents or guardians each time to obtain consent before administering these medications.
Key Takeaways
- Vomiting Policy: Students will be sent home only if they vomit more than twice in a 24-hour period. Students who vomit once and recover may remain at school, at the nurse's discretion.
- Medication Administration: Tylenol or Ibuprofen will only be given after parental approval has been obtained.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns about these updates. Thank you for your continued dedication to our school community!
Riley Ulbrich, RN-BSN, PHN, LSN, NREMT
District School Nurse
Winter One-Act Plays Friday, January 24, and Sunday, January 26
Join ERA Theater for a night or afternoon of one-act plays! The grades 2-6 play The Queen's Orchid, the grades 7-8 comedy Suspect to Change, and the School of Rhetoric competition one-act play Peter Pan and Wendy will be performed back-to-back in the auditorium on Friday, January 24, at 7:00 p.m. and on Sunday, January 26, at 2:00 p.m.
Admission will be $10 at the door, cash or check only. Runtime for each performance will be approximately 35 minutes with a 10 minute intermission between each show. Please enter through the Activities Entrance.
Purchase your 2024-25 Yearbook by Friday, January 31
These years mean so much more than students may realize. Capture those memories in a personalized yearbook. Yearbook orders will be taken online only through Friday, January 31.
Winter Used Uniform Sale Thursday, February 20, and Friday, February 21
Come to the Winter Used Uniform sale to refresh your uniform supply for the second half of the year! The sale will take place in the ERA Forum during conferences Thursday, February 20, 4:00-8:00 p.m. AND Friday, February 21, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Here are some ways you can participate:
- BUY: Shop in the ERA Forum anytime during conferences Thursday and Friday.
- DONATE: Drop off outgrown uniforms in the Main Office during office hours. Proceeds from donated uniforms benefit a long list of PTO events and services.
- SELL: Click here to view instructions. Uniforms will be accepted through Tuesday, February 18, for this sale. Anything received after this time will be placed in our next sale.
- VOLUNTEER: Help us set up, run the sale, or clean up. Sign up here.
New Year, New Teaching Career: Seeking People Interested in K-12 Teaching Careers
Got a bachelor’s degree and a passion for our school’s mission and vision? Then we have an opportunity for you! No teaching experience is necessary!
Introducing our Pathways for Teacher Development and Licensure (PTDL) program, where you can receive tuition assistance for licensing, field experience, one-on-one mentor support, and more to become an effective, high-quality Classical teacher.
What is the PTDL program?
Eagle Ridge Academy’s PTDL program is made possible through a Grow Your Own initiative grant awarded to school districts and charter schools through the MN Department of Education. The goal of Grow Your Own programs is to increase and diversify the teaching workforce.
Complete the Interest Survey
Complete the interest survey here to receive an invitation to an informational meeting to be held in late January. Questions can be directed to Melissa Lego, the PTDL Program Coordinator, at mlego@eagleridgeacademy.org.
REGISTER NOW: Donut Dash 5K and Mini-Donut 1/2 Mile Dash Saturday, May 10
The entire community is invited to Eagle Ridge Academy on Saturday, May 10, for the 11th Annual Donut Dash 5K and Mini-Donut 1/2 Mile for Kids! Whether you are a runner, a walker, or a donut enthusiast, this is the event for you. Leaving and finishing at Eagle Ridge Academy, this Minnetonka route is an accurately measured 5K course, is chip- and mat-timed, and takes you on a picturesque run or walk just north of Bren Road. There will be complimentary chair massages, rock tape applications, DJ music, giveaways, fun youth activities, post-race refreshments, and DONUTS! All 5K registrants will receive a commemorative 2025 Donut Dash tech shirt (tri-blend, adult and youth sizing), post-race refreshments, and donuts. Mini-dashers will receive a 2025 Donut Dash shirt (50/50% poly/cotton), a participation medal, and a bag of mini- donuts. Learn more at eagleridgeacademy.org/donut-dash-5K.
Online registration will close May 7 at 9:00 p.m. Shirt orders will be placed on April 12 to ensure timely delivery. Registrations placed after April 11 are not guaranteed a shirt. We will do our best to accommodate requests based on limited overages ordered. All registrations are nonrefundable. To register via mail with cash or check (made payable to FERA), please download the registration brochure and return with your payment to Eagle Ridge Academy. Your participation will help support Eagle Ridge Academy, offering a time-tested, Classical liberal arts education to students in grades K-12.
