Bronco *GREAT* News c/o 2026
11th grade Recognition Edition- Spring Semester 2024
Recognizing Bronco Excellence in the 11th Grade!
Special Teacher Recognition
Eden Scales
From Ms. Lineweaver: Eden brightens every room she enters, and it's not just due to her amazingly purple hair. She takes the time to approach my desk before class every morning to say hello and ask how I'm doing. She is extremely bright but also kind, creative and 100% engaged 100% of the time. How lucky am I to have her as a student?
JD Smith Seade
From Doc Weinstock-Mehl: JD entered Northgate at the end of first semester. He quickly adjusted, made lots of friends, and became one of the most adored collaborators in class. JD is so down to earth and quite interactive, truly a joy.
Samara Spijker
From Ms. Selinger: Samara has a vivid writer's voice and she is passionate about her beliefs!
Spring Semester Honor Roll
Congratulations to these 11th grade students for their academic achievement second semester-
with GPA's of 3.5-3.74, they have made the honor roll!
Special Teacher Recognition
Molly Stryker
from Mrs. Dillon: I'm so grateful to Molly for always raising her hand and willing to jump into the various skits, readings, and other silliness I attempt in class sometimes. Her excitement and readiness are always welcome!
From Mr. Durazo: Molly has been doing GREAT in my PE class!! Her participation, effort, sportsmanship & working well with others is GREATLY appreciated!! Keep up the EXCELLENT work!!
Gianna Veis
Fron Ms. Selinger: Gianna is always motivated to succeed and is a natural-born historian. She makes it look so easy and is always ready to collaborate and contribute to the class!
Jordan Woo
From Mr. Garcia Leiva: Jordan has a lot of responsibility being the only Tuba player in the bands, and I want to recognize the hard work and dedication that he brings to class everyday and in everything he does. He is gentle and kind with his classmates, always finds a positive way to give feedback and help his band mates out, and even on days when he doesn't feel 100%, he still gives 100%. I admire his character and his enthusiasm for music, and his joyful energy makes a difference in the classroom.
Avanti Morucci
From Mrs. Dillon: Avanti is a great example to the class! He is inquisitive, always has a kind and positive attitude and is a friend to all.
Lucy Ekberg
From Mrs. Dillon: Lucy's enthusiasm and engaging contribution to class discussions is so appreciated. Thanks Lucy for always being ready with an answer in class and always having a positive attitude!
Joshua Berrett
From Mrs. Dillon: Josh's leadership, consistent effort, and valuable contributions are very much appreciated! Thanks Josh for always being a positive example!
Second Semester Academic High Honors
Congratulations to these 11th grade students for their outstanding academic achievement
Spring 2024 semester, making the high honors list with GPA's of 3.75-3.99.
Special Teacher Recognition
Ajay Awasti
From Mr. Horne: He is dedicated inside of and outside of the classroom, is a positive role model for others, and is active in the community.
Panteha Bazyar
From Ms. Selinger: Panteha is an excellent writer! She is tenacious and thinks critically! I feel lucky to be her teacher.
Naret Candanosa
From Ms. Cacciamani: For showing interest in science beyond our classroom, asking insightful questions, and researching compelling scientific topics.
Special Teacher Recognition
Keren 'Denise' Castillo Perez
Keren transferred here mid 3rd quarter from Guatemala. She currently has the highest grade in the class. But more importantly, she is kind, engaged, curious, creative and so much fun to be around. She's excited to work on assignments, fixed my crocheted John Steinduck animal, participated in the Northgate yard sale, and has simply added so much to the community with her presence since arriving here only a few months ago. I <3 Denise.
Natasha Cohen
From Mrs. Dillon: Natasha is a great historian and is always ready for class. Her contributions and enthusiasm in class are noted and appreciated, especially because she is always spot on!
Ethan Cunningham
From Ms. Selinger: Ethan is hard working, humble, and kind. I feel lucky to have had him as a student this year!
Special Teacher Recognition
Dimitri Bazulin
From Mr. Horne: He is dedicated inside of and outside of the classroom, is a positive role model for others, and is active in the community.
Joy Deniston
From Ms. Selinger: I appreciate Joy's diligence and writing! I feel lucky to have had Joy as a student this year!
