Welcome Back
Upcoming Dates to Remember
- The 2023/2024 School Year starts Thursday, August 31, 2023! It is a full day of school!
- School is CLOSED Monday, September 4, 2023 for Labor Day.
- Back to School Night is Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 6:30 pm.
- Picture Day is Thursday, September 14, 2023. to pre-order log onto mylifetouch.com and use Picture Day ID: EVTWZDWNJ
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast and lunch are offered daily. The cost for breakfast is $1.95 and lunch is $3.10. Our Food Service Department offers two hot entrees and one cold option for lunch every day.
We strongly encourage all families to complete the free and reduced meal application. This application determines free and reduced eligibility for the breakfast and lunch programs. Many state and federal funding sources and grants for the district are based on these applications which benefit all of our students and families. Families only need to submit one application per household. Free and reduced lunch applications may be completed electronically online through the Realtime Parent Portal. In addition, your child will receive a hard copy application on the first day of school. Applications are also available on the school website at the following page: Food Service/Free or Reduced Meal Program Application (folsomschool.org).
The School Age Child Care (SACC) Program will be available on the first day of school in the morning and afternoon. Students registered for the SACC program can be signed into the program beginning at 6:30 am. Program prices have been updated for the 2023-2024 school year and are available on the website.
Please contact Mrs. Michele Hetzel at (609)561-8666 ext. 120 for further information about the SACC program.