- 7:15 a.m. - Packet Pickup at Eagle Ridge Academy
- 8:00 a.m. - Mini-Donut Dash Start Time
- 8:45-9:30 a.m. - Youth Activities
- 8:45 a.m. Donut Dash 5K Shotgun
- 10:00 a.m. - Awards
5K Pricing
- $35 Student and Alumni 5K (Through May 7)
- $40 Student and Alumni 5K (Same Day Registration: May 10)
- $40 Adult 5K Registration (Through April 11)
- $45 Adult 5K Registration (April 12 - May 10)
- $50 Adult 5K Registration (Same Day Registration: May 10)
Ages 10 and Younger Mini-Donut 1/2 Mile Pricing
- $20 Mini-Donut Dash Pricing (Through April 11)
- $25 Mini-Donut Dash (April 11 - May 10)
Don't wish to run or walk on May 10? Consider giving a 100 percent tax-deductible donation or volunteering! More than 70 volunteers are needed to run this event. Please watch for the signup to come out end of January. Volunteers are welcome to choose as many spots as they want as the times vary. Volunteers will receive a Donut Dash Volunteer T-shirt to wear the day of the event and keep as a thank you for your time.
Learn more about this beloved event, view pictures from previous years, and register now here: eagleridgeacademy.org/donut-dash-5k. See you there!
Free ERA Yard Signs Available in Main Office
Eagle Ridge Academy’s enrollment period for 2025-26 opened October 1 and continues until the enrollment lottery in January. Our admissions team has been working very hard to get potential families into the building, on tours, and applying to join us next year. As part of the marketing efforts for this enrollment season, the Academy is asking ERA families help spread the ERA name over the metro with Gryphon yard signs!
"Home of a Gryphon" signs are available to pick up for free in the Main Office during school hours while supplies last. If you take a sign, please sign your name on the provided sheet. If you grab a sign for someone else while you’re there, please sign their name too.
These signs are yours to keep. They do not need to be returned. Thanks so much for being a part of our community and for helping to spread the word!
SPOTS STILL OPEN: Classical In-Action Parent Night Tuesday, January 28
We still have a few spots remaining for our upcoming parent night! Click here to join us Tuesday, January 28, at 5:30 p.m. for our biggest Classical event of the year.
NEWLY ADDED: Our PTO-hosted social afterward will be serenaded with the melodies of classical guitar, thanks to a generous musical parent. Come join in snacks and schole as you connect with other parents!
Community Updates: School of Grammar
Five Teams Moving to Next Round of School of Grammar Battle of the Books
Nearly 100 School of Grammar students participated in Round 1 of the 7th Annual Friends of Education Battle of the Books competition on January 8! The Battle of the Books is a voluntary, extracurricular reading incentive program in which students work in teams to read a list of books and then compete against other teams by testing their knowledge of the books they have read with lots of quick, trivia-style questions about the books. The main benefits of the program are that it gets children engaged with a variety of great literature, fosters a love of reading, and promotes a spirit of healthy competition. There were twelve books in Round 1 of the competition. The five teams from Round 1 that answered the most trivia questions correctly will be reading more books and moving on to Round 2 on April 23. The top team from Round 2 will go on to compete against other Friends of Education schools in May.
While we are excited for our teams moving to Round 2 of the competition, we are so proud of the other 13 teams for all their hard work preparing for the first round. It’s incredible to see our students be passionate about reading and thrilled to share the knowledge they’ve accumulated! We hope that you’ll keep visiting the library and check out more books in second semester.
Thank you to Friends of Education for coordinating this interschool activity, School Librarian Mrs. Sommers Tillotson for organizing the ERA competition this year, and to our parent volunteers for assisting with the competition. Good luck to our teams advancing to Round 2!
Community Updates: Schools of Logic & Rhetoric
Grades 5-12 Mid-Year Curriculum Night Thursday, February 6
Please join us for a Grades 5-12 Mid-Year Curriculum Night on Thursday, February 6, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Curriculum Night is a parent-only event.
