Weekly Newsletter

Hello Morris Families & Guardians,
It was wonderful connecting with families during last week’s parent conferences and book fair. Your involvement in your child’s education is truly invaluable, and we are so grateful for the time, commitment, and partnership you bring in supporting their success.
Veterans Day Parade
Veteran's Day is on Monday, November 11th and there is no school for students as it is a day to celebrate the men and women who have served our country. The staff and students at Morris Elementary would like to celebrate our local Veterans with a special Veteran's Wave Parade on Friday, November 8th at 9:30 AM! Students will line West Street and give our local Veterans a wave and a cheer to thank them for their service. If you know a local Veteran, please feel free to share information on this special event. Students should dress in red, white and blue. Please see the information on the flyer below. THANK YOU Veterans!
🔍 School Improvement Plan
Learn more about our goals and strategies for the year! Click here to read this year's School Improvement Plan.
Attendance Reminder
If your child is going to be absent due to illness or any other reason, please make sure to notify the school office at 413-637-5570 . It's important for us to maintain accurate attendance records and ensure your child’s safety.
News from the Lenox Library
Greetings from the Library! On Saturday, November 9 at 2:00 p.m., we will host a pre-release screening of the documentary film Banned Together, the first completed feature film to cover book banning, censorship, and students’ fight for intellectual freedom, particularly in relation to the rights of marginalized students in the United States.
This program is free and open to the public, and will take place in the Lenox Town Hall Auditorium, located at 6 Walker Street, Lenox. A Q&A with director Kate Way will follow the screening.
Katherine O’Neil, MLIS
Director (she/her)
Lenox Library
18 Main Street
Lenox, MA 01240
413-637-0197 Library
413-551-2776 Office
Calendar items
- 11/8 Veterans Day Parade
- 11/11 Veterans Day - No School
- 11/12 Wellness Committee Meeting 4:00 p.m. LMMHS
- PTO Meeting 6:30 p.m.
- 11/13 Grades Close Trimester One
- 11/21 Friendsgiving Feast
- 11/ 22 Report Cards Go Home
- 11/25 No School for Students - Professional Development for Staff
- 11/26 No School for Students - Professional Development for Staff
- 11/27 through 29 No School for Students - Thanksgiving Break
- 12/10 PTO Meeting 6:30 p.m.
- 12/ 25 - 1/1 No School for students holiday break
- 1/9 Winter Concert
Some photos from our costume day! Fun was had by all staff and students.