Comet Express
August 23rd
What an exciting, fun-filled week!! Thank you to all our families who came out for the back-to-school night. We had such an awesome turnout. Also, a huge shoutout to our PTO for our fun shorts and shades event- our students and staff enjoyed the frozen treats. If you have not placed your order for your student's class shirt please make sure to do that as soon as you can.
Morning Arrival
At this time we ask that all parents walk students to the front door and then let them enter the building on their own. We want to start installing independence in all our students and ensure the safety of all students. If your child is having a rough morning or would like to walk with someone we have several staff who would be happy to walk studnets in. Starting Monday any parents who do enter the building will need to stop in the front office to check in.
Important Dates:
Aug 30. 1/2 day for students - 12:10 Dismissal
Sept 2 & 3 - No school for students
Sept. 4- 5th Grade Field Trip – Ernie Miller 9:00-2:00
Sept 5. School Pictures
Sept. 13- Walk a Thon 12:00- 3:00
Sept 20- Kindergarten Apple Day 2:45-3:45
Sept. 25- 4th Grade Careers on Wheels 9:00-12:00
Sept 27- PTO Carnival 5:30 - 7:30
Very Important
The safety and security of all our students is our number one priority. To ensure our students are dismissed appropriately you MUST let our office know if you are altering your child's dismissal plan. You can call 913-780-7360 or email All changes must be made by 3:30PM. If such communication is not made your child will go home as indicated by their teacher
Shorts & Shades
Comet Chorus
Vision & Hearing Screenings
Vision screenings will be conducted starting Monday, August 26th and continue throughout the months of September and October for students in Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grades as well as students in 4th grade who are new to the district. Hearing screenings for the same group of students will take place on Thursday, September 26th. You will be contacted by the school nurse if your student does not pass either of their screenings. Please contact Nurse Carla at with any questions or concerns regarding these screenings. We need a few parent volunteers to help hearing screenings run smoothly. If you are interested in helping on the morning of September 26th, please contact Nurse Carla.
New this year - Personal Electronic Device Policy
In Olathe Public Schools, we are committed to having an environment in all schools that is conducive to learning – an environment free from unnecessary distractions and that promotes the responsible use of technology by all individuals. Personal electronic devices (i.e. cell phones, smartwatches, earbuds, headphones, etc.) can hinder or disrupt student learning.
At the August 1, 2024 regular Board of Education meeting, the Board approved Policy JTC – Personal Electronic Devices, providing standard districtwide guidance around the use of personal electronic devices during the instructional day.
Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, early childhood through eighth-grade students cannot use their personal electronic devices, including smartwatches, during the scheduled school day. To read the full policy, click here.
We recognize that in today’s digital world, personal electronic devices are a part of our everyday life, and as such, we want to be clear that while they are prohibited during the instructional day, students can have personal electronic devices in their backpacks or lockers and may use personal electronic devices during the scheduled school day in emergency situations, lockdowns, or if necessary for the student’s physical health.
If a parent or guardian needs to contact their student during the school day, please call the main office. Our phone number is 913-780-7360.
We understand this change may bring questions or concerns. Click here for a list of frequently asked questions.
To ensure there are no disruptions to our learning environment please be familiar with our action steps below:
OPS Cellphone/ Smartwatch Offenses
1st Offense:
- A staff member will ask the student to turn off the device and place the device their backpack
- Parents will be notified of this offense by the classroom teacher.
2nd Offense:
- A staff member will ask the student to turn off the device and the device will be sent to the principal’s office
- The device will be held in the administrator's office till the end of the day. The device will be returned to the student before leaving the building.
- Parents will be notified of this offense by the classroom teacher.
3rd Offense:
- A staff member will ask the student to turn off the device and the device will be sent to the principal’s office
- The school administrator will contact the parent/ guardian. The device will be held in the office until a parent or guardian can come up to the building to retrieve the device.
Therapy Dog
Cedar Creek’s Therapy Dog Shadow will be coming back to school this year after Labor Day! Shadow is a 7-year-old Australian Shepherd mix who loves kids and is so excited be back with the CCE family! She passed her Canine Good Citizen certification, proving that she can handle a variety of people and environments.
If your child has an allergy to dogs/fear of dogs/another concern, please complete the attached Google Form. Please fill out the form by Friday, August 30th
Therapy Dog Benefits
- Reduces anxiety
- Decreases heart rate
- Increases clarity and expression of speech
- Increases motor activity
- Makes people happy
How she will be used
- Available to all CCE students
- Able to greet students in the mornings
- Attend many counselor lessons with Mrs. Owings
- Reading buddy for students
- Able to assist anxious students in coming to school
- Able to help regulate students who are sad, angry, or anxious
- Provide opportunities for students to take on responsibility in helping care for Shadow
- 5th Grade student leader jobs
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
We are still looking for volunteers. If you’re interested in a committee please sign up below!
Want to help open lunch boxes, milk containers, food packages and capri suns? Maybe you want to hang with your kiddo for a bit during lunch? If so, please check out the signup genius to volunteer to help in the lunchroom this August!
Walk A Thon
PTO’s biggest fundraiser of the year is here! We can’t wait to get started! Our website kickoff will be August 30! We will have fun incentives to earn! Did you know that the money raised at walk-a-thon goes towards field trips, teacher appreciation, school wide events, school supplies, and more?! Be on the look out for more details to come soon! We can’t wait to make it our biggest year yet!
Scan here or use this link to join the cce private Facebook group.