D-A Middle School Newsletter
January 123, 2025

6th Graders only register for Fall Cross Country, Winter Wrestling and Spring Track & Field.
January 23, 2025
đź‘‹ Dear Durand-Arkansaw MS families,
Things to know this week:
- Activities
- MS Wrestlers of the Week
- Pepin Co Speech Winners
- High School Registration - 8th Graders
- MS Forensics
- Youth Technology Use & Online Safety
- Badlands Quarter Trip
- Winter Coats
- Target Time Focus
- Link to School Calendar
- Letter from Mrs. Sabelko
Tyler went 3-0 in Boyceville on Saturday against some stiff competition. With this 3-0 performance, it's clear that Tyler is on the rise, and we're excited to see what comes next for him as he continues to sharpen his skills and build on this momentum. He’s officially turned a corner, and it’s only a matter of time before he starts dominating the competition. Keep up the good work Tyler!
Edward showed what it means to have grit and true determination wrestling his first tournament. In his first match of the tournament, Edward was clearly injured early on. Despite the obvious pain, he refused to let it stop him from competing. With every move, it was clear that he was struggling, but he displayed incredible heart, pushing through the discomfort and staying focused on his goal. We couldn’t be prouder! Keep up the good work Edward!
Congrats to Miranda Kelch & Rylin Bauer on their first and second place finishes, respectively, in the 2025 Pepin County Land Conservation Speech Contest. Miranda will now advance to the State Competition. Best of luck!
8th Graders High School Registration Info:
- Mr. Nelson and Mr. Trudeau will be meeting with the 8th grade classes during their Target Times on Friday (1/24)
- Students will be bringing home green registration forms
- Students need to pick out minimum of 6 credits worth of classes
- Due date for registration forms is Tuesday, January 28th
- Students and families can view the 25-26 course guidebook on the school website for additional information on classes
Forensics Tournaments
Important Information
Remember to tell your coach as soon as possible if you will not be able to make it to a meet
Optional: bring food for dinner or snacks (concessions will be offered as well, bring cash if you would like to purchase concessions)
Dress for success! You don’t have to be formal, but plan to wear clean clothes that are free of any distracting patterns, logos, etc. Wear something that you will feel confident and comfortable in
We will take a bus to and from the tournament in Eau Claire. Be sure to take everything you need with you on the bus, we will NOT be coming back into the school when we return
Have a plan to be picked up at the end of the night. We will likely return around 8:00 from Eau Claire. (Consider also making a plan to contact home when we leave or are close to home so parents know exactly when to arrive!)
Forensics is not a spectator sport, parents and family will have a time to see you shine on family night towards the end of the season
Be sure to bring any materials you need with you on the day of the tournament! Scripts, visuals, notecards, etc.
Tournament Date Reminders
Thursday, Jan. 30th Eau Claire invitational, leave school at 2:40 (dismiss at 2:30) return around 7:30-8pm Thursday, Feb. 6th Level I Tournament @ Assumption, pickup at Assumption around 6-6:30 Saturday, Feb. 15th High school meet at Durand MSHS, we perform but do not compete against the high school. 7:45am-3:30pm Monday, Feb. 24th Family Night: Durand 5pm-6:30pm in Middle School Cafeteria Thursday, Feb. 27th Level II Tournament @ Assumption, pickup at Assumption around 6-6:30
For covering part of the cost of Dr. Patchin's presentation!
Our middle schoolers will be listening to Dr. Justin Patchin next Thursday: 6th & 7th graders will hear his informative presentation from 1:15-2:00; 8th graders from 3:00-3:30. A parent night that evening at Caddie Woodlawn is open to everyone.
BADLANDS SNOW-TUBING - 8th Grade Quarter Trip
Badlands Snow-Tubing, located in Hudson, WI, is going on their 53nd season! Spread out over 25 acres with 7 completely separate hills including several of the steepest, tallest, and longest in the country, it is a great place to spend a winter day! The D-A 8th Graders will spend all day January 23rd at Badlands enjoying the scenic area and some thrilling rides all while making great memories!
- Bring gloves, hats, coats, snow pants, water bottles and sunscreen
- Bring a lunch or let your Panther Time Teacher know if you need one ordered
- Badlands accepts both cash and card
This month's Target Time focus is COMMITMENT & COURAGE. Mrs. Sabelko shares more information in this week's letter, and you can follow TILL360 on YouTube.
As we begin the second semester our middle school staff and I are excited to welcome the students back who are now getting closer to the grade they will be promoted to next year. For our eighth graders this means completing middle school and going to high school. This week the eighth grade students will be meeting with Mr. Nelson and Mr. Trudeau during Target Time to receive their registration materials for high school registration and walk through the process. This is very exciting for all of our students and we are here to help each step of the way.
This week I would like to celebrate:
Miranda Kelch and Rhylin Bauer for earning first and second place, respectively, at the Pepin County Conservation Speaking Contest held on Friday, January 17, 2025. Miranda will be advancing to speak at the West Central Area competition on Thursday, January 30, 2025.
Our team of 20 Middle School Forensics students who are preparing and going to their first competition on Thursday, January 30, 2025.
The middle school students who are participating in the FFA Speaking Contest on Monday, January 27, 2025.
Our middle school athletes who are continuing to practice and perform as strong Panthers!
This week all grades and behavior strikes reset and it is a great time to set new goals for the quarter and second semester. Please take time to review grades and attendance records with your students as this helps them to be informed too. During our two day professional development staff had an opportunity to create or update classroom behavior matrices that are posted outside of each classroom door, as well as in the classroom. All teachers are reviewing the expectations with all students. When students successfully meet the behavioral expectations it earns trust and opportunities to participate in the quarterly incentive activities, quarter three we will be taking students who earn the opportunity to the Science Museum of Minnesota on March 11, 2025 for the day, with an omni theater show! This will definitely be one all students will want to earn and attend.
Important Upcoming Events:
- Wednesday, January 22, 2025 First Day of Quarter Three & Semester Two
- Thursday, January 23, 2025 8th Grade to Badlands for 2nd Quarter Positive Behavior Opportunity 8:05am-3:15pm
- Friday, January 24, 2025 7th Grade to Bowling Menomonie, WI 11am-3pm & 6th Grade “Big Screen Movie” Experience (At School)
- Monday, February 10, 2025 No School
- Tuesday, March 11, 2025 Quarter Three Incentive Trip-Science Museum of Minnesota & Omni Theater Experience
- Friday, March 14, 2025 Student-Family-Teacher Conferences
- Monday April 7, 2025-Friday, April 11, 2025 Wisconsin Forward Testing Week-Middle School
- Tuesday, May 27, 2025 6th & 7th Grade Strawberry Social Band & Choir Concert In the Park
- Wednesday, May 28, 2025 8th Grade Promotion
- Thursday, May 29, 2025 Students Last Day of School
Thank you for all you continually do to support our students and school!
Warm Regards,
Mrs. Sarah Sabelko