Excellence in Action!
May 2024
Superintendent's Message
Good afternnoon, ACS Families!
I hope this newletter finds you and your family ready to wrap up another successful school year soon. It is hard to believe that the Class of 2024 graduates in 27 days! As Central Office is attached to the high school, I have had the privilege of watching the seniors grow from children (back at AMS in 5th grade) into exceptional young adults. You must be so proud of their accomplishments! Six outstanding seniors- Lydia LaCavera, Grace Laura, Jerry Schurig, Cameron Bourdeau, Andrea Frederick, and Montserrat Coronel- are pictured here at the BWAC Luncheon. Not pictured is Alyssa Twombley due to attending the HOSA Event in Traverse City; however, you will see Alyssa Twombley pictured below wearing a bronze medal awarded to her at HOSA.
Speaking of pride, you will see MANY pictures of PreK-12 students engaged in various lessons, activities, and extracurriculars in this newletter. As you know, student engagement enhances learning outcomes and retention of knowledge. Our talented teachers and staff provide enriching opportunities to meet every student's needs- academically and socially. With that being said, ACS has some VERY EXCITING NEWS to share...Orchard Primary, Almont Middle School, and Almont High School have all been awarded the Best Schools in 2024 Rankings according to the U.S. News & World Report. Although our individual schools have been recognized in years past for this presigious award, this is the first time that all three schools have been recognized in the same year! Again, this is another piece of evidence that our ACS staff and students are second to none!
Topics covered in this newsletter include:
- Retirements & Staffing Updates
- School Bond Update & Next Community Forum
- Upcoming Events/Mark Your Calendar
Enjoy the remainder of the 2023-24 school year!
-K. VonHiltmayer
Congrats to our Soon-to-Be Retirees!
Mr. Leigh Stroh- HS ELA Teacher
Years of Service: 30 years
Best Memory of Students: This is a tough one. There are so many. But I'll go with this:
Almont had a student athlete named Ryan Moss. Really good kid. I was asked to cover for Mr. Billie in the gym, and his sub plan named Moss as one of the two captains for kickball. Moss picked the five special needs students in class first and when he finally picked one of his athlete buddies sixth, that buddy came up and asked him quietly, "Why'd you pick them?". Moss, oblivious to my presence, said quietly, "That might be the only time in their life that they're ever picked first for anything." I came up behind him and patted him on the back right then. What an incredible thing for a 17 year old kid to consider. I've retold that story a hundred times since, as evidence that Almont kids are just plain better. I've seen lots of examples of that.
Best Memory of Staff: Another tough one -- so I have to combine them: Food. The great unifier.
Being held captive in Dean Sousanis' van as he drove like a maniac to Charlie Brown's to make up for the fact that he had eaten my bag lunch every day that week (the longest 2 minute ride of my life), Billie-burgers at Ron's house, dinner with Don Davenport, Liz and her food trucks, ice cream or coffee bars, staff luncheons in the bus garage, Almont bakery's shared custard donut masterpieces, the provided or staff bring-a-dish shared meals, bringing in chili for Finton or eating the chili he made for me, Roza's pizza at the countless coaches meetings, Shifty's smoked goodies or fresh beaver meat... When we break bread together our roles as colleagues disappear and our human-ness comes forward in laughter and personal connections, in smiles and the growing recognition that we can make through all of this, if we can just lean on each other a little from time to time.
Retirement Plans:The first days of retirement will be spent trying to learn how to relax again. A little time in the sun. In the pool. Throwing the ball around with my sons. In the garage wrenching on my favorite project. I might even be able to sit still or catch some z's in a hammock. Cliche as that sounds, that sure does sound good right now.
Mr. Ritchie Feys- OP P.E. Teacher
Years of Service: 27 Years
Best Memory with Students: Not one particular moment with students, but the opportunity to come to the Orchard Primary to work with the hardest working staff in the district. What they do with the youngest students in this district is beyond amazing.
Best Memory with Staff: My best memory is the original elementary gang at the old building. Lunchtime with Tracy Tappen, Angie Ferman, Joe Tocco, Alex Maier, and Kim Tencza. I am pretty certain that group solved many of the world’s problems.
Retirement Plans: Retirement consists of tents, bounce houses, and relaxing in the Florida sun every winter.
Mrs. Tracy Tappen- AMS 5th Grade Teacher
Years of Service: 25 years
Best Memory with Students: I don't just have one; however, any day that my students were excited to learn and able to grasp a difficult concept was a wonderful day. I am very proud of all of the students I have had the pleasure of teaching throughout my career. I truly aimed at creating a classroom family, and I hope they know that I truly cared for them.
Best Memory with Staff: The best memory that I have with my staff is when three of us elementary teachers were pregnant with our first child at the same time. We all had boys (within two months apart), and they have now all graduated from Almont Comm Schools. Throughout our teaching, we were able to relate to various milestones, lean on each other for advice and tips, and now we are able to share out about our children's college experiences.
I'd also like to thank the entire ACS Staff. I have worked with some extraordinary administrators and several teachers during my time at Almont Elementary School and Almont Middle School. I can't express how much I appreciate your guidance, love, and support throughout my 25 years of teaching. I also had the pleasure to have some phenomenal "switching teachers" and 5th grade team members. Their patience, expertise, and dedication made the craft of teaching so enjoyable. You all will be lifelong friends!
Retirement Plans: I am hoping to spend the first few days of my retirement enjoying Michigan's beautiful summer weather and sunsets. I am looking forward to spending time with my family, catching up on some outdoor projects, enjoying evening bonfires, and visiting my parents who live up north.
