Northeastern York School District
Bobcat eNews - Back to School Edition
Welcome Back to School Fellow Bobcats!
Welcome back students and families!! it is our absolute pleasure to welcome each and every one of you back for a new and exciting school year. Whether you are returning or joining us for the first time, we are thrilled to have you as part of our school community.
This year promises to be filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and discovery. Our dedicated teachers and staff have been working hard to prepare an engaging and supportive environment where you can thrive. We are committed to ensuring that every student feels valued, inspired, and equipped to achieve their best.
Education is not just about academics; it’s about building character, developing lifelong skills, and forming lasting relationships. We encourage you to take advantage of the numerous activities, clubs, and sports available. Get involved, make new friends, and explore new interests.
Remember, each one of you has unique talents and strengths. Embrace challenges with a positive attitude, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed. We are here to support you every step of the way.
Welcome back, and let’s have an amazing year!
Dr. Jason Bottiglieri, Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Melissa Sica, Assistant Superintendent
New Visitor Management System
Keeping our Bobcats safe and secure is of the utmost of importance. If you are planning to visit one of our school buildings, please be aware that you will need to present your Photo ID each time you visit in order to enter the building. Thank you, in advance, for your understanding of this very important safety measure.
2024-2025 School Instructional Calendar
Helpful links to help you navigate the beginning of the school year.
Click here to check your students' class schedule, bus schedule, and important forms you can complete now.
Middle school and high school families will also be able to get Schoology parent codes in Sapphire so you can sign in and follow along with all of the building announcements and your students' grades and assignments.
Don't have a Parent Portal account yet? Follow these instructions; go to this link, at the bottom of the page click "apply for Sapphire Community Portal Account" and enter the district keyword, 2Cprogress. After you complete the application your portal will be approved within 48 hours and you will receive a confirmation email. Any questions, contact David Ankney at ankneyd@nebobcats.org
Click HERE for information about Free or Reduced Meals
Click HERE to learn more about the Child Nutrition Department.
Skip the cash or check! Make paying for lunch easy and secure!
Visit MySchoolBucks.com to create your FREE account and conveniently add funds online.
Free Breakfast for Students!
Breakfast will be free for all students for the 2024-2025 school year. We look forward to serving our Bobcats!
New Student Registration
EL Family Support
On Wednesday, August 14th, our families whose primary language is not English are invited to our Middle School anytime between 9am-12:00pm and, again, between 1pm-3pm to receive support from various services. Help will be provided to complete meal applications, sign up for Google Classroom/Schoology/Sapphire/My School Bucks, or to simply register your student. Maria DeJesus will be also available to offer her support as our Bilingual Family Liaison during this event. Hot dogs and snacks will be provided.
Communication Pathways
Communication pathways are attached below as a downloadable pdf file. Generally, questions and/or concerns can be answered and addressed in steps 1 or 2; however, additional steps are listed if needed. If you questions are not answered and/or your concerns are not addressed after the final step (in most cases the Superintendent), the final step is to contact the Board of School Directors.
District Contact Information
District Contact Information is attached below as a downloadable pdf file. This file provides the direct contact information for our schools and various offices across the district. Directing questions and/or concerns to the appropriate person(s) encourages greater collaboration and streamlines the process of answering questions, alleviating concerns, and ensuring that you have the correct information. Please use this document after identifying who the first contacted individual should be based on the Communication Pathway document provided above.
Fall Sports start on Monday, August 12, 2024!
Interested student-athletes should contact the respective coach using the list below.
Golf - Mike Drenchko mgdjr@comcast.net
Girls Tennis-Tim Law tlaw5111@gmail.com
Football-Kirby Brubaker brubakerk@nebobcats.org
Field Hockey-Kenidy Freels kkubitz5@gmail.com
Girls Soccer-Diana Sprenkle sprenkled@nebobcats.org
Boys Soccer-Eric Shoemaker nesdsoccer@gmail.com
Cross-Country-Pete Lobianco/Michelle Peters lobiancop@nebobcats.org; petersm@nebobcats.org
Girls Volleyball-Bill Hahn wfh109@hotmail.com
Jr. High Football-James Scharf scharfj@nebobcats.org
Jr. High Cross Country-Devin Ulsh/Breanna Kaiser ulshd@nebobcats.org; brekaiser7@gmail.com
Jr. High Field Hockey-Bethany Gamber gamberb@nebobcats.org
Optimizing Sports Performance
The Northeastern Athletic Department will be hosting Dr. Abbie Kelley from OSS, who will be presenting "Optimizing Sports Performance", on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 6:30pm-8pm in the Northeastern High School Auditorium. The presentation will cover eating disorders, nutrition, and other topics. This presentation is free and open to the public.