Sunday Scoop with the Supe
January 7, 2024
News and Notes from the VPSS Central Office
From the desk of the Superintendent Tommy Byler
As I get prepared to return and begin year 33 in public education, I can't help but to get that anxious feeling that comes upon every return from the Christmas/Winter break. When I started my school teaching journey in January of 1992 as a young college kid at Rayne High School I didn't know any better and was just excited and nervous to begin the journey. Today, as I begin year 33, I return looking at things a little different and with a little more stress, but still with the excitement and nervousness that comes with the calling of education.
Each January brings a period of time where we have three areas that come together and battle for our time and a requires a delicate balance to make sure we are properly giving time to each.
For me, along with the rest of the central office staff, January is about looking at what we have accomplished, looking at areas we are a little behind and an honest reflection of the merits of our work for the first semester.
January is also the time that we look the remainder of the 23-24 school year and figure out what are the next steps to completing tasks, preparing our students for mandated state testing, and coordinate all the things that come with the second half of the year.
Finally, for the central office, January is also the kickoff month for us to begin preparations for the 24-25 school year that seems far away, but in reality gets here faster than we know it.
So as you can see, January is a time to look back, face what's ahead, and look ahead for the future all at the same time. A delicate balance and challenge, but one that I look forward too. Here's to year 33 for me and to 2024 for the Vermilion Parish School System. I thank you in advance for being supportive of our system and for trusting in me to lead the way on this journey.
Your Partner in Education,
Superintendent Tommy Byler
Important Dates for the remainder of 23-24
- JANUARY 2024
- 9th - Students Return for Second Semester
- 12th - Second Nine Weeks Report Cards
- 15th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
- 5th - Virtual Learning Day - (K-3 Do not report to campus)
- 7th - Third Nine Weeks Progress Reports
- 12th-16th - Mardi Gras Break - NO SCHOOL
- MARCH 2024
- 12th - School Based ACT Testing Begins
- 15th - End of Third Nine Weeks
- 15th - Vermilion Parish 5th Grade Physical Fitness Meet
- 22nd - Third Nine Weeks Report Cards
- 29th - Easter Break - NO SCHOOL
- APRIL 2024
- 1st- 5th - Easter Break - NO SCHOOL
- 16th - Leap Testing Begins - More Specifics Released at a later date.
- 29th - Virtual Learning Day - (K-3 Students do not report to campus)
- MAY 2024
- 6th - Senior Final Exams Begin
- 16th - Gueydan High Graduation
- 17th - Kaplan High and Abbeville High Graduation
- 18th - Erath High and North Vermilion High Graduation
- 24th - Student Last Day of 23-24 School Year
NOTE: This is just a broad overview of the remainder of the year. Each week more specific details are given about parish-wide dates. Please check out your individual school calendars by going on to the school website or by downloading the FREE Vermilion Parish School Board App.