At this event, parents will have the opportunity to meet with teachers and administration about topics requested by the parent community, including:
- How to Help your Child with Homework
- Technology and Teens
- Behavior and Bullying
This event will take place in the ERA Auditorium and in classrooms. Please enter through the Activities Entrance. This is not an evening to conference with the teacher regarding your child(ren). You may request a conference with teachers at any time, or attend the scheduled conferences February 20-21.
Paying for College and Discussing it With Your Kids Event Monday, January 27
The two scariest parts of the college process are figuring out how to pay for it, and then having that conversation with your child. We will provide an overview of how to develop a family philosophy and budget for college, educate on how different student loans and scholarships work, and review the major financial aid changes happening since 2024.
Join a national expert, Cozy Wittman from College Inside Track, to learn valuable tips on one of the most important decisions -- and purchases -- you will make in your life. This is a must-see for parents with students in grades 9-11.
- Date: Monday, January 27
- Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m.
- Location: Eagle Ridge Academy Auditorium
Message from Academic & College Counselor Mrs. Kaiser
See below for information for School of Rhetoric families.
2025-2026 Course Registration Closes Friday, January 31
Course registrations for 2025-2026 were due to study hall instructors by Friday, January 10. All currently enrolled students must register for the 25-26 school year. Registration will officially close on Friday, January 31. Courses will be assigned to those who do not register depending on class availability.
Second Semester Schedule Change Guidelines
The Schedule Change Request Form is open for those needing to request a schedule change. Semester 2 starts January 22. Classes were designed and teachers hired based upon student previous registrations. Schedule corrections will only be considered for the following reasons:
1. The student did not meet the prerequisite for the course.
2. The student has already completed the course.
3. The academic level of the course is not a match for the student’s abilities.
4. The student is a senior who needs the course for graduation.
Grades 9-10 CLT10 Assessment at School February 12-13
The Classic Learning Test’s suite of assessments provides a standard of testing that is intellectually richer and more rigorous than tests based on national standards. Its philosophy is one that matches our school and provides valuable insight into our instruction and practices. It can also be a piece of the college application and scholarship package for many private higher education institutions. The CLT10 for grades 9-10 is a preparatory exam comparable to the PSAT. All students in grades 9 and 10 will be completing the CLT10 Assessment at school on February 12 and February 13.
Seniors: Complete your FAFSA
Seniors who need to complete the FAFSA, please do so to receive the maximum aid package from your college or university. The schools selected will receive the student’s FAFSA eligibility information starting in late January. Click here to complete your FAFSA today.
Scholarship Deadlines
If you would like to receive the weekly Scholarship Newsletter, please sign up here.
$250 plus a medallion for First Place
Advance to the District competition to compete for $2500 scholarship
Deadline: February 12, 2025
$1,500 for up to four academic years
Deadline: March 1, 2025
PLEASE NOTE: No response is needed for the section on the Application that states, "To be considered for a scholarship, a student must be nominated by a chapter of The Girl Friends, Inc." It can be left blank.
Kind regards,
Mrs. Kaiser
Senate is looking for adult volunteers and donations to help make the first Gryphon Games a day of fun and community that all SoL students can enjoy! Learn more and sign up for a volunteer slot here. Thank you for supporting our wonderful SoL students!
Congratulations to ERA Spelling Bee Champion Ananya B. and Additional Award Winners
Twenty-seven spellers in grades 4-8 battled it out for two hours and over eighteen rounds on January 9 to crown our 2024 Eagle Ridge Academy Spelling Bee Champion! Each word round got progressively harder, starting with words they had studied and then moving into words they hadn’t studied.
It was a hard-fought battle with the final two going back and forth for nine rounds. Seventh grader Ananya B. (right) finally out spelled the runner up, fellow seventh grader Destiny D., (left), with “collards” as the winning word.
Spelling Bee Awards
- First Place: Ananya B.
- Second Place: Destiny D.
- Third Place: Tanvi P.
- Sportsmanship Award: Destiny D. & Harini M.
- Poise Award: Arham A. & Zaira D.
- Enunciation Award: Vihaan K. & Itisha B.
- Spirit/Enthusiasm Award: Ruweyda R. & Jhanani B.
