Organization of Adult Alumni and Students in Service
Our Mission
The mission of OAASIS is to link students and alumni to individuals and organizations
involved in adult and community education, to address common and shared goals, to
spearhead statewide efforts in encouraging individuals to meet their potential and excel in
lifelong learning, and to inspire others to advocate for adult education and family literacy.
- Student Recruitment
- Retention
- Orientation Support
- Fundraising Efforts
- Statewide Survey
- Voter Education
- Community Outreach
- Peer Tutoring
- Scholarships
- Memberships
- Leadership Events
OAASIS Team Members understand the needs of students because they are all current or former adult education students themselves. Team Members represent students at the local level by contributing at their adult education site. Many assist with student orientations and student retention, organize community outreach projects, offer peer mentoring, student organization activities, fundraisers for scholarships, and so much more! Team Members advocate and bring awareness to adult education statewide by organizing events, such as their annual Legislative Dinner, to give students the opportunity to share their stories with legislators from their districts.
OAASIS 11th Annual Legislative Meet and Greet
The Annual OAASIS Legislative Meet and Greet was hosted by Senator Eric Buckson. This was the first time back at Legislative Hall since 2019. The atmosphere in the room was electric. Students were excited and eager to share the importance of Adult Education in our State and what it means to them personally.
The Meet and Greet is a gathering of Adult Education students throughout the state. It's a casual atmosphere where the students and legislators can talk about the importance of Adult Education and the impact it has had on their lives. A box lunch is prepared for the attendees to enjoy as they listen to the various student testimonials. Senators and Representatives are also given the opportunity to speak with the students.
This was Senator Bucksons first time hosting the event, and he was in awe of what he was witnessed. He was so excited that he invited the OAASIS Team down to the Senate Floor where he presented each of them with a Senate pin. OAASIS Team Lead, Chanteea Harmon, was able to share her personal journey through Adult Education and also talk about what OAASIS does.
Thank you to all who attended!
Senator Eric Buckson
OAASIS Team Members on the Senate Floor With Senator Buckson
OAASIS Team Lead with State Director Maureen Whelan and State Association Director Joanne Chandler
Delaware's Inaugural National Education Honor Society Induction Ceremony
This year's OAASIS Hall of Fame recipient was Meghan Jane Allen from the Sussex Center. Meghan was a graduate from the class of 2014 and is now a teacher for the Indian River School District.
Enjoying Breakfast.
OAASIS Team Members Chanteea Harmon, and Joyce Warrington drawing a raffle ticket winners.
Keynote Speaker, Donnie Stevens and Sussex Tech student, Suhady Wright.
Student Inductees patiently waiting their turn.
Senator Buckson congratulating Polytech student, Kamaui Sudler.
DCDAL student, DeSahwn Bratten, getting pinned by our State Director, Maureen Whelan.
OAASIS Cookbook Fundraiser
Adult Family Education & Family Literacy
In Celebration of the Adult Education and Family Literacy Week, OAASIS committed to a year-long project of creating, selling, and distributing their very own cookbook. The funds earned through the sale of this publication will go toward the support of adult education students and alumni through educational scholarships and leadership activities.
Cookbooks are $5 each and can be purchased at any of our James H. Groves programs or OAASIS events. Checks and Money Orders should be made payable to DAACE, INC. Online payments will be charged $6. To make an online payment visit the link below.
Journey To Success
Pledge Your Support for Adult Education
Adult education transforms lives, strengthens communities, and boosts our economy. By signing the Educate & Elevate America Pledge, you are taking a stand for millions of adults who seek to improve their literacy and numeracy, gain new skills, and achieve their educational goals
Meet and Greet
Legislative Dinner
Become a Member
- Participate in student activities and leadership events
- Network with other students and alumni just like you!
- Subscribe to Delaware's adult education student newsletter
- Participate in community outreach and fundraising opportunities
- Scholarships available for alumni and graduating adult education students
Complete the OAASIS membership form below!
Please use the links below to navigate to the websites of local programs and organizations to services, supports and other resources.
Education Links
DE Dept. of Adult Education Information - https://www.doe.k12.de.us/domain/164
Adult Education Program Locations - https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/2927
James H. Groves Adult High School https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/2930
Adult Education and GED® - https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/2927
Delaware Technical Community College (DTCC) - https://www.dtcc.edu/
Delaware State University - https://www.desu.edu/
Wilmington University - https://www.wilmu.edu/
Social Service Links
Delaware Social Service Links - https://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/
Delaware Social Services for People with Disabilities and Other Impairments - https://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/main/disabil.htm
Disability Assistance with a Focus on Employment - https://labor.delaware.gov/divisions/dvr//
FY25 OAASIS Survey Links
Groves/ABE/GED Survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TRYWXHS
ESL/English Survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/R5Q9WX9
ESL Creole Survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TRWLCWP
OAASIS 2024 National Adult Education Honor Society Inductees
*Remember that students and their parents are responsible for paying what they can-- financial aid is a supplement, not a substitute, for family resources
FAFSA - Federal Financial Aid - https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa
Delaware Office of Higher Education - https://www.doe.k12.de.us/Page/316
SEED Scholarship - https://www.dtcc.edu/admissions-financial-aid/financial-aid-scholarships/types-aid/seed
Delaware Scholarship Compendium - https://scholarships.delawarestudentsuccess.org/
Organization of Adult Alumni and Students in Service - (OAASIS)
Paypal Donation Link
Email: Beverly.Houston@ace.k12.de.us
Website: oaasis.org
Location: 516 West Loockerman Street, Dover, DE, USA
Phone: (302) 739-5559
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OAASISDE/
OAASIS Staff, Volunteers and Supporters
OAASIS proudly serves the following adult education centers
Appoquinimink - Christina - DCDAL - New Castle County Vo-Tech - Polytech - Red Clay - Sussex Tech