DRE Weekly News
September 9, 2024

DRE Weekly News: September 9, 2024
Special Area Schedule
Monday - 5
Tuesday - Day 1
Wednesday - Day 2
Thursday - Day 3
Friday - Day 4
Each new school year brings opportunities for academic growth and growth in all areas of development. Although children must be knowledgeable when they graduate, they must also be healthy, engaged, responsible, and caring people.
We’re grateful you’re here at our school and we’re excited to partner with you and your child. As a Leader in Me School, we believe that every member of your family has greatness and we can’t wait to learn and grow from you! Leader in Me (LiM) is an evidence-based, comprehensive school-improvement model—developed in partnership with educators and FranklinCovey—that empowers students with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in a global community.
Our school has chosen to operate through a uniquely different lens. Leader in Me is about empowering your child to reach their full potential while ultimately finding their voice. As a school, the staff in this building have made five core commitments to your child. We call these our Core Paradigms. In these paradigms you will find the belief and way we view all students. At this school we see that:
• Everyone is a leader.
• Everyone has genius.
• Change starts with me.
• We empower students to lead their own learning.
• Educators and families partner to develop the whole person.
Not only do these paradigms apply to your student, they apply to all of us!
Leader in Me provides our school with the vision and language to lead the school in a way that addresses all areas of development. As each child discovers and develops their unique gifts and talents, they are given opportunities to lead.
As leaders, they become active, engaged partners in their own education, and their self-confidence, responsibility, and initiative grows. The children quickly understand the benefits of different gifts and talents; they learn to listen to new ideas, work together to achieve results, and motivate one another to be the best.
We hope your school enjoys sharing these new opportunities. Together, we will see each child grow throughout the year.
Measurable Results Survey
This September, the WSD will administer a Measurable Results Assessment (MRA) survey to families, students, and staff. This survey helps us identify areas where we can improve and track our school's overall progress. By understanding your perspectives on leadership, culture, and academics, we can better address specific needs and opportunities to enhance student success.
Parents and families: Our DRE personalized survey link is available below and is active September 1-September 30.
Students: The survey will be administered at school, September 2-September 30.
Staff: A survey link will be sent via the staff newsletter or administered at a staff meeting/PD day.
The District will administer the MRA survey twice this year (once this month and again in April). Starting next year, the WSD will only administer it once annually in April to measure year-to-year progress.
While we may conduct smaller surveys for planning purposes throughout the school year, the MRA is our district’s primary focus and channel for feedback. We value your input and appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey.
Learn more about this survey and its purpose here.
Reading Success Plans
Reading Success Plans are required by Missouri legislation (Section 167.645, RSMo) for identifying students who have a substantial reading deficiency or are at risk for reading difficulties as early as possible. Once identified, teachers and reading interventionists can provide instructional support targeted to student needs, to monitor student progress and adjust instruction as needed. We are required by the state to collect and submit RSP data every February, beginning in the 23-24 school year and continuing this year.
This fall, teachers and reading interventionists will be conducting reading assessments with all students. These assessments help us plan lessons and identify students who might benefit from extra reading support. In addition, our building reading specialists will work with small groups of students. These flexible groupings are not the same as Reading Intervention, families will be contacted directly by their child's teacher if he/she qualifies for Reading Intervention.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your child's classroom teacher.
With our transition to Focus, we've heard from families that they're not receiving emails, either because they're going to spam or because they're not being delivered at all. This is due to the multiple email domains that are used based on the type of communication. For example, mass emails and individual communications come from different addresses.
We are working with the Focus Support team to address this issue and ensure families receive all district communications. Here are some steps that can be taken by our families:
- Mark the emails as "Not Spam"
- Adjust spam filters with their email provider or email application
- Emails will be delivered from the following email domains
Additionally, we are working to simplify this process by using a single email domain for all district communications sent through Focus. We expect this to be implemented within the next 2-3 weeks.
Community Agency Presentations
Dear Discovery Ridge Elementary Family,
Throughout the duration of the academic year, the Wentzville School District partners with community agencies that specialize in providing students, families, and educators with preventative education. Agency presenters are credentialed, coordinated through the District, and under the supervision of building administrators. Presentation topics are targeted toward specific grade levels. All students will participate in each program unless you choose to opt your child out of the lesson(s). If you are interested in opting your student(s) out of the presentation(s), please click the appropriate link(s) below.
If you have additional questions, please reach out directly to your student’s guidance counselor.
Thank you,
Mrs. Kelly Stratman, Principal
Dr. Lindsay Burkemper, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Stacy Browning, K-2 Counselor
Mrs. Jane Douglas, 3-5 Counselor
Mrs. Sarah Holcomb, Education Support Counselor
Important Dates
Patriot Day- Wear your Red, White and Blue or Patriotic Clothing
WSD Special Board of Education Meeting, 5 p.m.