Thank you to Spelling Bee organizer Carolyn Sommers Tillotson, check-in volunteer Michelle Gentile, stage manager Alyson Chamberlain, judge Wendy Beasley, pronouncer Kristen Parks, and record keeper Elena Ryabinin for their hard work running this year’s event. Ananya will take a 50-word test to try to qualify for the state spelling bee in March. The winner of the state competition will then go on to compete in the national competition in Washington, DC. Congratulations to all our spellers for a great competition, and good luck to Ananya on her journey to qualify for the state competition!
Travel to Italy with Ms. Johnson and Ms. Conner (Not School-Sponsored)
Eagle Ridge Academy art teachers Ms. Johnson and Ms. Conner are leading a trip to see the “Treasures of Italy” in June of 2025! There are a dozen spots available and you may still sign up–though the price will go up after this month. The tour is designed for high school students, but adults are welcome too.
"I have been drawn to Italy since I was a kid. After becoming an art history teacher and traveling in Italy five times, I keep wanting to return, but also share the beauty with other interested travelers and explore other sites, including art of our curricula.
Italy is like walking through an open-air museum! From Venice’s iconic canals, to the magnificent cathedral and dome of Florence, to the grandeur of the Colosseum in Rome, every corner tells a story of human achievement and creativity," shared Ms. Johnson.
Middle School Robotics Team Finishes Season in Quarter-Finals
Congratulations to the Middle School Robotics Team: Computer Aided Destruction! On January 11, the team of ten 7th and 8th graders made it into the quarter-finals in their tournament, competing with twelve other middle- and high-school teams from around Minnesota. Congratulations on a successful season and a job well done!
Grades 1-7: Register Now for Impart Art Club
Join instructor Ms. Kruschke on Thursdays after school to create new and exciting 3-D art, clay, sculpture, paper collage, and more! Impart Art Club still has a few openings left in the grades 1-2 group, the grades 3-4 group, and the grades 5-7 group. Register now here.
Adult and student* volunteers are needed at Concessions & Admissions! Many dates and times are available. This is a fun way to get involved and support ERA Activities & Athletics. ALL EARNINGS GO DIRECTLY TO SUPPORT ACTIVITES & ATHLETICS AT ERA! Sign up here.
*Students 14 years or older can volunteer at Concessions & Admissions without an adult.
SAVE THE DATE: Pack the Stands for Winter Senior Night Friday, February 13!
- ERA students K-12, parents, alumni, friends, faculty, staff, and admin are invited.
- Admission is FREE for ALL ERA families.
- Pack the Stands for Senior Night - All are invited to a fun night out celebrating our winter activities/athletics seniors!
- Theme is CAMO OUT (wear camouflage)!
- Concessions will be selling a hot food and cold beverages.
- Attend to show your school spirit, build community, and cheer on our Gryphons!
- Thursday, February 13
- Basketball games at 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
- Senior Night Recognition at approximately 8:00 p.m. honoring winter activities/athletics seniors.
- ERA Gym
All money raised supports ERA students participating in activities and athletics!
PTO Meeting Monday, February 10
Join the PTO at their next PTO Meeting! The PTO will meet on the dates below in the ERA Library, 5:30-8:00 p.m. Your involvement makes a difference. Thanks for being a part of these projects!
In 2024-2025, the remaining monthly meeting dates are:
- February 10
- March 15
- April 14
- May 12
- June 9
Family Contributions
We appreciate the family contributions that have already been made to the PTO fund this year. You can always make a donation online or mail a check to the PTO at the school's address. Donations go toward building community and providing fun events for the children to enhance their school experience.
Stay Connected this School Year!
- Follow the ERA PTO on Facebook.
- Join the K-12 Parent Directory. This is a one-stop app that will help families search, sign up, and connect through our PTO web and mobile app. PTO encourages you to register. Create an account here: eagleridgeacademy.membershiptoolkit.com.
- Email the PTO Board at pto.eagleridge@gmail.com.
Developing Connections
Consider a Year-End Gift to Friends of Eagle Ridge Academy
In the spirit of giving, please consider a year-end gift to Friends of Eagle Ridge Academy (FERA). Donations will fund Eagle Ridge Academy’s CIPHER Scholarship Program, investing in future generations of Eagle Ridge Academy scholars. Be inspired about our CIPHER Scholarship program by hearing from invested members of the community here.
