Weekly Family Newsletter
Burns Park Elementary
From the Principals
Sunday, March 10th, 2024
Happy Ramadan!
This week marks the start of Ramadan. Ramadan, the holy month of fasting, is a very important month for Muslims, followers of the Islamic faith. Every evening this month at 7:37PM, Iftar takes place - the meal eaten after sunset during Ramadan. Eid Al Fitr is celebrated at the end of Ramadan - a culminating event with prayer, family and food. Happy Ramadan to all those that celebrate!
With the official start of spring right around the corner, we want to send a friendly reminder that students should continue dressing for the weather - rain, sun and cold!
Report cards will be sent home next Friday, March 22nd. You will receive them via email from Principal Bullock. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Mark your calendars! April 13th is a great day to check out the PTO Thrift shop as a portion of all sales goes to Burns Park Elementary!
See ya tomorrow!
Peace & Love,
Principals Bullock & Miller
New News from Burns Park
March is Reading Month
March is Reading Month
Throughout the month, students will enjoy picture books that will travel the building and rotate through the classes. We’re calling this the “You’ve Been Book’d” program. All of these books support our “Wild About Reading” theme.
The AAPS Elementary Library Department has created a digital calendar of daily activities for students and families as well. Here is a link. It is also posted on Clever in Ms. Erdstein’s teacher page.
Students will show their love for the written word, during our annual Read-a-thon on Friday, March 22nd. As is our tradition, students read or are read to for the entire afternoon. We are looking for volunteers to read to our youngest students this afternoon from around 12:30 – 2. If you would like to sign up to help, click on this SignUp Genius link . Continuing another tradition, it is pajama day! This event is always a highlight of the month.
Many thanks to Ellen Delonis and Michelle Ding for their tireless work on the March is Reading Month committee!
-- Rachel Erdstein, School Librarian
Middle School Math Testing Out
Please take a look at the Middle School Math Testing Out Website for helpful information. Standards that will be tested are linked to the website, and information describing the testing process. A video is also linked at the bottom of the page with information about middle school acceleration in AAPS. DreamBox is a helpful tool for strengthening skills in math and working beyond a student's current course placement.
From the PTO
Hello BPE PTO Families,
We hope everyone had a great 25th week of school. Our next PTO meeting will be this week on Wednesday, March 13 at 7pm via Zoom.
Our students are READY to move - help them record the laps they run or walk during their lunch recess on Monday, Wednesday & Friday by volunteering as a coach. Many of the students will be using Walk & Talk to train for the upcoming Burns Park Run (May 5). It is an easy way for you as parents/grandparents/caregivers to get involved and support our students. Join us for the lunch hour and help these penguins soar!
Bret, John & Kathy
Walk & Talk Co-Chairs
Yearbooks On Sale NOW!
Order your Burns Park Yearbook by Friday, March 22! Yearbooks are $17. Visit inter-state.com/order and enter code 83135W to order online or return the form sent home to the BP Office with cash/check payable to Burns Park Elementary School. Lost the form? Send an envelope with the cash/check and your students name and teacher’s name.
You can also donate a book to a Penguin in need! Donations must be made separately. For online orders type "Donate Book" instead of a student's name. For cash/check orders send a separate envelope to school with "Donated Book" on the envelope.
Questions? Contact yearbook@bpepto.org.
Yearbook Pictures Needed!
Upload photos here. Simply select the down arrow and find the folder for your grade or the special. Each grade has its own folder with subfolders for parties and field trips. All the specials’ classes, lunch/recess and all-school events have their own folders. Please tag the photos with the classroom teacher name and topic. For example, “Hane Lansing Field Trip” or “McMath Halloween.”
Names of the students pictured are not required but a label/tag naming the activity is needed. The administration provides us a list of students not to include, so we will remove those students accordingly. Photographs of activities not affiliated with Burns Park Elementary, such as Ann Arbor Rec & Ed Soccer should not be included.
Have questions? Contact us at yearbook@bpepto.org. Please do not email us photographs – it’s easier to upload them here.
Open Volunteer Opportunities – School Wide
Fundraising: We’re looking for people who enjoy fundraising and seeking sponsors to join our PTO fundraising team! PTO Development Coordinator Rachel Ufer is looking to train our next generation of BP development coordinators! Interested? Contact info@bpepto.org to learn more.
Burns Park 100th Anniversary Committee: We’re working with the BP administrators and school staff to plan celebrations in honor of Burns Park Elementary’s 100th Anniversary! We need enthusiastic planners to help lead the efforts. Interested? Contact info@bpepto.org to learn more.
Open Volunteer Opportunities – Class Wide
Library Helper: Volunteer to meet your child’s class during Media class and help Ms. Erdstein. Brochure, and Signup Genius link
Art Angels: Volunteer to meet your child’s class during Art class and help Ms. Conner. Brochure, and Signup Genius link.
Your Burns Park PTO,
Al Masias, President
Kory Zhao, President-Elect
Save The Dates
March 22nd
Report Cards Sent Home via Email
School Wide Read-a-Thon
School Wide Pajama Day
March 25th - March 29th
Spring Break
April 13th
Burns Park PTO Day
Information from Previous Newsletters
Background Checks for Volunteers
General Information
Leslee Bullock, Principal, jonesl@aaps.k12.mi.us
Heather Miller, Assistant Principal, hooppaw@aaps.k12.mi.us
Meghan Nollen, Office Professional, nollenm@aaps.k12.mi.usChristina Spiller, Office Professional, spillerc@aaps.k12.mi.us
Email: burnspark@aaps.k12.mi.us
Website: a2schools.org/burnspark
Location: 1414 Wells Street, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Phone: 734-994-1919