DRE PTO 1st Quarter Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
Late Start Day, Arrival Begins at 10:20 a.m., AM bus routes pick up 2-hours later
No School, Staff Professional Development Day
PTO Mom's Night Out at The Barn at Lavender Hill, 5 p.m.
MRA Family Survey Closes
Breakfast & Lunch This Week
Preschool: 12:00-12:30
Kindergarten: 11:15-11:35
First Grade: 11:25-11:45
Second Grade: 10:50-11:10
Third Grade: 12:40-1:00
Fourth Grade: 12:15-12:35
Fifth Grade: 11:50-12:10
Recess follows lunch for all students, PreK-5th Grade
On Wednesday, September 11th we invite all students and staff to wear Red, White, and Blue or Patriotic Clothing to honor the lives lost on 9/11/01. In addition, each grade level will assemble around our Flag Pole on this day to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. We are proud to have our students stand together in remembrance.
Give back to our wonderful community by donating a new pair of socks during the month of October.
You can drop them off in a donation basket at DRE located next to the cafeteria.
All donations will help benefit The Christmas Shoppe Program at Morningstar Church.
Attendance In the Early Grades
DRE Summer MyPath Challenge
Thank you to everyone who participated in the DRE Summer MyPath Challenge for Reading and Math!! We are working to calculate all the minutes and lessons now and hope to announce our winners soon! We are so proud of all of our STARS who kept learning and growing this summer!!
Pedal the Cause
Five school districts in St. Charles County are collaborating with Pedal the Cause to fight cancer. Pedal the Cause is offering a $10 registration discount for students who attend one of the St. Charles County schools. Learn more.
Parent Teacher Organization 'PTO' News
Please consider partnering with our school by joining PTO! Our Parent Teacher Organization supports our school community in many ways, made possible by YOU! Each family membership is $10 annually.
We're excited to welcome the return of Room Parents at DRE! This process will be organized through PTO. More information will be coming home soon. Please add our first meeting to your calendars, Wednesday, September 11, at 6 p.m. in our DRE library.
Many thanks once again for the generosity of DRE friends and families for our Fall 2023 fundraiser allowing us to install two shade canopies on the playground.
September 11
PTO Meeting at 6 p.m. in the Library: These are held just 4 times each year. This is our first quarter meeting. We hope you can join us!
September 27
Mom's Night Out The Barn at Lavender HIll
Welcome Signs
New families if you still have your DRE welcome sign, please drop it off at the front office. We will need them for next year to welcome more new families to our amazing school!
-Thank you,
Morning Arrival Reminders
Please help your children arrive no sooner than 8:20 a.m. when arriving as bike riders or walkers. All students in the car rider line are expected to remain in their cars and not wait by the doors until the morning arrival bell rings.
If you are parking and walking your child to the main entrance, please be sure to use a crosswalk. Students are not to be dropped off on Sommers Road or from within the parking lot.
Daily Sign In and Sign Out
When your child arrives after the start of the school day, they need to be signed in by an adult in the office. When signing our child out early, please do your best to arrive no later than 3:15 p.m. to allow us to properly notify your child's teacher and have your child ready for early dismissal.
PM Transportation Changes
Please include Kelly Griffin and Jessica Carpenter for any change in your child's dismissal. If your child attends Chautauqua and they will not be attending, please remember to notify Chautauqua and the office of their dismissal change. We want to make sure all students are dismissed and arrive home safely!
Student Walkers-Bike Riders
If your child is ineligible for a bus and will be dismissed as a walker or bike rider, we will dismiss as two separate groups: students who live north of DRE (gym side of school) and students who live south of DRE (playground side of school). We ask that parents wait at the corner of the property for each side. We will not walk students across the exits and entrances of the parking. Each side has a bike rack and crosswalk supervised by school staff.
Walkers and bike riders should use the sidewalk along the fence on the gym side or walk through the grass along the fence on the playground side on each side for morning arrival. Please do not cross the parking lot entrances and exits. We are unable to staff the new City of O'Fallon crosswalk. As a family, if you choose to walk with your child using this crosswalk, you may walk with them through the parking lot, however, students are only permitted when walking independently to walk alongside the north and south entrances along the white fences.
Please refrain from reporting your child as a walker and parking in nearby neighborhoods to pick them up.
The safety of your children and our staff remains our highest priority!
Building Visitors
All visitors entering during school hours are required to present government-issued identification. All district buildings utilize Raptor for screening guests before entry. There are events across the year that allow us to preregister guests (Booster-thon, Assemblies, Field Day, etc.). Be sure to stop by the office to scan your ID into our Raptor system for advanced registration this school year.