Eagle Ridge Academy is tremendously grateful to all those who supported us this year. Whether you gave a gift of precious time, supported us with a financial gift through monthly donations, event support, Give to the Max, the Gala for the Gryphons, or through Corporate Matching Programs, we are deeply moved by the generosity of our community. Every donation matters to the students, faculty, and staff of Eagle Ridge Academy, no matter the size! Thank you for your support.
Ways to Give Back this Season
- Financial gift through cash, check, or credit card.
- Set up a monthly gift, which allows predictable revenue for the Academy.
- Charitable gift through your donor-advised fund (DAF), allowing you to recommend a grant or recurring gift to the Academy.
- Qualified charitable distribution (or IRA rollover).
- Transfer of stock or appreciated securities.
- Already donated in 2024? Ask your employer if they have a matching gift program that matches your charitable contributions. Gifts are most often matched 100%, doubling the impact of your gift.
Virtual gifts may be sent here. Gifts may also be sent via cash or check to Friends of Eagle Ridge Academy, 11111 Bren Rd. W, Minnetonka, MN 55343 (Tax ID: #47-5542621).
Questions may be directed to Kelly Schiffman at kschiffman@eagleridgeacademy.org.
Get Involved: Volunteer Opportunities at Eagle Ridge Academy
Eagle Ridge Academy is honored to have an abundance of volunteer support from our community. In 2023-24, we had more than 5,000 volunteer hours tracked, which supported the Academy by saving time and financial resources – an incredible gift. Eagle Ridge Academy is most successful when parents, grandparents, staff, and students work together to create and sustain the best possible learning environment. To learn more about all volunteer opportunities, both by task and seasonally, and policy and procedures around volunteering, please visit https://www.eagleridgeacademy.org/volunteer/.
We have a variety of volunteer opportunities coming up for which you can lend your support! On our volunteer opportunities sign-up page there is a separate signup for our monthly Volunteer Wednesdays, an opportunity to come in one time per month to help with teacher and staff projects. Give 5 and volunteer this school year!
Pledge Your Support
Pledge your annual support to Eagle Ridge Academy with an affordable monthly gift, broken down into smaller amounts, which makes giving easier and allows a predictable revenue source for Eagle Ridge Academy. Click here to pledge your annual support.
Corporate Match Programs
Do you work for an employer who has a Matching Gift Program or supports community events as recommended by the employee?
Consider reaching out to your Community Relations or HR department to ask about their community support and employee giving opportunities. Many organizations match employee gifts up to 100% (essentially doubling the impact of your gift to the Academy), donate to charities of choice based on volunteer hours, and sponsor events financially or with in-kind donations. Search this website to see if your workplace matches.
Be informed by asking today!
Shop with RaiseRight
Eagle Ridge Academy offers RaiseRight, a gift card program that gives back to Eagle Ridge Academy with purchases on everyday items such as groceries, restaurants, retail, and gas. Buy gift cards at face value from more than 750 retailers, and RaiseRight donates a portion of all purchases back to Eagle Ridge Academy. Orders go in on Fridays, with delivery to ERA the following Tuesday. Learn more here.
Support ERA Through Box Tops for Education
Box Tops for Education helps families earn money for Eagle Ridge Academy with products they already buy.
- Download the Box Tops for Education app on your phone.
- Follow the prompts to set up your account. Be sure to enter ERA as your school!
- Scan your grocery store receipts in the app. The app automatically finds eligible items and credits them to ERA! You can even see in the app how much money has been given to our school this year and what products have special Box Tops promotions going on.
- Visit boxtops4education.com for more information.
Eagle Ridge Academy
Thank you for reading the Eagle Eye newsletter and for staying updated on what's going on at Eagle Ridge Academy. If you haven't already, please make sure to like the ERA Facebook page and follow the ERA Instagram to see more frequent updates.
The next issue of the Eagle Eye newsletter will be published on Thursday, January 30.
Website: https://www.eagleridgeacademy.org/
Location: 11111 Bren Road West, Minnetonka, MN, USA
Phone: 9527467760
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EagleRidgeAcademy/