Zuhair Faruki
From Mr. Horne: He is dedicated inside of and outside of the classroom, is a positive role model for others, and is active in the community.
Principal's List
Congratulations to these 11th grade students for crushing their spring semester, with GPA's of 4.0 and above.
Special Teacher Recognition
Cameron Vitale
From Ms. Selinger: Cameron's writing is detailed and insightful; she reads closely and critically. She is also a collaborative worker.
Emma Wang
From Ms. Selinger: Emma works hard! She is kind and responsible and I feel luck to have had her as a student this year!
Masa Yee
From Mr. Woerner: Great job taking initiative with the IICCTW Group Project!
Luke Galloway
From Ms. Wullenweber: Most improved student of the year. Was helping other students with their geometry this year because he understood geometry!
Mashuqua Haqiqat
From Ms. Cacciamani: For persistence in learning while overcoming a language barrier, all while keeping a smile and a kind & friendly demeanour.
Abigail Howarter
From Doc Weinstock-Mehl: Abigail approaches me almost daily and asks how my weekend was or how I'm feeling. She is a delightful mix of friendliness, compassion, and authenticity, a true caring young adult.
Academic Persistence Award
Persistence Award
This goes to students who have improved their GPA from Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 by .5 or more, whether they are adding AP and Honors courses to their schedule, raising their game, or absolutely crushing it- these students have all seen a big jump, and that only comes with hard work, perseverance, and yes- persistence.
Special Teacher Recognition
Jonah Isaacs
From Ms. Cacciamani: For crushing it this semester!
Robyn Khaund
From Mr. Garcia-Leiva: Robyn is always working hard to improve and push her knowledge and skills to the next level. She has been practicing a lot, and getting better, stepped up and been a shining star with the solos she's been taking.
Sophia Lopez
from Ms. Lineweaver: Sophia has always gone above and beyond in my sophomore English class. She is hard-working and always engaged in every assignment. She is kind to all of her classmates and her presence makes my classroom a better place to learn.
Northgate Academic Honors
Northgate Academic Honors Students who earn a 3.5 or better each semester are celebrated in a progressive honor system, through their senior year. *Spring semester of senior year is not included due to timing
The tiers are as follows:
1 semester- Certificate of Accomplishment
2 semesters- Certificate of Commendation
3 semesters- Academic Letter- this is a tackle twill letter, similar to a Varsity letter for athletics- students who earn this achievement may select to purchase the letter for $10, and will be awarded a certificate as well.
4 semesters- Certificate of Academic Achievement
5 semesters- Certificate of Academic Excellence
6 Semesters- Certificate of Distinction
7 semesters- Northgate Academic Honors Cord to be worn at Graduation
Special Teacher Recognition
Aikhan Mamedov
From Ms. Selinger: Aikhan always participates and he is a joy to talk to! I challenge him and he absolutely steps up to the challenge. I am lucky to have him as a student this year!
Mia Meriam
From Mr. Durazo: Mia has been doing GREAT in my PE class!! Her participation, effort, sportsmanship & working well with others is GREATLY appreciated!! Keep up the EXCELLENT work!!
Avanti Morucci
From Mrs. Dillon: Avanti is a great example to the class! He is inquisitive, always has a kind and positive attitude and is a friend to all.
Recipients of the academic letter can purchase a tackle twill letter from the ASB Webstore or at the treasurer's office.
Special Teacher Recognition
Nicole Popov Spektor
From Ms. Selinger: Nicole is a wonderful class participator and I appreciate her leadership qualities!
Hannah Rennette
From Ms. Wullenweber: Most likely to be doing her best! Whether it is school work or dancing, Hannah is giving 100% effort into everything she does!
Enzo Sbarro
From Ms. Selinger: Enzo is the type of person to do kind things when no one is looking. He holds the door for others and he is always compassionate to his peers. He is a diligent student and I appreciate his hard work.
Northgate awarded US News & World Report Top Ranking- 9th Year Straight
Northgate High School
Email: cooperk@mdusd.org
Website: northgatehighschool.org
Location: 425 Castle Rock Rd, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Phone: 925 938-0900
Twitter: @northgatehs
Instagram: @northgatehs