Mrs. Laurie Crawford- AMS Paraprofessional
Best Memory with Students: I love when you realize the students are getting what you are teaching them. I love when they are sooo proud of what they are accomplishing in their growth. Also, I love the way they have no filter on what they are thinking and what comes out of their mouths.
Best Memory with Staff: The lifelong friends I have made at Almont and how everyone works together in the best interest of the student. I will never forget all of the Wonder Park students. They were always fun!
Retirement Plans: I will spend the first part of my retirement with my new grandson. Also, it will be nice to spend time with my husband (Barry) and family. Thanks for all of the great memories!
Mrs. Teresa Deneweth- District Testing Coordinator
Years of Service: 22 years
Best Memory with Students: A few memories include: getting a thank you note (still have it up in my office) from a fifth grade student (Jacob Hausman), seeing students' aha moments, and seeing the pride in a student when they feel they tested well.
Best Memory with Staff: Too many to mention...but always feeling like we have each other's backs and that we do the best we can to support and take care of each other. I will miss seeing friends made at Almont Schools every day.
Retirement Plans: My first days will be with my family. Relaxing with my husband. Not trying to get things done in a weekend only. Getting up late without worrying about what has to be done that day. Being able to spend multiple days with my grandchildren and children. Doing more with my brothers and sisters. Seeing friends more often. Traveling whenever we want to.
NEW ACS Staff!
Administrator of Finance
Please welcome Mrs. Kathleen (Kathy) Merrifield aboard! Kathy has 40+ years of experience in finance/accounting in the corporate world. She will be a true asset to our district!
District Testing Coordinator
Please welcome Mrs. Alice Gryspeerd! Alice is a retired teacher with 20+ years of teaching experience. Alice is excited to work with students in a different but impactful capacity. We are very excited to have her on our team!
Quick School Bond Update & Next Community Forum
Thank you to our ACS families! Your continued support of our schools is greatly appreciated. Our students perform at some of the highest levels across the state and one of the reasons is because of the strong partnership with you. You play a key role in the Almont Advantage!
Healthy partnerships and positive relationships rely on good communication and feedback loops. Over the past several months, we have been listening to our families and community members. As a learning institution, we have taken many of your suggestions and we remain committed to being good stewards of taxpayer dollars.
We have reshaped our request and identified a school bond proposal that allows the district to address critical needs. Our focus is:
· Integrating recent feedback into our bond proposals to address the educational needs of our students.
· Ensuring the safety of our students, teachers, and staff with the best security technology and protocols.
· Developing a strategy that allows for well-maintained facilities that are updated to provide a flexible, robust educational environment while seeking efficiencies in time and cost.
We are committed to incorporating what we’ve learned to meet the needs of our students while laying the foundation for generations to come. The next scheduled Community Forum is on Tuesday, June 4th at 6:30 PM in the AHS Auditorium. Hope to see you there!
Thank you for your partnership!
Student Engagement & Learning at OP!
AMS Students continue to ROCK their Education!
AHS Students Embracing the Learning Experience!
Engagement & Talent Beyond the Classroom!
- 5-6-24 ACS Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week!
- 5-7-24 4th Grade Recorder Concert @ 6:00 in AMS Gym
- 5-8-24 ACS Safety Committee Meeting @ 6:30 PM in AHS Media Center
- 5-9-24 ACS Parent/Steering Committee Meeing @ 6:30 PM in the AHS Media Center
- 5-10-24 OP Color Run Fundraiser @ 5:00 PM
- 5-11-24 AHS Prom at Boulder Pointe in Oxford @ 6:00 PM
- 5-14-24 Board of Education Work Session @ 6:00 PM
- 5-14-24 AHS Choir Concert @ 7:00 PM in AHS Auditorium (Grades 8-12)
- 5-14-24 AHS Band Concert @ 8:00 PM in AHS Auditorium (Grades 8-12)
- 5-15-24 AHS Senior Awards @ 6:30 PM in AHS Auditorium
- 5-20-24 Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00 PM in AHS Auditorium
- 5-21-24 (Porter) Preschool Graduation (AM) @ 7:00 PM in AMS Cafeteria
- 5-21-24 AMS Spring Choir Concert @ 7:00 PM in AHS Auditorium
- 5-22-24 Baccalaureate @ 7:00 PM in AHS Auditorium
- 5-22-24 (Porter) Preschool Graduation (PM) @ 7:00 PM in AMS Cafeteria
- 5-23-24 5th Grade Science Fair @ 5:30 PM in AMS Media Center
- 5-24-24 AHS Awards for Grades 9-11 @ 12:30 PM in AHS Auditorium
- 5-27-24 Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL
- 5-29-24 AMS Band Concert @ 7:00 PM in AMS Gym
- 5-30-24 AMS Steppin' Up Night @ 6:00 PM
- 6-2-24 Graduation @ 5:00 PM on Football Field (Note: in AHS Gym if raining)
- 6-4-24 8th Grade Awards Ceremony @ 12:30 PM in AHS Auditorium
- 6-4-24 Community Forum (School Bond Proposal) @ 6:30 PM in AHS Auditorium
- 6-5 thru 6-7 AHS Exams
- 6-5-24 8th Grade Field Trip to CJ Barrymore's (during school day)
- 6-6-24 8th Grade Celebration @ 4:00 PM in AHS Gym
- 6-7-24 Last/Half Day of School