Upper Dublin In Review
Legislative Briefs - March 2024
Upper Dublin Board of School Directors
Mr. Jeffrey Wallack, President, Mr. Mark Sirota, Vice President
Ms. Jenna Evans, Mr. John Held, Ms. Jennifer Iannitti, Ms. Alima Redding, Ms. Titia Scherpbier, Dr. Mary Beth Thomas, Mr. Stu Warshawer
Call to Order - Mr. Jeffrey Wallack, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
President's Welcome - Mr. Wallack welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Student Government Association Report - Anthony Soriano provided his report of happenings at Upper Dublin High School. CLICK HERE to read the full report. Additionally, Anthony introduced the newly appointed Student Representative to the Board, Isabelle Fishman. Isabelle is to begin in May 2024.
Superintendent's Report - Dr. Laurie Smith, Superintendent, provided her Superintendent's Report which included information on upcoming Comprehensive Planning with anticipated presentation to the Board in early 2025, official notice of LEED GOLD certification at Sandy Run Middle School, Music in Our Schools concerts, and spring break. Additionally, she welcomed the newly appointed Student Representative to the Board, Isabelle Fishman.
Public Participation - This opportunity for public participation is for action items and presentations included on the agenda only. Public participation included the following topics:
- MiniThon;
- Contract for transportation center traffic study; and
- Welcome to the new student representative.
Minutes - The February 26, 2024 legislative meeting minutes were approved by the Board.
Education Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- Revision to the District school year calendar for 2024-2025 (change to graduation date);
- Student activities; and
- Professional development conferences.
Finance Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- Routine matters - Treasurer's Report, the list of bill payments, and budgetary transfers;
- Professional Services agreement with Traffic, Planning, and Design, Inc. to conduct a traffic study related to the proposed transportation facility;
- An agreement with Montgomery County Department of Public Safety to conduct a physical safety assessment of District buildings;
- A professional services agreement for communications services;
- An amendment to the agreement with Advanced Protection Company for security services;
- Transfer to Capital Reserve Fund; and
- One (1) settlement stipulation.
Personnel Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- Personnel Report inclusive of appointments, resignations, retirements, leaves of absence, and extracurriculars; and
- One (1) independent contract.
Policy Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following second readings:
- Facilities Planning (701);
- Gifts, Grants, and Bequests (702);
- Recognition of Contributions to the School Community (Naming Rights) (702.1);
- Maintenance (704); and
- Property Records (706).
The Board affirmed the following first readings of policies:
- Authority and Powers (Board Operating Guideline 002);
- Functions (Board Operating Guideline 003);
- Student Records (216);
- Homeschool Education (137);
- Extracurricular Participation by Homeschooled Students (137.1);
- Co-Curricular Participation by Homeschooled Students (137.2);
- Career and Technical Education Participation by Homeschooled Students (137.3); and
- Classroom Observations (907.1).
- The Board nominated Ms. Titia Scherpbier to serve on the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit (MCIU) Board of Directors with a term beginning July 1, 2024.
Solicitor's Report - Mr. Diasio reported that the Board met in executive session on March 18, 2024 prior to the legislative meeting to discuss the Act 93 agreement and a confidential student matter.
Public Participation - This opportunity for public participation is for any topic. The topics included:
- Proposed transportation facility location;
- Traffic study; and
- Post Prom Event.
Comments from the Board and/or Superintendent - The Board and Superintendent commented on the following:
- Traffic study;
- Post Prom;
- Winning Cards Casino Night (a UDEF fundraiser) ; and
- Spring break.
The following informational items were included on the agenda:
- Enrollment Report;
- Liaison Committee Reports;
- Monthly committee meeting approved minutes; and
- Schedule of upcoming meetings. *Please note the legislative meeting for April is rescheduled for Monday, April 29th.
Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.